
170 lines
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2014-12-12 09:35:14 -08:00
require 'sidekiq/web'
2014-08-01 02:23:47 -07:00
Rails.application.routes.draw do
2017-03-31 13:38:23 -07:00
start =
2014-12-04 22:02:23 -08:00
# Routes only accessible by admins (admin panels, sidekiq, pghero)
authenticate :user, ->(user) { user.has_role?(:administrator) } do
# Admin panel
mount RailsAdmin::Engine => "/justask_admin", as: "rails_admin"
2014-12-12 09:35:14 -08:00
mount Sidekiq::Web, at: "/sidekiq"
mount PgHero::Engine, at: "/pghero", as: "pghero"
2020-04-19 14:58:47 -07:00
match "/admin/announcements", to: "announcement#index", via: :get, as: :announcement_index
match "/admin/announcements", to: "announcement#create", via: :post, as: :announcement_create
match "/admin/announcements/new", to: "announcement#new", via: :get, as: :announcement_new
match "/admin/announcements/:id/edit", to: "announcement#edit", via: :get, as: :announcement_edit
match "/admin/announcements/:id", to: "announcement#update", via: :patch, as: :announcement_update
match "/admin/announcements/:id", to: "announcement#destroy", via: :delete, as: :announcement_destroy
2014-12-12 09:35:14 -08:00
# Routes only accessible by moderators (moderation panel)
authenticate :user, ->(user) { user.mod? } do
2022-06-23 14:35:33 -07:00
match '/moderation/unmask', to: 'moderation#toggle_unmask', via: :post, as: :moderation_toggle_unmask
2015-07-23 10:38:42 -07:00
match '/moderation/priority(/:user_id)', to: 'moderation#priority', via: :get, as: :moderation_priority
match '/moderation/ip/:user_id', to: 'moderation#ip', via: :get, as: :moderation_ip
2014-12-28 16:25:48 -08:00
match '/moderation(/:type)', to: 'moderation#index', via: :get, as: :moderation, defaults: {type: 'all'}
match '/moderation/inbox/:user', to: 'moderation/inbox#index', via: :get, as: :mod_inbox_index
2014-12-28 14:26:16 -08:00
namespace :ajax do
2014-12-28 15:21:06 -08:00
match '/mod/destroy_report', to: 'moderation#destroy_report', via: :post, as: :mod_destroy_report
2014-12-28 15:50:14 -08:00
match '/mod/create_comment', to: 'moderation#create_comment', via: :post, as: :mod_create_comment
match '/mod/destroy_comment', to: 'moderation#destroy_comment', via: :post, as: :mod_destroy_comment
match '/mod/create_vote', to: 'moderation#vote', via: :post, as: :mod_create_vote
2014-12-28 14:26:16 -08:00
match '/mod/destroy_vote', to: 'moderation#destroy_vote', via: :post, as: :mod_destroy_vote
2015-02-03 08:48:30 -08:00
match '/mod/privilege', to: 'moderation#privilege', via: :post, as: :mod_privilege
match '/mod/ban', to: 'moderation#ban', via: :post, as: :mod_ban
2014-12-28 14:26:16 -08:00
2014-08-01 02:47:25 -07:00
root 'static#index'
2014-08-01 02:23:47 -07:00
2014-08-01 02:47:25 -07:00
match '/about', to: 'static#about', via: 'get'
2015-01-16 13:36:39 -08:00
match '/privacy', to: 'static#privacy_policy', via: 'get', as: :privacy_policy
2015-01-16 14:16:28 -08:00
match '/terms', to: 'static#terms', via: 'get', as: :terms
2021-12-30 08:58:15 -08:00
match '/linkfilter', to: 'static#linkfilter', via: 'get', as: :linkfilter
2014-11-02 08:58:27 -08:00
# Devise routes
devise_for :users, path: 'user', skip: [:sessions, :registrations]
as :user do
# :sessions
2020-10-23 12:00:06 -07:00
get 'sign_in' => 'user/sessions#new', as: :new_user_session
2020-10-18 01:39:46 -07:00
post 'sign_in' => 'user/sessions#create', as: :user_session
2014-11-02 08:58:27 -08:00
delete 'sign_out' => 'devise/sessions#destroy', as: :destroy_user_session
# :registrations
get 'settings/delete_account' => 'devise/registrations#cancel', as: :cancel_user_registration
2020-05-22 13:29:22 -07:00
post '/user/create' => 'user/registrations#create', as: :user_registration
2014-11-02 08:58:27 -08:00
