diff --git a/config/locales/cs.yml b/config/locales/cs.yml deleted file mode 100644 index e68b2652..00000000 --- a/config/locales/cs.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,449 +0,0 @@ ---- -cs: - language: 'Čeština' - frontend: - load: "Načíst více" - success: - title: Úspěch! - error: - title: "Ups..." - message: "Došlo k chybě, pokud jste vývojář, zkontrolujte konzoli pro podrobnosti" - subscription: - subscribe: "Úspěšně odebíráno." - unsubscribe: "Odběr úspěšně zrušen." - fail: - subscribe: "Nepodařilo se přihlásit k odběru na odpovědi." - unsubscribe: "Nepodařilo se zrušit odběr na odpovědi." - list: - confirm: - title: "Opravdu chcete smazat tuto skupinu?" - text: "Nebudete tuto skupinu moci obnovit." - destroy_question: - confirm: - title: "Jste si jisti?" - text: "Otázka bude přesunuta zpět do schránky, ale nesmaže žádné příspěvky na sociálních médiích." - destroy_comment: - confirm: - title: "Skutečně smazat?" - text: "Nebudete tento komentář moci obnovit." - destroy_report: - confirm: - title: "Skutečně smazat?" - text: "Nebudete toto hlášení moci obnovit." - destroy_own: - confirm: - title: "Jste si jisti?" - text: "Tato otázka bude smazána." - inbox: - empty: "Nic zde není k vidění." - confirm_all: - title: "Skutečně chcete smazat %{count} otázek?" - text: "Budou navždy pryč." - confirm: - title: "Skutečně smazat?" - text: "Tato otázka bude navždy pryč." - report: - confirm: - title: "Skutečně nahlásit tento %{type}?" - text: "Moderátor posoudí vaši zprávu a rozhodne, co se stane. Pokud byste chtěli, můžete také určit důvod." - input: "Uveďte důvod..." - flash: - ban: - error: "Je mi líto, %{name}, obávám se, že to nemůžu udělat." - reason: "Důvod banu: %{reason}" - until: "Zabanovaný do: %{time}" - service: - create: - success: "Služba úspěšně přidána" - error: "Nelze přidat službu :(" - failure: "Vyskytla se chyba" - destroy: "Služba úspěšně odebrána" - user: - update: - text: "Váš profil byl aktualizován!" - avatar: " Může trvat několik minut, než se váš nový profilový obrázek zobrazí všude." - header: " Může trvat několik minut, než se váš nová hlavička profilu zobrazí všude." - error: "Vyskytla se chyba. ;_;" - update_privacy: - success: "Vaše nastavení soukromí byly aktualizovány!" - error: "Vyskytla se chyba. ;_;" - messages: - noscript: "Prosím aktivujte JavaScript." - error: "Vyskytla se chyba." - parameter_error: "%{parameter} je požadovaný." - noauth: "vyžaduje autentizaci" - answer: - create: - fail: "Otázka není ve vaší schránce." - privacy_stronk: "Tento uživatel nechce aby ostatní uživatelé odpovídali na jeho otázky." - peter_dinklage: "Odpověď je příliš krátká." - okay: "Otázka úspěšně zodpovězena." - destroy: - nopriv: "nemůžete mazat odpovědi ostatních lidí" - okay: "Odpověď úspěšně smazána." - comment: - create: - rec_inv: "Váš komentář je příliš dlhý." - okay: "Komentář úspěšně přidán." - destroy: - nopriv: "nemůžete mazat komentáře ostatních lidí" - okay: "Komentář úspěšně smazán." - friend: - create: - fail: "Již sledujete tohoto uživatele." - okay: "Používatel úspěšně sledován." - destroy: - fail: "Nesledujete tohoto uživatele." - okay: "Používatel úspěšně odsledován." - list: - create: - noname: "Prosím pojmenujte tuto skupinu." - toolong: "Jméno skupiny příliš dlhé (max. 30 znaků)" - notfound: "Nepodařilo se najít uživatele." - exists: "Skupina již existuje." - okay: "Skupina úspěšně vytvořena." - destroy: - notfound: "Nepodařilo se najít skupinu." - okay: "Skupina úspěšně smazána." - membership: - notfound: "Skupina nenalezena." - add: "Uživatel úspěšně přidán do skupiny." - remove: "Uživatel úspěšně smazán ze skupiny." - inbox: - create: - okay: "Úspěšně přidána nová otázka." - remove: - fail: "otázka není ve vaší schránce" - okay: "Otázka úspěšně smazána." - remove_all: - okay: "Otázky úspěšně smazány." - moderation: - vote: - fail: "Již jste hlasovali o tomto hlášení." - okay: "Hlasováno na hlášení úspěšně." - destroy_vote: - fail: "Ještě jste nehlasovali o tomto hlášení." - okay: "Smazán hlas na hlášení úspěšně." - destroy_report: - fail: "Stalo se něco špatného!" - okay: "KAM TO ŠLO??? ALE NE!!!" - create_comment: - rec_inv: "Váš komentář je příliš dlhý." - okay: "Komentář úspěšně přidán." - destroy_comment: - nopriv: "nemůžete mazat komentáře ostatních lidí" - okay: "Komentář úspěšně smazán." - ban: - error: Divné... - nopriv: "Nemůžete zabanovat administrátora!" - unban: "Použivatel byl unbanován." - perma: "Použivatel byl permanentně zabanovaný." - temp: "Použivatel byl zabanovaný do %{date}" - privilege: - nope: ne! - nopriv: "Zkontroluj si SVOJE výsady jako první!" - checked: "Bylo úspěšně zkontrolováno %{privilege} oprávnění tohoto uživate." - question: - destroy: - not_found: "Otázka neexistuje" - not_authorized: "Nemáte povolení smazat tuto otázku." - okay: "Otázka úspěšně smazána." - create: - rec_inv: "Vaše otázka je příliš dlhá." - not_found: "Skupina nebyla nalezena" - okay: "Otázka úspěšně zeptána." - report: - create: - login: "přihlášení povinné" - unknown: "neznámý typ" - not_found: "Nemožno najít %{parameter}" - okay: "%{parameter} je vyžadován. Moderátor rozhodne co se stane s {parameter}." - smile: - create: - fail: "Již jste se na tuto odpověď usmáli." - okay: "Odpověď úspěšně usmátá." - destroy: - fail: "Na tuto odpověď jste se ještě neusmáli." - okay: "Odpověď úspěšně zamračená." - create_comment: - fail: "Již jste se na tento komentář usmáli." - okay: "Komentář úspěšně usmátý." - destroy_comment: - fail: "Na tento komentář jste se ještě neusmáli." - okay: "Komentář úspěšně zamračený." - subscription: - torpedo: "418 jsem torpédo" - views: - placeholder: - inbox: "Napište svou odpověď zde..." - comment: "Okomentovat..." - question: "Napište svou otázku zde..." - notifications: - show: "Ukázat všechny upozornění" - mark: " a označit them jako přečtené" - answer: - body: "odpověděl na %{question} před %{time}" - question: "vaše otázka" - relationship: - body: "sleduje vás od %{time}" - smile: - body: "usmáto v %{content} před %{time}" - answer: "vaše odpověď" - comment: "váš komentář" - comment: - body: "komentoval na %{content} před %{time}" - your: "vaše odpověď" - their: "jejich odpověď" - user: "%{user} odpověď" - tabs: - all: "Všechna upozornění" - answer: "Odpovědi" - smile: "Úsměvy" - comment: Komentáře - commentsmile: "Úsměvy na Komentáře" - relationship: Sledující - inbox: - empty: "Nic zde není k vidění." - sidebar: - questions: - title: "Došli vám otázky?" - button: "Získat novou otázku" - share: - title: "Sdílet" - button: "Sdílet na %{service}u" - actions: - title: "Akce" - button: "Smazat všechny otázky" - entry: - asked: "%{user} se ptal před %{time}" - response: odpověď - sharing: - title: "Sdílení" - post: "Přidat na %{service}" - none: "Zatím nemáte váš účet připojený k žádným sociálním sítím. Navštivte vaše %{settings} pro připojení." - settings: "nastavení služby" - general: - answer: "Odpověď" - question: "Otázka" - comment: "Komentář" - smile: "Usmát" - follower: "Sledovatel" - following: "Sledující" - timeline: "Časová os" - public: "Veřejné" - user: "Uživatel" - terms: "Podmínky služby" - privacy: "Ochrana osobních údajů" - about: "O něm" - list: - title: "Skupina" - members: "Členové" - actions: - title: "Akce" - ask: "Zeptat" - ask_question: "Zeptat se" - answer: "Odpovědět" - options: "Možnosti" - anonymous: "Skrýt své jméno" - delete: "Smazat" - report: "Nahlásit" - return: "Zpět do Schránky" - subscribe: "Odebírat" - unsubscribe: "Zrušit odběr" - view: "Zobrazit úsměvy na komentář" - load: "Načíst víc" - follow: "Sledovat" - unfollow: "Nesledovat" - list: "Spravovat skupinové členství" - ban: "Správa Banů" - privilege: "Zkontrolovat výsady %{user}" - save: "Uložit změny" - cancel: "Zrušit" - close: "Zavřít" - done: "Hotovo" - y: "Ano" - n: "Ne" - sessions: - destroy: "Odhlásit" - create: "Přihlásit" - new: "Zaregistrovat" - info: "Když se registrujete, přijímáte naše %{terms}" - moderation: - tabs: - all: "Všechna hlášení" - moderationbox: - reported: "%{user} nahlásil %{content} před %{time}" - reason: "Důvod:" - view: "Zobrazit nahlášený %{content}" - question: - title: "Tato otázka nebyla ve vaší schránce? Odpovězte na ní zde!" - navigation: - timeline: "Časová os" - inbox: "Schránka" - discover: "Objevit" - notifications: "Upozornění" - show: "Zobrazit profil" - settings: "Nastavení" - admin: "Kontrolní centrum" - sidekiq: "Sidekiq" - moderation: "Moderační panel" - front: - subtitle: "Ptejte se, dávejte odpovědi a zjistěte nové věci o svých přátelích." - ask: - title: "Ptejte se a odpovídejte na otázky" - desc: "S %{app_title} můžete posílat otázky lidem a odpovídat na otázky od uživatelů. Chcete se dozvědět něco více? Povídejte o tom v komentářích!" - follow: - title: "Sledujte uživatele a buďte sledováni" - desc: "Sledování uživatel umožňuje získat personalizovaný zdroj ze všech lidí, o kterých se chcete