diff --git a/config/initializers/questiongenerator.rb b/config/initializers/questiongenerator.rb index 2aacfa93..3ee204b0 100644 --- a/config/initializers/questiongenerator.rb +++ b/config/initializers/questiongenerator.rb @@ -1 +1,6 @@ -QuestionGenerator.compile +# frozen_string_literal: true + +Rails.application.config.to_prepare do + QuestionGenerator.question_base_path = File.expand_path("../questions", __dir__) + QuestionGenerator.compile +end diff --git a/config/questions/en.yml b/config/questions/en.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..85a8e2ac --- /dev/null +++ b/config/questions/en.yml @@ -0,0 +1,311 @@ +Do: + you: + - recycle + - have: + - a: + - nickname + - any: + - siblings + - pets + - like: + - social networks + - muffins + - video games + - the: + - city: + - or: + - country + - where you: + - live + - to: + - travel + - sing out loud when no one else is around + - want: + - old times back + - to know more: + about: + - your: + - future + - relatives + - history + - new inventions + - more: + - money + - friends + - things than you need + - think that: + - late is better than never + - prefer: + to: + - take baths or showers + your: + friends: + like: + - you: + - the way you are + - social networks + - muffins + - video games + know: + [much, too much]: + about: + - your: + - life + - hobbies + - family + - friends + - you +What: + - was: + the: + best: + - day of your life like + last: + song: + - you listened on repeat + thing: + you: + have: + - bought + - done + - eaten + your: + favourite: + song: + - as a 5 year old + - from a few weeks ago + - would: + you: + do: + if: + you: + had: + - one million dollars + - the ability to fly + were: + - a dragon + woke up: + with: + - someone else next to you + - some drawings in your face + - do: + you: + do: + - for fun + - 'on': + - the: + - weekend + like: + more,: + - dogs or cats + - shower or bath + - tea or coffee + think: + about: + - the: + - Internet + - Bad Dragon + - dragons + - '"fact" accounts' + - society + - cats + - surveillance + - coyotes + - raccoons + - foxes + - dogs + - lizards + - [activity, activities]: + do: + you: + - enjoy the most + - kind: + of: + animals: + - do you have + - habit: + do: + you: + really: + find: + cute: + - in a person + - is: + your: + - first memory + - dream job + - favourite: + - season + - video game + - board game + - sports team + - activity + - beverage + - Internet browser + - piece of music + - console + - snack + - food + - animal + - programming language: + - '' + - and why is it: + - PHP + - Rust + - C++ + - Lisp + - Pascal + - Swift + - Ruby + - website: + - '' + - and why is it: + - Reddit + - Twitter + - Facebook + - YouTube + the: + [best, worst]: + thing: + - about: + the: + - Internet + your: + - favourite: + - series + - movie + - book + - country + - hometown + - one can do: + - if: + - "they're bored" + - ever + fast: + food: + - chain + one: + - thing you would like to become better at + - was: + the: + last: + thing: + you: + - did + - ate + - looked for + [best, worst]: + thing: + - "you've eaten so far" + - languages do you know + - apps do you use daily + - 'is heavier: a kilogram of steel, or a kilogram of feathers' +Can: + you: + - swim + - speak: + - different: + - languages + - play: + - any: + - sports + - the: + - piano + - guitar + - trumpet + - saxophone + - baseball + - ski + - cook + - dance + - yodel + - draw +Are: + you: + - religious +Have: + you: + ever: + - been: + - to: + - Austria + - Germany + - Japan + - Switzerland + - France + - Sweden + - Norway + - Finland + - Australia + - Italy + - Russia + - China + - the: + - USA + - United Kingdom + - caught: + - "doing things you shouldn't do" + - cheating + - mistaken for: + - someone else + - listened to: + - classical music + - music: + - "from the 80's" + - dubstep + - nightcore + - metal + - had: + - an: + - accident + - written: + - a love letter + - code + - in Japanese +How: + has: + your: + day: + - been + old: + are: + - you + many: + - open tabs do you currently have + - followers is too many +Where: + do: + you: + - work + - live +Which: + food: + do: + you: + - love + - hate +Who: + is: + the: + - most famous person you have met + your: + - favourite: + - Retrospring user + - actor + - artist + - comedian + - musician +Why: + do: + - they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food +Would: + you: + rather: + live: + - in: + - a city or in the countryside + - a flat or in a house + lose: + - an arm or a leg + be: + - the best player on a horrible team or the worst player on a great team