add some missing locales

This commit is contained in:
pixeldesu 2015-06-07 23:52:03 +02:00
parent 984abbe738
commit 3a4ff794de
3 changed files with 18 additions and 12 deletions

View File

@ -26,19 +26,19 @@
- unless @user.nil?
- unless @user == current_user
%li.hidden-xs{"data-toggle" => "tooltip", "data-placement" => "bottom", title: "Manage group memberships"}
%li.hidden-xs{"data-toggle" => "tooltip", "data-placement" => "bottom", title: t('')}
%a{href: '#', data: { target: "#modal-group-memberships", toggle: :modal }}
%span.visible-xs Manage group memberships
%span.visible-xs= t('')
= render "layouts/notifications"
%li.hidden-xs{"data-toggle" => "tooltip", "data-placement" => "bottom", title: "Ask a question"}
%li.hidden-xs{"data-toggle" => "tooltip", "data-placement" => "bottom", title: t('views.actions.ask_question')}
.btn.btn-link.navbar-btn{name: "toggle-all-ask", "data-target" => "#modal-ask-followers", "data-toggle" => "modal", :type => "button"}
= render "layouts/profile"
- else
= nav_entry "Sign in", new_user_session_path
= nav_entry "Sign up", new_user_registration_path
= nav_entry t('views.sessions.create'), new_user_session_path
= nav_entry t(''), new_user_registration_path
- if user_signed_in?
= render 'shared/modal_ask_followers'

View File

@ -4,18 +4,18 @@
%button.close{"data-dismiss" => "modal", :type => "button"}
%span{"aria-hidden" => "true"} × Close
%h4#modal-ask-followers-label.modal-title Ask your followers t 'views.actions.close'
%h4#modal-ask-followers-label.modal-title= t 'views.modal.ask.title'
%textarea.form-control{:name => "qb-all-question", :placeholder => "Type your question here…"}
- if current_user.groups.count > 0
Choose group:
= t 'views.modal.ask.choose'
%select{name: 'qb-all-rcpt', class: 'form-control', autocomplete: 'off'}
%option{value: 'followers', selected: true} Followers
%option{value: 'followers', selected: true}= t('views.general.follower').pluralize(2)
%optgroup{label: 'Groups'}
- current_user.groups.each do |group|
%option{value: "grp:#{}"}= group.display_name
%button.btn.btn-default{"data-dismiss" => "modal", :type => "button"} Cancel
%button.btn.btn-primary{name: 'qb-all-ask', :type => "button", data: {loading_text: 'Asking...' }} Ask
%button.btn.btn-default{"data-dismiss" => "modal", :type => "button"}= t 'views.actions.cancel'
%button.btn.btn-primary{name: 'qb-all-ask', :type => "button", data: {loading_text: t('views.modal.ask.loading') }}= t 'views.actions.ask'

View File

@ -210,6 +210,8 @@ en:
members: "Members"
title: "Actions"
ask: "Ask"
ask_question: "Ask a question"
answer: "Answer"
options: "Options"
anonymous: "Hide your name"
@ -347,7 +349,7 @@ en:
password_confirm: "Confirm password"
password_help: "Leave this blank if you don't want to change it"
password_current: "Current password"
password_current_help: "We need your current password to confirm your changes"
delete: "Delete my account"
unsatisfied: "Unsatisfied?"
back: "Back"
@ -374,6 +376,10 @@ en:
disconnect: "Disconnect"
confirm: "Really disconnect service %{service}?"
title: "Ask your followers"
choose: "Choose group:"
loading: "Asking..."
title: "Ban Control Center"
ban: "Ban?"