dozvědět více. Můžete také poslat dotaz na všechny vaše následovníky najednou!" - share: - title: "Sdílení do jiných sítí" - desc: "Chcete se podělit o svou odpověď na otázku tak, že ji více lidí přečte? S jednoduchým kliknutím na tlačítko odpověď, vaše odpověď je sdílena kamkoli budete chtít!" - about: - subtitle: "O naších službách, funkcích a ostatních informacech" - links: - title: "Odkazy" - desc: "Důležité stránky a profily na sociálních médiích od %{app_title} teamu, které doporučujeme navštívit!" - opensource: - title: "Open Source" - warning: "%{app_title} běží na nedokončeném kódu, který je plný chyb. Bez záruky." - desc: "Chcete přispět? Pokud jste Ruby vývojář, TypeScript kodér nebo frontend návrhář, nyní můžete pomoci %{app_title} dostat funkce které všichni chtějí když forknete náš %{github}. Pokud to není tento případ, stále můžete hlásit chyby a žádat si o funkce v naším %{bugtracker}u." - github: "Github úložiště" - bugtracker: "bug tracker" - repository: - title: "Hlavní Repositórium" - desc: "Místo, kde se děje veškeré kódování a opravování!" - contributors: - title: "Přispěvatelé" - desc: "Tito lidé přispěli k %{app_title} zdrojovému kódu." - howto: "Chcete být uvedený zde? %{fork} a vytvořte novou žádost o Pull s vašimi změnami." - fork: "Forkujte toto úložiště" - team: - title: "Tým" - desc: "Lidé za %{app_title}em!" - moderators: - title: "Moderátoři" - desc: "Lidé na %{app_title}, kteří na vás dohlížejí!" - funding: - title: "Financování" - desc: "Lidé, kteří (dosud), darovali peníze %{app_title}u!" - statistics: - title: "Statistiky" - desc: "Statistiky pro %{app_title}, aktualizovány pokaždé, když obnovíte stránku!" - discover: - title: "Objevit" - subtitle: "Ideální místo, kde najít zajímavý obsah z minulého týdne na %{app_title}!" - content: - title: "Populární Obsah" - desc: "Odpovědi s nejvíc úsměvy a nejvíce zodpovězených dotazů" - tab: - answers: "Nejvíc Úsměvů" - questions: "Nejvíc Odpovědí" - comments: "Nejvíc kontroverzní" - people: - title: "Lidé" - desc: "Nováčci a lidé, kteří se zeptali nejvíc otázek" - tab: - new: "Noví uživatelé" - questions: "Aktivní Ptáči" - answers: "Nejvíc Odpovědí" - userbox: - new: "registroval před %{time}" - answers: "odpověděl na %{questions}" - questions: "zeptal se %{questions}" - answerbox: - asked: "%{user} se zeptal před %{time}" - read: "Zobrazit víc" - answered: "%{hide} %{user}" - hide: "Odpověděl" - time: "před %{time}" - no_smile: "Na tuto odpověď se zatím nikdo neusmál." - no_comment: "Nejsou tady zatím žádné komentáře." - commentsmile: "Lidé, kteří se na tento komentář usmáli" - questionbox: - title: "Zeptej se něco!" - banned: "Tento uživatel byl udeřen banovacím kladivem." - required: "Tento uživatel nechce, aby se ho ptali cizinci. %{signup}" - load: "Ptám se..." - promote: - message: "Tvoje otázka byla odeslána." - create: "Vytvořit účet" - another: "Zeptat se další otázku" - join: "Přidejte se k %{app_title} dnes! Budete mít možnost sledovat a ptát se lidí, které znáte a mnohem více." - settings: - tabs: - account: "Účet" - profile: "Profil" - privacy: "Soukromí" - sharing: "Sdílení" - account: - modal: - title: "Uložit změny" - username: "Uživatelské jméno" - email: "E-mailová adresa" - email_confirm: "Aktuálně čekám na potvrzení pro %{resource}" - password: "Heslo" - password_confirm: "Potvrdit heslo" - password_help: "Nechte toto prázdné, pokud to nechcete změnit" - password_current: "Aktuální heslo" - password_current_help: "Potřebujeme vaši aktuální heslo pro potvrzení změny" - delete: "Smazat můj účet" - unsatisfied: "Nespokojený?" - back: "Zpět" - profile: - displayname: "Vaše jméno" - avatar: "Profilová fotka" - avatar_adjust: "Upravte svůj nový avatar" - header: "Profilová hlavička" - header_adjust: "Upravte svoji novou hlavičku" - motivation: "Motivační hlavička" - website: "Webstránka" - location: "Umístění" - bio: "Popis" - placeholder: - motivation: "Zeptej se mě cokoliv!" - location: "Kde jste?" - bio: "Řekněte nám něco hezkého o vás!" - privacy: - anonymous: "Povolit anonymní otázky" - public: "Ukázat své odpovědi ve veřejné časové ose" - stranger: "Umožnit ostatním lidem odpovídat na vaše dotazy" - service: - enabled: "Sdílení je povoleno na těchto službách:" - none: "Nepřipojili jste ještě žádné služby." - connect: "Připojit k %{service}" - disconnect: "Odpojit" - confirm: "Skutečně odpojit službu %{service}?" - modal: - ask: - title: "Zeptej se svých sledujících:" - choose: "Vybrat skupinu:" - loading: "Ptám se..." - bancontrol: - title: "Kontrolní centro banů" - ban: "Zabanovat?" - permanent: "Permanentně?" - reason: "Důvod" - hammertime: "Hammer Time" - list: - title: "Spravovat skupinové členství" - tabs: - main: "Skupiny" - create: "Vytvořit novou skupinu" - create: "Vytvořit skupinu" - name: "Jméno skupiny" - members: "členové" - privilege: - blogger: "Uživatel dostane tuto výsadu v případě, že napsal na blogu něco hezké o Retrospringu." - contributor: "Tento uživatel přispěl k justask (softvér za Retrospringem)." - supporter: "Tento uživatel finančně podporuje Retrospring." - moderator: "Někdo dostatečně důvěryhodný na pomoc řízení hlášení." - admin: "Tento uživatel je členem jádrového týmu." - user: - follows_you: "Sleduje tě" - title: - admin: "Administrátor" - moderator: "Moderátor" - supporter: "Podporovatel" - contributor: "Přispěvatel" - blogger: "Blogger" - banned: "Zabanován" diff --git a/config/locales/de.yml b/config/locales/de.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 7a671ffe..00000000 --- a/config/locales/de.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,455 +0,0 @@ ---- -de: - language: Deutsch - frontend: - load: Mehr... - success: - title: Erfolg! - error: - title: Oh-oh... - message: "Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten, ein Entwickler sollte die Konsole nach Details überprüfen" - subscription: - subscribe: "Erfolgreich abonniert." - unsubscribe: "Erfolgreich deabonniert." - fail: - subscribe: "Das Abonnieren der Antwort schlug fehl." - unsubscribe: "Das Deabonnieren der Antwort schlug fehl." - list: - confirm: - title: "Diese Liste wirklich löschen?" - text: "Es wird nicht möglich sein, diese Liste wieder zu erhalten." - destroy_question: - confirm: - title: "Bist du sicher?" - text: "Die Frage wird wieder in dein Postfach verschoben, aber dabei werden keine Posts auf sozialen Netzwerken gelöscht!" - destroy_comment: - confirm: - title: "Wirklich löschen?" - text: "Du wirst diesen Kommentar nicht wiederherstellen können." - destroy_report: - confirm: - title: "Wirklich löschen?" - text: "Es wird nicht möglich sein diesen Report wiederherzustellen." - destroy_own: - confirm: - title: "Bist du sicher?" - text: "Diese Frage wird entfernt." - inbox: - empty: "Hier gibt es nichts zu sehen." - confirm_all: - title: "Wirklich %{count} Fragen löschen?" - text: "Sie werden für immer verloren sein." - confirm: - title: "Wirklich löschen?" - text: "Diese Frage wird für immer verloren sein." - report: - confirm: - title: "Willst du wirklich diese %{type} melden?" - text: |- - Ein Moderator wird diese Meldung überprüfen und entscheiden was passieren wird. - Wenn du möchtest, kannst du auch einen Grund angeben. - input: "Gib hier einen Grund an..." - flash: - ban: - error: "Es tut mir Leid, %{name}, aber ich kann das nicht tun." - reason: "Grund des Banns: %{reason}" - until: "Gebannt bis: %{time}" - service: - create: - success: "Erfolgreich Dienst hinzugefügt" - error: "Konnte Dienst nicht hinzufügen :(" - failure: "Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten" - destroy: "Erfolgreich Dienst entfernt" - user: - update: - text: "Dein Profil wurde aktualisiert!" - avatar: " Es kann einige Minuten dauern bis dein neues Profilbild überall angezeigt wird." - header: " Es kann einige Minuten dauern bis dein neues Kopfzeilenbild überall angezeigt wird." - error: "Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. ;_;" - update_privacy: - success: "Deine Privatsphäreeinstellungen wurden aktualisiert!" - error: "Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. ;_;" - messages: - noscript: "Bitte aktiviere JavaScript." - error: "Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten." - parameter_error: "%{parameter} wird benötigt." - noauth: "benötigt Authentifizierung" - answer: - create: - fail: "Frage ist nicht in deinem Posteingang." - privacy_stronk: "Dieser Benutzer will nicht, dass andere Benutzer seine Fragen beantworten." - peter_dinklage: "Antwort ist zu kurz." - okay: "Frage erfolgreich beantwortet." - destroy: - nopriv: "Du kannst die Antworten von anderen Benutzern nicht löschen" - okay: "Frage erfolgreich gelöscht." - comment: - create: - rec_inv: "Dein Kommentar ist zu lang." - okay: "Kommentar erfolgreich abgesendet." - destroy: - nopriv: "Du kannst nicht die Kommentare von anderen Benutzern löschen" - okay: "Kommentar erfolgreich