get '/sign_up' => 'devise/registrations#new', as: :new_user_registration
get '/settings/account' => 'devise/registrations#edit', as: :edit_user_registration
2014-11-03 04:21:41 -08:00
patch '/settings/account' => 'devise/registrations#update', as: :update_user_registration
2014-11-02 08:58:27 -08:00
put '/settings/account' => 'devise/registrations#update'
delete '/settings/account' => 'user/registrations#destroy'
2014-11-02 08:58:27 -08:00
namespace :settings do
get :theme, to: redirect('/settings/theme/edit')
resource :theme, controller: :theme, only: %i[edit update destroy]
get :profile, to: redirect('/settings/profile/edit')
resource :profile, controller: :profile, only: %i[edit update]
resource :profile_picture, controller: :profile_picture, only: %i[update]
get :privacy, to: redirect('/settings/privacy/edit')
resource :privacy, controller: :privacy, only: %i[edit update]
get :export, to: 'export#index'
post :export, to: 'export#create'
get :muted, to: 'mutes#index'
get :blocks, to: 'blocks#index'
namespace :two_factor_authentication do
get :otp_authentication, to: 'otp_authentication#index'
patch :otp_authentication, to: 'otp_authentication#update'
delete :otp_authentication, to: 'otp_authentication#destroy'
match 'otp_authentication/reset', to: 'otp_authentication#reset', via: :delete
resolve('Theme') { [:settings_theme] } # to make link_to/form_for work nicely when passing a `Theme` object to it, see also:
resolve('Profile') { [:settings_profile] }
match '/settings/blocks', to: 'user#edit_blocks', via: :get, as: :edit_user_blocks
2020-10-18 01:39:46 -07:00
2014-12-12 12:43:09 -08:00
# resources :services, only: [:index, :destroy]
match '/settings/services', to: 'services#index', via: 'get', as: :services
match '/settings/services/:id', to: 'services#update', via: 'patch', as: :update_service
2014-12-12 12:43:09 -08:00
match '/settings/services/:id', to: 'services#destroy', via: 'delete', as: :service
controller :services do
scope "/auth", as: "auth" do
get ':provider/callback' => :create
get :failure
2015-06-20 11:38:07 -07:00
match '/settings/data', to: 'user#data', via: :get, as: :user_data
namespace :ajax do
match '/ask', to: 'question#create', via: :post, as: :ask
2015-04-25 18:36:25 -07:00
match '/destroy_question', to: 'question#destroy', via: :post, as: :destroy_question
2014-12-09 14:21:41 -08:00
match '/generate_question', to: 'inbox#create', via: :post, as: :generate_question
match '/delete_inbox', to: 'inbox#remove', via: :post, as: :delete_inbox
match '/delete_all_inbox', to: 'inbox#remove_all', via: :post, as: :delete_all_inbox
match '/delete_all_inbox/:author', to: 'inbox#remove_all_author', via: :post, as: :delete_all_author
match '/answer', to: 'answer#create', via: :post, as: :answer
2014-11-26 08:05:46 -08:00
match '/destroy_answer', to: 'answer#destroy', via: :post, as: :destroy_answer
match '/create_relationship', to: 'relationship#create', via: :post, as: :create_relationship
match '/destroy_relationship', to: 'relationship#destroy', via: :post, as: :destroy_relationship
2014-11-30 11:31:22 -08:00
match '/create_smile', to: 'smile#create', via: :post, as: :create_smile
match '/destroy_smile', to: 'smile#destroy', via: :post, as: :destroy_smile
match '/create_comment_smile', to: 'smile#create_comment', via: :post, as: :create_comment_smile
match '/destroy_comment_smile', to: 'smile#destroy_comment', via: :post, as: :destroy_comment_smile
2014-12-07 05:29:35 -08:00
match '/create_comment', to: 'comment#create', via: :post, as: :create_comment
match '/destroy_comment', to: 'comment#destroy', via: :post, as: :destroy_comment
2014-12-28 10:55:50 -08:00
match '/report', to: 'report#create', via: :post, as: :report
match '/create_list', to: 'list#create', via: :post, as: :create_list