entfernt." - friend: - create: - fail: "Du folgst diesem Benutzer schon." - okay: "Erfolgreich Benutzer gefolgt." - destroy: - fail: "Du folgst diesem Benutzer nicht." - okay: "Erfolgreich Benutzer entfolgt." - list: - create: - noname: "Bitte gib dieser Liste einen Namen." - toolong: "Listenname zu lang (maximal 30 Zeichen)" - notfound: "Konnte Benutzer nicht finden." - exists: "Liste existiert bereits." - okay: "Liste erfolgreich erstellt." - destroy: - notfound: "Konnte Liste nicht finden." - okay: "Liste erfolgreich gelöscht." - membership: - notfound: "Liste nicht gefunden." - add: "Benutzer erfolgreich zur Liste hinzugefügt." - remove: "Benutzer erfolgreich aus Liste entfernt." - inbox: - create: - okay: "Erfolgreich neue Frage hinzugefügt." - remove: - fail: "Frage ist nicht in deinem Posteingang." - okay: "Frage erfolgreich gelöscht." - remove_all: - okay: "Fragen erfolgreich gelöscht." - moderation: - vote: - fail: "Du hast bereits für diese Meldung abgestimmt." - okay: "Erfolgreich für Meldung abgestimmt." - destroy_vote: - fail: "Du hast noch nicht für diese Meldung abgestimmt." - okay: "Stimme erfolgreich von Meldung entfernt." - destroy_report: - fail: "Etwas schlechtes ist passiert!" - okay: "WO IST ES HINVERSCHWUNDEN??? OH NEIN!!!" - create_comment: - rec_inv: "Dein Kommentar ist zu lang." - okay: "Kommentar erfolgreich abgesendet." - destroy_comment: - nopriv: "Du kannst nicht die Kommentare anderer Leute löschen" - okay: "Kommentar erfolgreich gelöscht." - ban: - error: Seltsam... - nopriv: "Du kannst keinen Administrator bannen!" - unban: "Benutzer entbannt." - perma: "Benutzer permanent gebannt." - temp: "User bis zum %{date} gebannt." - privilege: - nope: nope! - nopriv: "Überprüfe lieber DEINE Privilegien zuerst!" - checked: "Erfolgreich das %{privilege}-Privileg des Benutzers gecheckt." - question: - destroy: - not_found: "Frage existiert nicht." - not_authorized: "Es ist dir nicht erlaubt diese Frage zu löschen" - okay: "Frage erfolgreich gelöscht." - create: - rec_inv: "Deine Frage ist zu lang." - not_found: "Liste nicht gefunden" - okay: "Frage erfolgreich gestellt." - report: - create: - login: "Login benötigt" - unknown: "unbekannter Typ" - not_found: "Konnte %{parameter} nicht finden" - okay: "%{parameter} gemeldet. Ein Moderator wird entscheiden, was mit {parameter} passiert." - smile: - create: - fail: "Du hast diese Antwort bereits gesmiled." - okay: "Die Antwort wurde erfolgreich gesmiled." - destroy: - fail: "Du hast diese Antwort nicht gesmiled." - okay: "Du hast erfolgreich diese Frage entsmiled." - create_comment: - fail: "Du hast diesen Kommentar bereits gesmiled." - okay: "Kommentar erfolgreich gesmiled." - destroy_comment: - fail: "Du hast diesen Kommentar nicht gesmiled." - okay: "Kommentar nicht mehr gesmiled." - subscription: - torpedo: "418 Ich bin ein Torpedo" - views: - placeholder: - inbox: "Schreibe deine Antwort hier..." - comment: Kommentar... - question: "Tippe deine Frage hier ein..." - notifications: - show: "Zeige alle Benachrichtigungen" - mark: " und markiere sie als 'gelesen'" - answer: - body: "beantwortete %{question} vor %{time}" - question: "deine Frage" - relationship: - body: "folgte dir vor %{time}" - smile: - body: "lächelt %{content} vor %{time} an" - answer: "deine Antwort" - comment: "deinen Kommentar" - comment: - body: "kommentierte %{content} vor %{time}" - your: "deine Antwort" - their: "ihre Antwort" - user: "%{user}'s Antwort" - tabs: - all: "Alle Benachrichtigungen" - answer: Antworten - smile: Smiles - comment: Kommentare - commentsmile: Kommentar-Smiles - relationship: Follower - inbox: - empty: "Es gibt hier nichts zu sehen." - sidebar: - questions: - title: "Keine Fragen mehr?" - button: "Bekomme neue Fragen" - share: - title: Teile - button: "Teile mit %{service}" - actions: - title: Aktionen - button: "Lösche alle Fragen" - entry: - asked: "%{user} fragte vor %{time}" - response: Antwort - sharing: - title: Teilen - post: "Poste zu %{service}" - none: "Du bist mit keinem Service bisher verbunden. Rufe deine %{settings} auf und verbinde dich zu einem." - settings: Service-Einstellungen - general: - answer: Antwort - question: Frage - comment: Kommentar - smile: Smile - follower: Follower - following: Folgt - timeline: Timeline - public: Öffentlich - user: Benutzer - terms: "Allgemeine Nutzungsbedingungen" - privacy: Datenschutz - about: Über - list: - title: Liste - members: Mitglieder - actions: - title: Aktionen - ask: Frag - ask_question: "Frage eine Frage" - answer: Antwort - options: Optionen - anonymous: "Verstecke deinen Namen" - delete: Löschen - report: Melden - return: "Zurück zum Eingang" - subscribe: Abonnieren - unsubscribe: Abbestellen - view: "Zeige Kommentar-Smiles" - load: Mehr... - follow: Folgen - unfollow: Entfolgen - list: "Verwalten von Listenmitgliedschaften" - ban: Bann-Steuerung - privilege: "Prüfe %{user}'s Privilegien" - save: "Änderungen speichern" - cancel: Abbrechen - close: Schließen - done: Fertig - ? "y" - : Ja - ? "n" - : Nein - sessions: - destroy: Abmelden - create: Anmelden - new: Registrieren - info: "Mit der Anmeldung akzeptierst du unsere %{terms}" - moderation: - tabs: - all: "Alle Meldungen" - moderationbox: - reported: "%{user} meldete %{content} vor %{time}" - reason: "Grund:" - view: "Zeige gemeldeten %{content}" - question: - title: "Diese Frage war nicht in deinem Eingang? Beantworte sie hier!" - navigation: - timeline: Timeline - inbox: Eingang - discover: Entdecke - notifications: Benachrichtigungen - show: "Zeige Profil" - settings: Einstellungen - admin: Kontrollzentrum - sidekiq: Sidekiq - moderation: Moderationspanel - front: - subtitle: "Stelle Fragen, gib Antworten und lerne deine Freunde besser kennen." - ask: - title: "Stelle und beantworte Fragen" - desc: "Mit %{app_title} kannst du Leuten Fragen stellen und Fragen von anderen beantworten. Egal, ob sie bei %{app_title} registriert sind oder nicht. Du möchtest mehr erfahren? Führe die Diskussion in den Kommentaren fort!" - follow: - title: "Folge Benutzern und werde gefolgt" - desc: "Durch das Folgen von Benutzer erhälst du einen personalisierten Feed von Menschen, von denen du mehr erfahren möchtest. Du kannst sogar eine Frage an alle deine Follower stellen!" - share: - title: "Austausch mit anderen Netzwerken" - desc: "Möchtest du deine Antwort auf eine Frage mit anderen teilen, so dass sie mehr Leute lesen? Mit einem einfachen Klick auf den Antwort Knopf wird deine Antwort geteilt wo du willst!" - about: - subtitle: "Zu unserem Service, Features und andere Informationen" - links: - title: Links - desc: "Wichtige Seiten und Social Media Profile aus dem %{app_title}-Team, die empfohlen werden, zu besuchen!" - opensource: - title: Open-Source - warning: "%{app_title} läuft mit unfertigen Code, voll mit Bugs. Caveat emptor." - desc: "Möchtest du beitragen? Wenn du ein Ruby-, TypeScript oder Frontend-Entwickler bist, kannst du %{app_title} dabei helfen, fehlende Features einzubauen oder vorhandene zu verbessen, indem du das %{github} forkst. Falls nicht, kannst du in unserem %{bugtracker} Bugs reporten oder neue Features vorschlagen." - github: "Github Repository" - bugtracker: Bugtracker - repository: - title: Haupt-Repository - desc: "Der Ort, an dem alle Code-Zaubereien stattfinden." - contributors: - title: Beitragende - desc: "Diese Personen haben zum Sourcecode von %{app_title} beigetragen." - howto: "Möchtest du hier aufgelistet werden? %{fork} und erstelle einen neuen Pull Request mit deinen Änderungen" - fork: "Forke dieses Repo" - team: - title: "Das Team" - desc: "Die Leute hinter %{app_title}!" - moderators: - title: Moderatoren - desc: "Leute auf %{app_title}, die dich überwachen 8)" - funding: - title: Finanzierung - desc: "Leute, die an %{app_title} gespendet haben!" - statistics: - title: Statistiken - desc: "Statistiken für %{app_title}, die bei jedem Seiten Aufruf neu generiert wird." - discover: - title: Entdecke - subtitle: "Der beste Ort, um interessante Inhalte der vergangenen Woche auf %{app_title} zu finden." - content: - title: "Populäre Fragen" - desc: "Antworten mit den meisten Smiles und am meisten beantwortete Fragen" - tab: - answers: "Am meisten gemocht" - questions: "Die meisten Antworten" - comments: "Am häufigsten diskutiert" - people: - title: Leute - desc: "Newcomer und Menschen, die die meisten Fragen gestellt haben" - tab: - new: "Neue Nutzer" - questions: "Aktive Frager" - answers: "Die meisten Antworten" - userbox: - new: "registrierte vor %{time}" - answers: "beantwortete %{questions}" - questions: "stellte %{questions}" - answerbox: - asked: "%{user} fragte vor %{time}" - read: Weiterlesen - answered: "%{hide} %{user}" - hide: "Beantwortet von" - time: "vor %{time}" - no_smile: "Noch keine Smiles." - no_comment: "Noch keine Kommentare." - commentsmile: "Leute, die diesen Kommentar smilen" - questionbox: - title: "Frag etwas!" - banned: "Der Bannhammer hat diesen Benutzer getroffen." - required: "Dieser Benutzer möchte nicht von fremden Leuten Fragen gestellt bekommen. %{signup} dich!" - load: Fragen... - promote: - message: "Deine Frage wurde gesendet." - create: "Erstelle einen Account" - another: "Stelle eine andere Frage" - join: "Melde dich bei %{app_title} an! Du kannst Menschen, die du kennst, folgen, ihnen Fragen stellen und mehr!" - settings: - tabs: - account: Konto - profile: Profil - privacy: Privatsphäre - sharing: Teilen - account: - modal: - title: "Kontoänderungen speichern" - username: Benutzername - email: E-Mailadresse - email_confirm: "Warte auf Bestätigung für %{resource}" - password: Passwort - password_confirm: "Passwort bestätigen" - password_help: "Lass diese Felder leer, wenn du es nicht ändern willst." - password_current: "Aktuelles Passwort" - password_current_help: "Wir brauchen dein aktuelles Passwort um die Änderungen zu bestätigen" - delete: "Mein Konto löschen" - unsatisfied: "Nicht zufrieden?" - back: Zurück - profile: - displayname: "Dein Name" - avatar: Profilbild - avatar_adjust: "Passe dein neues Profilbild an" - header: "Profil Header" - header_adjust: "Passe den neuen Header an" - motivation: Motivationszeile - website: Webseite - location: Ort - bio: Bio - placeholder: - motivation: "Frag mich irgendwas!" - location: "Wo bist du?" - bio: "Erzähl uns etwas über dich!" - privacy: - anonymous: "Anonyme Fragen erlauben" - public: "Zeige deine Antworten in der öffentlichen Timeline" - stranger: "Erlaube anderen Benutzern deine Fragen zu beantworten" - service: - enabled: "Deine Antworten werden auf die folgenden Netwerke geteilt:" - none: "Du hast bisher noch kein Netzwerk mit deinem Konto verbunden." - connect: "Verbinde mit %{service}" - disconnect: Trennen - confirm: "Wirklich vom Dienst %{service} trennen?" - modal: - ask: - title: "Frage deine Follower" - choose: "Liste:" - loading: Fragen… - bancontrol: - title: Bannkontrollzentrum - ban: Bannen? - permanent: "Für immer?" - reason: Grund - hammertime: Hammerzeit! - list: - title: "Listenzugehörigkeit verwalten" - tabs: - main: Listen - create: "Neue Liste erstellen" - create: "Liste erstellen" - name: Listenname - members: Mitglieder - privilege: - blogger: "Der Benutzer erhält dieses Privileg wenn er etwas (nettes) über Retrospring gebloggt hat." - contributor: "Dieser Benutzer hat zu justask (die Software hinter Retrospring) beigetragen." - supporter: "Dieser Benutzer unterstützt die Seite mit Geld." - moderator: "Jemand, der vertrauenswürdig genug ist, bei der Verwaltung von Reports zu helfen." - admin: "Dieser Benutzer ist Teil des Kernteams." - translator: "Diese Nutzer haben dabei geholfen, Retrospring in ihre Sprache zu übersetzen." - user: - follows_you: "Folgt dir" - title: - admin: Admin - moderator: Moderator - supporter: Unterstützer - contributor: Contributor - blogger: Blogger - banned: Gebannt - translator: Übersetzer diff --git a/config/locales/en_dizzle.yml b/config/locales/en_dizzle.yml deleted file mode 100644 index cabd46b0..00000000 --- a/config/locales/en_dizzle.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,451 +0,0 @@ -en_dizzle: - language: "English (fo' dizzle)" - frontend: - load: "Load some mo'" - success: - title: "Success!" - error: - title: "Uh-oh..." - message: "An error occurred, a thugged-out pimper should check tha console fo' details" - subscription: - subscribe: "Successfully subscribed." - unsubscribe: "Successfully unsubscribed." - fail: - subscribe: "Failed ta subscribe ta answer." - unsubscribe: "Failed ta unsubscribe from answer." - list: - confirm: - title: "Straight-Up delete dis list?" - text: "Yo ass aint gonna be able ta recover dis list." - destroy_question: - confirm: - title: "Is you sure?" - text: "Da question is ghon be moved back ta yo' inbox yo, but it won't delete any posts ta hood media." - destroy_comment: - confirm: - title: "Straight-Up delete?" - text: "Yo ass aint gonna be able ta recover dis comment." - destroy_report: - confirm: - title: "Straight-Up delete?" - text: "Yo ass aint gonna be able ta recover dis report." - destroy_own: - confirm: - title: "Is you sure?" - text: "Da question is ghon be removed." - inbox: - empty: "Nothang ta peep here." - confirm_all: - title: "Straight-Up delete %{count} thangs?" - text: "They is ghon be gone alllll muthafuckin day." - confirm: - title: "Straight-Up delete?" - text: "This question is ghon be gone alllll muthafuckin day." - report: - confirm: - title: "Straight-Up report dis %{type}?" - text: "A moderator will review yo' report n' decizzle what tha fuck happens.\nIf you'd like, you can also specify a reason." - input: "Specify a reason..." - flash: - ban: - error: "I be sorry, %{name}, I be afraid I can't do dis shit." - reason: "Ban reason: %{reason}" - until: "Banned until: %{time}" - service: - create: - success: "Successfully added service" - error: "Could not add steez :(" - failure: "An error occurred" - destroy: "Successfully removed service" - user: - update: - text: "Yo crazy-ass flava has been updated!" - avatar: " It might take all dem minutes until yo' freshly smoked up flava picture is shown all over dis biiiatch." - header: " It might take all dem minutes until yo' freshly smoked up flava picture is shown all over dis biiiatch." - error: "An error occurred. ;_;" - update_privacy: - success: "Yo crazy-ass privacy settings done been updated!" - error: "An error occurred. ;_;" - messages: - noscript: "Please activate JavaScript." - error: "An error occurred." - parameter_error: "%{parameter} is required." - noauth: "requires authentication" - answer: - create: - fail: "Question aint up in yo' inbox." - privacy_stronk: "This user do not want other playas ta answer they question." - peter_dinklage: "Answer is too short." - okay: "Successfully answered question." - destroy: - nopriv: "can't delete other peoplez lyrics" - okay: "Successfully deleted answer." - comment: - create: - rec_inv: "Yo crazy-ass comment is too long." - okay: "Comment posted successfully." - destroy: - nopriv: "can't delete other peoplez comments" - okay: "Successfully deleted comment." - friend: - create: - fail: "Yo ass be already followin dat user." - okay: "Successfully followed user." - destroy: - fail: "Yo ass aint followin dat user." - okay: "Successfully unfollowed user." - list: - create: - noname: "Please give dat crew a name." - toolong: "List name too long (30 charactas max.)" - notfound: "Could not find user." - exists: "List already exists." - okay: "Successfully pimped list." - destroy: - notfound: "Could not find list." - okay: "Successfully deleted list." - membership: - notfound: "List not found." - add: "Successfully added user ta list." - remove: "Successfully removed user from list." - inbox: - create: - okay: "Successfully added freshly smoked up question." - remove: - fail: "question not up in yo' inbox" - okay: "Successfully deleted question." - remove_all: - okay: "Successfully deleted questions." - moderation: - vote: - fail: "Yo ass have already voted on dis report." - okay: "Successfully voted on report." - destroy_vote: - fail: "You have not voted on that report." - okay: "Successfully removed vote from report." - destroy_report: - fail: "Somethang wack happened!" - okay: "WHERE DID IT GO??, biatch? OH NO!!!" - create_comment: - rec_inv: "Yo crazy-ass comment is too long." - okay: "Comment posted successfully." - destroy_comment: - nopriv: "can't delete other peoplez comments" - okay: "Successfully deleted comment." - ban: - error: "Weird..." - nopriv: "Yo ass cannot ban a administrator!" - unban: "Unbanned user." - perma: "Permanently banned user." - temp: "Banned user until %{date}" - privilege: - nope: "nope!" - nopriv: "You'd betta check YOUR privileges first!" - checked: "Successfully checked dis userz %{privilege} privilege." - question: - destroy: - not_found: "Question do not exist" - not_authorized: "Yo ass aint allowed ta delete dis question" - okay: "Successfully deleted question." - create: - rec_inv: "Yo crazy-ass question is too long." - not_found: "List not found" - okay: "Question asked successfully." - report: - create: - login: "login required" - unknown: "unknown type" - not_found: "Could not find %{parameter}" - okay: "%{parameter} reported. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! This type'a shiznit happens all tha time. A moderator will decizzle what tha fuck happens wit tha #{parameter}." - smile: - create: - fail: "Yo ass have already smiled dat answer." - okay: "Successfully smiled answer." - destroy: - fail: "Yo ass aint smiled dat answer." - okay: "Successfully unsmiled answer." - create_comment: - fail: "Yo ass have already smiled dat comment." - okay: "Successfully smiled comment." - destroy_comment: - fail: "Yo ass aint smiled dat comment." - okay: "Successfully unsmiled comment." - subscription: - torpedo: "418 If ya be seein' this, my man, ya better be makin' yo way outta this bitch" - views: - placeholder: - inbox: "Write yo' answer here..." - comment: "Comment..." - question: "Type yo' question here…" - notifications: - show: "Show all notifications" - mark: " and mark dem as read" - answer: - body: "answered %{question} %{time} ago" - question: "ya question" - relationship: - body: "followed you %{time} ago" - smile: - body: "smiled at %{content} %{time} ago" # see below for 'content' vvvv - answer: "your answer" # content if smile, 'smiled at your answer' - comment: "" # content if commentsmile, 'smiled at your comment' - comment: - body: "commented on %{content} %{time} ago" # see below for 'content' vvvv - your: "your answer" # 'commented on your answer' - their: "their answer" # 'commented on their answer' - user: "%{user}'s answer" # 'commented on user's asnwer' - # all three have the 'user' variable - tabs: - all: "All notifications" - answer: "Answers" - smile: "Smiles" - comment: "Comments" - commentsmile: "Comment Smiles" - relationship: "Followers" - inbox: - empty: "Nothang ta peep here." - sidebar: - questions: - title: "Out of thangs?" - button: "Git freshly smoked up question" - share: - title: "Share" - button: "Smoke up on %{service}" - actions: - title: "Actions" - button: "Delete all thangs" - entry: - asked: "%{user} asked %{time} ago" - response: "response" - sharing: - title: "Sharing" - post: "Post to %{service}" - none: "Yo ass aint connected any skillz yet. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Smoke up yo' %{settings} ta connect one." - settings: "service settings" - general: - answer: "Answer" - question: "Question" - comment: "Comment" - smile: "Smile" - follower: "Hoodboi" - following: "Homies" - timeline: "Lista' shit" - public: "Out thar" - user: "Bro" - terms: "Tha termz" - privacy: "Shit that no one ain't read" - about: "'bout" - list: - title: "Fam" - members: "Peepz" - actions: - title: "Thangs" - ask: "Ask" - ask_question: "Ask ya hoodbois some shit" - answer: "Answer" - options: "Settin's" - anonymous: "Hide yo wife, children and ya name" - delete: "Fukin delete" - report: "Report that shit" - return: "Return ta Inbox" - subscribe: "Subscrizzle" - unsubscribe: "Unsubscrizzle" - view: "View comment smiles" - load: "Load sum more" - follow: "Go check on tha homeboy" - unfollow: "Stop checkin' on tha homeboy" - list: "Manage crew memberships" - ban: "Banish that fucker" - privilege: "Peep %{user}z privileges" - save: "Save chizzles" - cancel: "Stop dat" - close: "Close that shit" - done: "Dun" - y: "Hell yea" - n: "Hell naw" - sessions: - destroy: "Get tha hell outta here" - create: "Get back into this biatch" - new: "Create an accountizzle" - info: "With signin up you accept our %{terms}" - moderation: - tabs: - all: "All reports" - moderationbox: - reported: "%{user} reported a %{content} %{time} ago" - reason: "Reason:" - view: "View reported %{content}" - question: - title: "This question was not up in yo' inbox, biatch? Answer it here!" - navigation: - timeline: "Tha hood" - inbox: "What's up in tha house" - discover: "Check some other shit out" - notifications: "Nofi'ations" - show: "See ya thangs" - settings: "Some shit" - admin: "Tha realest hood" - sidekiq: "Kick to tha side" - moderation: "What angry peepz reported" - front: - subtitle: "Ask thangs, give lyrics n' learn mo' bout yo' playas." - ask: - title: "Ask n' answer thangs" - desc: "With %{app_title} you can ask playas thangs n' answer thangs from other playas or unregistered people. Want ta know suttin' more, biatch? Keep tha rap ongoin up in tha comments!" - follow: - title: "Big up playas n' git followed" - desc: "Peepin playas allows you ta git a personalized feed of all playas you wanna know mo' about. Yo ass can also bust a question ta all yo' followers at once!" - share: - title: "Sharin ta other networks" - desc: "Want ta share yo' answer ta a question so dat mo' playas read it, biatch? With a simple click on tha answer button, yo' answer is shared wherever you want!" - about: - subtitle: "Bout our service, features n' other shiznit" - links: - title: "Lanks" - desc: "Important pages n' hood media profilez from tha %{app_title} crew, which is recommended ta visit!" - opensource: - title: "Open Source" - warning: "%{app_title} is hustlin on unfinished code, full of bugs. Caveat emptor." - desc: "Want ta contribute, biatch? If yo ass be a Ruby pimper, TypeScript coder or frontend designer, you can now help %{app_title} ta git tha features mah playas wanted by forkin our %{github}. If thatz not tha case, you can still report bugs n' request features at our %{bugtracker}." - github: "Github repository" - bugtracker: "tha bug tracker yo" - repository: - title: "Main Repository" - desc: "Dis be da place where all tha code magic n' fixin an' shizzle happens yo" - contributors: - title: "Contributors" - desc: "These playas have contributed ta %{app_title}z source code." - howto: "Want ta git listed here, biatch? %{fork} n' create a freshly smoked up pull request wit yo' chizzles." - fork: "Fork dis repo" - team: - title: "Da Crew" - desc: "Da playas behind %{app_title}!" - moderators: - title: "Moderators" - desc: "Da playas on %{app_title} dat look afta you, nahmean biiiatch?" - funding: - title: "Funding" - desc: "Muthafuckas which (previously) donated ta %{app_title}!" - statistics: - title: "Statistics" - desc: "All-time statistics fo' %{app_title}, updated every last muthafuckin time you refresh tha page!" - discover: - title: "Discover" - subtitle: "Da slick place ta find bangin-ass content from tha last week on %{app_title}!" - content: - title: "Popular Content" - desc: "Answers wit most smilez n' most answered thangs" - tab: - answers: "Most Luurved" - questions: "Most Lyrics 'n shit" - comments: "Most peepz were on 'bout" - people: - title: "Peepz" - desc: "Newcomers n' playas whoz ass axed da most thugged-out thangs" - tab: - new: "New Peepz" - questions: "Actizzle Askers" - answers: "Most Lyrics" - userbox: - new: "registered %{time} ago" - answers: "answered %{questions}" - questions: "asked %{questions}" - answerbox: - asked: "%{user} axed %{time} ago" - read: "Read the entire answer" - answered: "%{hide} %{user}" # resolves into "Answered by %{user}" - hide: "Got fuckin' told by" # ^ - time: "%{time} ago" - no_smile: "No one smiled this, yet." - no_comment: "There is no comments yet." - commentsmile: "Muthafuckas whoz ass smiled dis comment" - questionbox: - title: "Ask something!" - banned: "This user gots hit wit ye olde banhammer." - required: "This user do not wanna git axed by strangers. Why don't you %{signup}?" - load: "if ya b readin this ye' dumb" - promote: - message: "Yo crazy-ass question has been sent." - create: "Smoke a account" - another: "Ask another question" - join: "Join %{app_title} todizzle dawwwwg! You'll be able ta follow n' ask playas you know n' a shitload more." - settings: - tabs: - account: "'count" - profile: "Ya' shit" - privacy: "Shit y'aint wantin' peepz ta know" - sharing: "Sharin'" - account: - modal: - title: "Save account chizzles" - username: "Ya real name bro" - email: "Yo @dress" - email_confirm: "Currently awaitin confirmation fo' %{resource}" - password: "Password" - password_confirm: "Confirm password" - password_help: "Leave dis blank if you don't wanna chizzle it" - password_current: "Current password" - password_current_help: "We need yo' current password ta confirm yo' chizzles" - delete: "Delete mah account" - unsatisfied: "Y'aint all up in dis anymo'?" - back: "Back" - profile: - displayname: "Ya rapper name bro" - avatar: "Flava picture" - avatar_adjust: "Adjust yo' freshly smoked up avatar" - header: "Flava header" - header_adjust: "Adjust yo' freshly smoked up header" - motivation: "Thangs ya wanna tell yo homies" - website: "Where ya at" - location: "Where ya (literally) at" - bio: "Ya life story" - placeholder: - motivation: "Why ain't ya be askin' me some shit?" - location: "Where ya at?" - bio: "Tell our asses suttin' sick bout you, nahmean biiiatch?" - privacy: - anonymous: "Allow anonymous thangs" - public: "Show yo' lyrics up in tha hood timeline" - stranger: "Allow other playas ta answer yo' thangs" - service: - enabled: "Sharin is enabled fo' tha followin skillz:" - none: "Yo ass aint connected any skillz yet." - connect: "Connect ta %{service}" - disconnect: "Disconnect" - confirm: "Straight-Up disconnect steez %{service}?" - modal: - ask: - title: "Ask yo' hoodboiz" - choose: "Choose crew:" - loading: "Askin' y'all..." - bancontrol: - title: "Ban Control Center" - ban: "Ya really wanna do dat shiet?" - permanent: "Fo' all the timez?" - reason: "Reason" - hammertime: "Hammer Time" - list: - title: "Manage crew memberships" - tabs: - main: "Crews" - create: "Create new crew" - create: "Create crew" - name: "Crew name" - members: "members" - privilege: - blogger: "Da user gets dat privilege if they blogged suttin' (nice) bout Retrospring." - contributor: "This user has contributed ta justask (the software behind Retrospring)." - supporter: "This user monetarily supports tha crib." - moderator: "Someone trustworthy enough ta help managin reports." - admin: "This user is part of tha core crew." - translator: "This user helped translatin Retrosprin tha fuck into they language." - user: - follows_you: "Be followin' ya" - title: - admin: "Tha boss" - moderator: "Managa'" - supporter: "Homie" - contributor: "Code-whiz" - blogger: "Button-smasha" - banned: "Lost his mad steeze" - translator: "Phraseflinger" diff --git a/config/locales/en_pirate.yml b/config/locales/en_pirate.