match '/destroy_list', to: 'list#destroy', via: :post, as: :destroy_list
match '/list_membership', to: 'list#membership', via: :post, as: :list_membership
2015-04-20 18:12:11 -07:00
match '/subscribe', to: 'subscription#subscribe', via: :post, as: :subscribe_answer
match '/unsubscribe', to: 'subscription#unsubscribe', via: :post, as: :unsubscribe_answer
2021-12-22 14:15:47 -08:00
match '/mute', to: 'mute_rule#create', via: :post, as: :create_mute_rule
match '/mute/:id', to: 'mute_rule#update', via: :post, as: :update_mute_rule
match '/mute/:id', to: 'mute_rule#destroy', via: :delete, as: :delete_mute_rule
match '/block_anon', to: 'anonymous_block#create', via: :post, as: :block_anon
2022-06-14 14:30:27 -07:00
match '/block_anon/:id', to: 'anonymous_block#destroy', via: :delete, as: :unblock_anon
2014-11-03 04:21:41 -08:00
2020-04-19 04:55:13 -07:00
match '/discover', to: 'discover#index', via: :get, as: :discover
match '/public', to: 'public#index', via: :get, as: :public_timeline if APP_CONFIG.dig(:features, :public, :enabled)
match '/list/:list_name', to: 'list#index', via: :get, as: :list_timeline
2014-12-10 21:39:35 -08:00
match '/notifications(/:type)', to: 'notifications#index', via: :get, as: :notifications, defaults: {type: 'new'}
2014-12-14 06:17:52 -08:00
2014-11-10 22:10:41 -08:00
match '/inbox', to: 'inbox#show', via: 'get'
match '/inbox/:author', to: 'inbox#show', via: 'get'
2014-11-12 11:40:24 -08:00
match '/user/:username(/p/:page)', to: 'user#show', via: 'get', defaults: {page: 1}
2015-01-17 07:29:11 -08:00
match '/@:username(/p/:page)', to: 'user#show', via: 'get', as: :show_user_profile_alt, defaults: {page: 1}
match '/@:username/a/:id', to: 'answer#show', via: 'get', as: :show_user_answer_alt
match '/@:username/q/:id', to: 'question#show', via: 'get', as: :show_user_question_alt
match '/@:username/followers(/p/:page)', to: 'user#followers', via: 'get', as: :show_user_followers_alt, defaults: {page: 1}
2021-12-31 13:19:21 -08:00
match '/@:username/followings(/p/:page)', to: 'user#followings', via: 'get', as: :show_user_followings_alt, defaults: {page: 1}
2022-01-22 13:48:55 -08:00
match '/@:username/friends(/p/:page)', to: redirect('/@%{username}/followings/p/%{page}'), via: 'get', defaults: {page: 1}
2015-01-17 07:29:11 -08:00
match '/:username(/p/:page)', to: 'user#show', via: 'get', as: :show_user_profile, defaults: {page: 1}
match '/:username/a/:id', to: 'answer#show', via: 'get', as: :show_user_answer
match '/:username/q/:id', to: 'question#show', via: 'get', as: :show_user_question
match '/:username/followers(/p/:page)', to: 'user#followers', via: 'get', as: :show_user_followers, defaults: {page: 1}
2021-12-31 13:19:21 -08:00
match '/:username/followings(/p/:page)', to: 'user#followings', via: 'get', as: :show_user_followings, defaults: {page: 1}
2022-01-22 13:48:55 -08:00
match '/:username/friends(/p/:page)', to: redirect('/%{username}/followings/p/%{page}'), via: 'get', defaults: {page: 1}
2014-12-19 13:34:24 -08:00
match '/:username/questions(/p/:page)', to: 'user#questions', via: 'get', as: :show_user_questions, defaults: {page: 1}
2017-03-31 13:38:23 -07:00
match '/feedback/consent', to: 'feedback#consent', via: 'get', as: 'feedback_consent'
match '/feedback/consent/update', to: 'feedback#update', via: 'post', as: 'feedback_consent_update'
2022-01-21 15:33:37 -08:00
match '/feedback/bugs(/*any)', to: 'feedback#bugs', via: 'get', as: 'feedback_bugs'
match '/feedback/feature_requests(/*any)', to: 'feedback#features', via: 'get', as: 'feedback_features'
2022-01-21 15:33:37 -08:00
get '/.well-known/change-password', to: redirect('/settings/account')
2017-03-31 13:38:23 -07:00
puts 'processing time of routes.rb: ' + "#{( - start).round(3).to_s.ljust(5, '0')}s".light_green
2014-08-01 02:23:47 -07:00