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 73e912bb..00000000 --- a/config/locales/en_pirate.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,451 +0,0 @@ -en_pirate: - language: 'English (Pirate)' - frontend: - load: "Peer into the depths" - success: - title: "Yarr!" - error: - title: "Arrgh!" - message: "An error occured, a developer check th' console fer details" - subscription: - subscribe: "Successfully subscribed." - unsubscribe: "Successfully unsubscribed." - fail: - subscribe: "Failed to subscribe to answer." - unsubscribe: "Failed to unsubscribe from answer." - list: - confirm: - title: "D' ye wish to send this crew t' Davy Jones' Locker?" - text: "Ye gunna not be able to recover 'tis crew." - destroy_question: - confirm: - title: "Be ye sure?" - text: "Th' inquiry gunna be moved back to ye inbox, but it won't delete any messages to social media." - destroy_comment: - confirm: - title: "D' ye wish to send this scrawlin' t' Davy Jones' Locker?" - text: "Ye gunna not be able to recover 'tis scrawlin'." - destroy_report: - confirm: - title: "D' ye wish to send this scrawlin' t' Davy Jones' Locker?" - text: "Ye gunna not be able to recover 'tis report." - destroy_own: - confirm: - title: "Be ye sure?" - text: "Th' inquiry gunna be removed." - inbox: - empty: "Nothin' to spy wit' ye eye here" - confirm_all: - title: "Really delete %{count} inquirys?" - text: "Th'y gunna be gone forever." - confirm: - title: "D' ye wish to send this scrawlin' t' Davy Jones' Locker?" - text: "'tis inquiry gunna be gone forever." - report: - confirm: - title: "Really report 'tis %{type}?" - text: "A moderator gunna review ye report 'n decide what happens.\nIf ye'd like, ye can also specify a reason." - input: "Specify a reason..." - flash: - ban: - error: "I be sorry, %{name}, I be a-feared I ain't do that." - reason: "Ban reason: %{reason}" - until: "Banned 'til: %{time}" - service: - create: - success: "Successfully added service" - error: "Could not add service :(" - failure: "An error occurred" - destroy: "Successfully removed service" - user: - update: - text: "Ye profile has be updated!" - avatar: " It might take a few minutes 'til ye new profile portrait be shown everywhere." - header: " It might take a few minutes 'til ye new profile header be shown everywhere." - error: "An error occurred. ;_;" - update_privacy: - success: "Ye privacy settin's have be updated!" - error: "An error occurred. ;_;" - messages: - noscript: "Please activate JavaScript." - error: "An error occurred." - parameter_error: "%{parameter} be required." - noauth: "requires authentication" - answer: - create: - fail: "Inquiry be not in ye inbox." - privacy_stronk: "'tis user does not want other pirates to answer their inquirys." - peter_dinklage: "Answer be too short." - okay: "Successfully answered inquiry." - destroy: - nopriv: "can't delete other people's answers" - okay: "Successfully deleted answer." - comment: - create: - rec_inv: "Ye scrawlin' be too long." - okay: "Scrawlin' posted successfully." - destroy: - nopriv: "can't delete other people's scrawlin's" - okay: "Successfully deleted scrawlin'." - friend: - create: - fail: "Ye be already spyin' on that user." - okay: "Startin' to spy on user." - destroy: - fail: "Ye not be spyin' on that user." - okay: "No longer spyin' on user." - list: - create: - noname: "Please gift that crew a moniker." - toolong: "Crew moniker too long (30 characters max.)" - notfound: "Could not find user." - exists: "'tis crew already be existing." - okay: "Successfully created crew." - destroy: - notfound: "Could not find crew." - okay: "Successfully deleted crew." - membership: - notfound: "Crew not found." - add: "Successfully added user to crew." - remove: "Successfully removed user from crew." - inbox: - create: - okay: "Successfully added new inquiry." - remove: - fail: "inquiry not in ye inbox" - okay: "Successfully deleted inquiry." - remove_all: - okay: "Successfully deleted inquirys." - moderation: - vote: - fail: "You have already voted on 'tis report." - okay: "Successfully voted on report." - destroy_vote: - fail: "You have not voted on that report." - okay: "Successfully removed vote from report." - destroy_report: - fail: "Something bad happened!" - okay: "WHERE DID IT GO??? OH NO!!!" - create_comment: - rec_inv: "Your scrawlin' is too long." - okay: "Scrawlin' posted successfully." - destroy_comment: - nopriv: "can't delete other people's comments" - okay: "Successfully deleted scrawlin'." - ban: - error: "Weird..." - nopriv: "You cannot ban an administrator!" - unban: "Unbanned user." - perma: "Permanently banned user." - temp: "Banned user until %{date}" - privilege: - nope: "nope!" - nopriv: "You'd better check YOUR privileges first!" - checked: "Successfully checked 'tis user's %{privilege} privilege." - question: - destroy: - not_found: "Inquiry does not exist" - not_authorized: "You are not allowed to delete 'tis inquiry" - okay: "Successfully deleted inquiry." - create: - rec_inv: "Your inquiry is too long." - not_found: "Crew not found" - okay: "Inquiry asked successfully." - report: - create: - login: "login required" - unknown: "unknown type" - not_found: "Could not find %{parameter}" - okay: "%{parameter} reported. A moderator will decide what happens with the #{parameter}." - smile: - create: - fail: "You have already smiled that answer." - okay: "Successfully smiled answer." - destroy: - fail: "You have not smiled that answer." - okay: "Successfully unsmiled answer." - create_comment: - fail: "You have already smiled that scrawlin'." - okay: "Successfully smiled scrawlin'." - destroy_comment: - fail: "You have not smiled that scrawlin'." - okay: "Successfully unsmiled scrawlin'." - subscription: - torpedo: "418 You are a pirate!" - views: - placeholder: - inbox: "Write ye answer here..." - comment: "Scrawlin'..." - question: "Type ye inquiry here…" - notifications: - show: "Show all notifications" - mark: " and mark them as read" - answer: - body: "answered %{question} %{time} ago" - question: "ye inquiry" - relationship: - body: "been spyin' on you since %{time}" - smile: - body: "arr'd at %{content} %{time} ago" # see below for 'content' vvvv - answer: "ye answer" # content if smile, 'smiled at ye answer' - comment: "ye scrawlin" # content if commentsmile, 'smiled at ye comment' - comment: - body: "commented on %{content} %{time} ago" # see below for 'content' vvvv - your: "ye answer" # 'commented on ye answer' - their: "their answer" # 'commented on their answer' - user: "%{user}'s answer" # 'commented on user's asnwer' - # all three have the 'user' variable - tabs: - all: "All hail-shots" - answer: "Answers" - smile: "Arr's" - comment: "Scrawlin's" - commentsmile: "Scrawlin' Smiles" - relationship: "Followers" - inbox: - empty: "Nottin' to see here, matey." - sidebar: - questions: - title: "Out of inquirys?" - button: "Get new inquiry" - share: - title: "Share" - button: "Share on %{service}" - actions: - title: "Actions" - button: "Delete all inquirys" - entry: - asked: "%{user} asked %{time} ago" - response: "response" - sharing: - title: "Sharing" - post: "Post to %{service}" - none: "You have not connected any services yet. Visit ye %{settings} to connect one." - settings: "service settings" - general: - answer: "Answer" - question: "Inquiry" - comment: "Scrawlin'" - smile: "Arr!" - follower: "Spy" - following: "Spyin'" - timeline: "Cap'n's Log" - public: "Public" - user: "Pirate" - terms: "Terms of ye Service" - privacy: "Pirat-y Policy" - about: "About" - list: - title: "Crew" - members: "Members" - actions: - title: "Actions" - ask: "Ask" - ask_question: "Ask a inquiry" - answer: "Answer" - options: "Options" - anonymous: "Hide ye moniker" - delete: "Delete" - report: "Report" - return: "Return to Bottle o' Messages" - subscribe: "Subscribe" - unsubscribe: "Unsubscribe" - view: "View scrawlin' smiles" - load: "Load more" - follow: "Spy" - unfollow: "Un-Spy" - list: "Manage Crew memberships" - ban: "Ban Control" - privilege: "Check %{user}'s privileges" - save: "Save changes" - cancel: "Abort!" - close: "Close" - done: "Arr!" - y: "Arr!" - n: "No" - sessions: - destroy: "Over the plank!" - create: "Go Sailin'" - new: "Create your ship" - info: "With signing up you accept our %{terms}" - moderation: - tabs: - all: "All reports" - moderationbox: - reported: "%{user} reported a %{content} %{time} ago" - reason: "Reason:" - view: "View reported %{content}" - question: - title: "Tis' inquiry was not in ye inbox? Answer it here!" - navigation: - timeline: "Cap'n's Log" - inbox: "Bottle o' Messages" - discover: "Scour" - notifications: "Hail-shots" - show: "Home Port" - settings: "Adjust ye riggin's" - admin: "Kommandobrücke" - sidekiq: "Sidekiq" - moderation: "Moderation Panel" - front: - subtitle: "Ask inquirys, give answers and learn more about ye mateys." - ask: - title: "Ask and answer inquirys" - desc: "With %{app_title} you can ask pirates inquirys and answer inquirys from other pirates or unregistered people. Want to know something more? Keep the discussion ongoing in the comments!" - follow: - title: "Be spyin' pirates and get spied on" - desc: "Following pirates allows you to get a personalized feed of all pirates you want to know more about. You can also send a inquiry to all ye hearties at once!" - share: - title: "Sharing overseas" - desc: "Want to share ye answer to a inquiry so that more pirates read it? With a simple click on the answer button, ye answer is shared wherever you want!" - about: - subtitle: "About our service, features and other information" - links: - title: "Links" - desc: "Important pages and social media profiles from the %{app_title} team, which are recommended to visit!" - opensource: - title: "Open Ship" - warning: "%{app_title} is running on unfinished code, full of bugs. Caveat emptor." - desc: "Want to contribute? If you are a Ruby developer, TypeScript coder or frontend designer, you can now help %{app_title} to get the features everyone wanted by forking our %{github}. If that's not the case, you can still report bugs and request features at our %{bugtracker}." - github: "Github tavern" - bugtracker: "bug tracker" - repository: - title: "Main Tavern" - desc: "Th' place where all the code witchery and fixing happens!" - contributors: - title: "Contributors" - desc: "Th'se pirates have contributed to %{app_title}'s ship code." - howto: "Want to get listed here? %{fork} and create a new pull request with ye changes." - fork: "Fork 'tis repo" - team: - title: "Th' Crew" - desc: "Th' pirates behind %{app_title}!" - moderators: - title: "Moderators" - desc: "Th' pirates on %{app_title} that look after you!" - funding: - title: "Fundin'" - desc: "People which (previously) donated to %{app_title}!" - statistics: - title: "Stats" - desc: "All-time statistics for %{app_title}, updated every time you go sailing!" - discover: - title: "Discover" - subtitle: "Th' perfect place to find interesting content from the last week on %{app_title}!" - content: - title: "Popular Content" - desc: "Answers with most arrs and most answered inquirys" - tab: - answers: "Most Liked" - questions: "Most Answers" - comments: "Most Controversial" - people: - title: "People" - desc: "Newcomers and pirates who asked the most inquirys" - tab: - new: "New Pirates" - questions: "Active Askers" - answers: "Most Answers" - userbox: - new: "registered %{time} ago" - answers: "answered %{questions}" - questions: "asked %{questions}" - answerbox: - asked: "%{user} asked %{time} ago" - read: "Peer into the depths" - answered: "%{hide} %{user}" # resolves into "Answered by %{user}" - hide: "Answered by" # ^ - time: "%{time} ago" - no_smile: "No one arr-ed 'tis, yet." - no_comment: "Th're are no scrwalins yet." - commentsmile: "People who arr-ed 'tis scrawlin" - questionbox: - title: "Arrrsk something!" - banned: "Tis' user got hit with ye olde banhammer." - required: "Tis' user does not want to get asked by strangers. Why don't you %{signup}?" - load: "Throwing Bottle o' Messages into the sea..." - promote: - message: "Your inquiry has been sent." - create: "Create a ship" - another: "Write another inquiry" - join: "Join %{app_title} today! Ye'll be able to spy on and ask pirates you know and a lot more." - settings: - tabs: - account: "Home Port" - profile: "Your Ship" - privacy: "Pirats-y" - sharing: "Sharing" - account: - modal: - title: "Save account changes" - username: "Pirate moniker" - email: "Email address" - email_confirm: "Currently awaiting confirmation for %{resource}" - password: "Password" - password_confirm: "Confirm password" - password_help: "Leave 'tis blank if you don't want to change it" - password_current: "Current password" - password_current_help: "We need ye current password to confirm ye changes" - delete: "Send my account to Davy Jones' Locker" - unsatisfied: "Unsatisfied?" - back: "Arr, go back!" - profile: - displayname: "Yer moniker" - avatar: "Profile portrait" - avatar_adjust: "Adjust ye new avatar" - header: "Profile header" - header_adjust: "Adjust ye new header" - motivation: "Motivation header" - website: "Web island" - location: "Yer' Ship" - bio: "Bio" - placeholder: - motivation: "Arrrsk me anything!" - location: "Where are you?" - bio: "Tell us something nice about you!" - privacy: - anonymous: "Allow anonymous inquirys" - public: "Show ye answers in the public timeline" - stranger: "Allow other pirates to answer ye inquirys" - service: - enabled: "Sharing is enabled for the following services:" - none: "You have not connected any services yet." - connect: "Connect to %{service}" - disconnect: "Disconnect" - confirm: "Really disconnect service %{service}?" - modal: - ask: - title: "Ask ye hearties" - choose: "Choose crew:" - loading: "Bottling message..." - bancontrol: - title: "The Plank" - ban: "Push off ye plank?" - permanent: "Permanently?" - reason: "Reason" - hammertime: "Ye olde Hammer Time!" - list: - title: "Manage crew memberships" - tabs: - main: "Crews" - create: "Create new crew" - create: "Create crew" - name: "Crew moniker" - members: "members" - privilege: - blogger: "Th' user gets that privilege if they blogged something (nice) about Retrospring." - contributor: "Tis' user has contributed to justask (the software behind Retrospring)." - supporter: "Tis' user monetarily supports the site." - moderator: "Someone trustworthy enough to help managing reports." - admin: "Tis' user is part of the core team." - translator: "Tis' user helped translating Retrospring into their language." - user: - follows_you: "Be spyin on you" - title: - admin: "Cap'n" - moderator: "Chief Officer" - supporter: "Supporter" - contributor: "Contributor" - blogger: "Blogger" - banned: "Jailed in Davy Jones' Locker" - translator: "Translator" diff --git a/config/locales/fr.yml b/config/locales/fr.yml deleted file mode 100644 index a65fe107..00000000 --- a/config/locales/fr.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,451 +0,0 @@ ---- -fr: - language: 'Français' - frontend: - load: "Afficher plus" - success: - title: "Succès !" - error: - title: "Oh oh..." - message: "Une erreur est survenue, un développeur devrait jeter un œil à la console pour plus de détails." - subscription: - subscribe: "Abonné avec succès." - unsubscribe: "Désabonné avec succès." - fail: - subscribe: "Échec de l'abonnement à la réponse." - unsubscribe: "Échec du désabonnement à la réponse." - list: - confirm: - title: "Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer cette liste ?" - text: "Vous ne pourrez pas le récupérer." - destroy_question: - confirm: - title: "Êtes-vous sûr ?" - text: "La question retournera dans votre boîte de réception, mais d'éventuels partages sur des réseaux sociaux ne seront pas supprimés." - destroy_comment: - confirm: - title: "Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer ce commentaire ?" - text: "Vous ne pourrez pas le récupérer." - destroy_report: - confirm: - title: "Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer ce signalement ?" - text: "Vous ne pourrez pas le récupérer." - destroy_own: - confirm: - title: "Êtes-vous sûr ?" - text: "Cette question sera supprimée." - inbox: - empty: "Rien à voir ici." - confirm_all: - title: "Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer %{count} questions ?" - text: "Elles disparaîtront à tout jamais." - confirm: - title: "Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer cette question ?" - text: "Elle disparaîtra à tout jamais." - report: - confirm: - title: "Voulez-vous vraiment signaler cette/ce %{type} ?" - text: |- - Un modérateur examinera votre signalement et prendra une décision appropriée. - Si vous le désirez, vous pouvez également indiquer une raison. - input: "Indiquez une raison..." - flash: - ban: - error: "Je suis désolé, %{name}, mais je ne peux pas vous laisser faire ça." - reason: "Raison du bannissement : %{reason}" - until: "Banni jusqu'au : %{time}" - service: - create: - success: "Le service a été ajouté avec succès." - error: "Le service n'a pas pu être ajouté. :(" - failure: "Une erreur est survenue." - destroy: "Le service a été supprimé avec succès." - user: - update: - text: "Votre profil a été mis à jour !" - avatar: " Plusieurs minutes peuvent être nécessaires pour que votre image de profil soit affichée partout sur le site." - header: " Plusieurs minutes peuvent être nécessaires pour que votre nouvelle image d'en-tête soit affichée partout sur le site." - error: "Une erreur est survenue. ;_;" - update_privacy: - success: "Vos paramètres de confidentialité ont été mis à jour !" - error: "Une erreur est survenue. ;_;" - messages: - noscript: "Veuillez activer JavaScript." - error: "Une erreur est survenue." - parameter_error: "%{parameter} est requis." - noauth: "authentification requise" - answer: - create: - fail: "Cette question n'est pas dans votre boîte de réception." - privacy_stronk: "Cet utilisateur ne veut pas que d'autres utilisateurs répondent à sa question." - peter_dinklage: "Votre réponse est trop courte." - okay: "Vous avez bien répondu à la question." - destroy: - nopriv: "Vous ne pouvez pas supprimer la réponse de quelqu'un d'autre." - okay: "La réponse a été supprimée avec succès." - comment: - create: - rec_inv: "Votre commentaire est trop long." - okay: "Le commentaire a été publié avec succès." - destroy: - nopriv: "Vous ne pouvez pas supprimer le commentaire de quelqu'un d'autre." - okay: "Le commentaire a été supprimé avec succès." - friend: - create: - fail: "Vous suivez déjà cet utilisateur." - okay: "Vous suivez désormais cet utilisateur." - destroy: - fail: "Vous ne suivez pas cet utilisateur." - okay: "Vous ne suivez plus cet utilisateur." - list: - create: - noname: "Veuillez donner un nom à cette liste." - toolong: "Le nom de la liste est trop long (30 caractères max.)" - notfound: "L'utilisateur est introuvable." - exists: "Cette liste existe déjà." - okay: "La liste a été créé avec succès." - destroy: - notfound: "La liste est introuvable." - okay: "La liste a été supprimé avec succès." - membership: - notfound: "La liste est introuvable." - add: "L'utilisateur a été ajouté avec succès." - remove: "L'utilisateur a été enlevé avec succès." - inbox: - create: - okay: "Nouvelle question ajoutée avec succès." - remove: - fail: "la question n'est pas dans votre boîte aux lettres" - okay: "La question a été supprimée avec succès." - remove_all: - okay: "Les questions ont été supprimées avec succès." - moderation: - vote: - fail: "Vous avez déjà voté sur ce signalement." - okay: "Vous avez voté sur le signalement avec succès." - destroy_vote: - fail: "Vous n'avez pas voté sur ce signalement." - okay: "Vous avez retiré votre vote sur ce signalement avec succès." - destroy_report: - fail: "Quelque chose de mauvais est arrivé !" - okay: "OÙ EST-IL PASSÉ ??? OH, NON !!!" - create_comment: - rec_inv: "Votre commentaire est trop long." - okay: "Votre commentaire a été publié avec succès." - destroy_comment: - nopriv: "Vous ne pouvez pas supprimer le commentaire de quelqu'un d'autre." - okay: "Votre commentaire a été supprimé avec succès." - ban: - error: Bizarre... - nopriv: "Vous ne pouvez pas bannir un administrateur !" - unban: "Bannissement levé avec succès." - perma: "Utilisateur banni définitivement." - temp: "Utilisateur banni jusqu'au %{date}." - privilege: - nope: "non !" - nopriv: "Vérifiez d'abord VOS privilèges !" - checked: "Privilège %{privilege} de l'utilisateur vérifié avec succès." - question: - destroy: - not_found: "La question n'existe pas." - not_authorized: "Vous n'êtes pas autorisé à supprimer cette question." - okay: "La question a été supprimée avec succès." - create: - rec_inv: "Votre question est trop longue." - not_found: "La liste est introuvable." - okay: "La question a été posée avec succès." - report: - create: - login: "connexion requise" - unknown: "type inconnu" - not_found: "%{parameter} est introuvable." - okay: "%{parameter} signalé(e). Un modérateur en prendra connaissance dans les plus brefs délais." - smile: - create: - fail: "Vous souriez déjà à cette réponse." - okay: "Vous souriez à la réponse." - destroy: - fail: "Vous n'avez pas souri à cette réponse." - okay: "Vous ne souriez plus à la réponse." - create_comment: - fail: "Vous souriez déjà à ce commentaire." - okay: "Vous souriez au commentaire." - destroy_comment: - fail: "Vous n'avez pas souri à ce commentaire." - okay: "Vous ne souriez plus au commentaire." - subscription: - torpedo: "418 Je suis une torpille" - views: - placeholder: - inbox: "Écrivez votre réponse ici..." - comment: "Laissez un commentaire..." - question: "Tapez votre question ici..." - notifications: - show: "Afficher toutes les notifications" - mark: " et les marquer comme lues" - answer: - body: "a répondu à %{question} il y a %{time}" - question: "votre question" - relationship: - body: "vous a suivi il y a %{time}" - smile: - body: "a souri à %{content} il y a %{time}" - answer: "votre réponse" - comment: "votre commentaire" - comment: - body: "a laissé un commentaire sur %{content} il y a %{time}" - your: "votre réponse" - their: "sa réponse" - user: "la réponse de %{user}" - tabs: - all: "Toutes les notifications" - answer: "Réponses" - smile: "Sourires" - comment: "Commentaires" - commentsmile: "Sourires sur le commentaire" - relationship: "Abonnés" - inbox: - empty: "Rien à voir ici." - sidebar: - questions: - title: "À court de questions ?" - button: "Obtenir de nouvelles questions" - share: - title: "Partager" - button: "Partager sur %{service}" - actions: - title: "Actions" - button: "Supprimer toutes les questions" - entry: - asked: "%{user} a posé cette question il y a %{time}" - response: "réponse" - sharing: - title: Partage - post: "Poster sur %{service}" - none: "Vous n'avez pas connecté de services pour l'instant. Visitez vos %{settings} pour en connecter un." - settings: "paramètres des services" - general: - answer: "Réponse" - question: "Question" - comment: "Commentaire" - smile: "Sourire" - follower: "Abonné" - following: "Abonnements" - timeline: "Fil d'actualité" - public: "Public" - user: "Utilisateur" - terms: "Conditions générales d'utilisation" - privacy: "Politique de confidentialité" - about: "À propos" - list: - title: "Liste" - members: "Membres" - actions: - title: "Actions" - ask: "Envoyer" - ask_question: "Poser une question" - answer: "Répondre" - options: "Paramètres" - anonymous: "Masquer votre nom" - delete: "Supprimer" - report: "Signaler" - return: "Retourner à la boîte de récéption" - subscribe: "S'abonner" - unsubscribe: "Se désabonner" - view: "Voir le sourires sur le commentaire" - load: "Charger plus" - follow: "Suivre" - unfollow: "Ne plus suivre" - list: "Gérer l'appartenance à une liste" - ban: "Contrôle des bannissements" - privilege: "Vérifier les privilèges de %{user}" - save: "Enregistrer les modifications" - cancel: "Annuler" - close: "Fermer" - done: "Terminé" - y: "Oui" - n: "Non" - sessions: - destroy: "Se déconnecter" - create: "Se connecter" - new: "S'inscrire" - info: "En vous inscrivant, vous acceptez nos %{terms}" - moderation: - tabs: - all: "Tous les signalements" - moderationbox: - reported: "%{user} a signalé un/une %{content} il y a %{time}" - reason: "Raison :" - view: "Voir %{content} signalé" - question: - title: "Cette question n'était pas dans votre boîte de réception ? Répondez-y ici !" - navigation: - timeline: "Fil d'actualité" - inbox: "Boîte de réception" - discover: "Découvrir" - notifications: "Notifications" - show: "Voir le profil" - settings: "Paramètres" - admin: "Centre d'administration" - sidekiq: "Sidekiq" - moderation: "Centre de modération" - front: - subtitle: "Posez des questions, répondez-y, et apprenez-en plus sur vos amis." - ask: - title: "Posez et répondez à des questions" - desc: "Avec %{app_title}, vous pouvez poser des questions aux gens et répondre à des questions d'autres utilisateurs ou de non-inscrits. Vous voulez en savoir plus ? Continuez la discussion dans les commentaires !" - follow: - title: "Suivez des utilisateurs et soyez suivi" - desc: "Suivre des utilisateurs vous permet d'avoir un fil personnalisé de tous ceux dont vous voulez en savoir plus. Vous pouvez également poser une question à tous vos abonnés à la fois !" - share: - title: "Partagez vers d'autres réseaux" - desc: "Envie de partager votre réponse à une question pour que plus de monde puisse la lire ? Avec un simple clic sur le bouton \"Répondre\", votre réponse est partagée où que vous le vouliez !" - about: - subtitle: "À propos de notre service, de nos fonctionnalités, et autres informations." - links: - title: "Liens" - desc: "Pages importantes et profils sur les réseaux sociaux de l'équipe %{app_title}, que nous vous recommandons de visiter !" - opensource: - title: "Open Source" - warning: "%{app_title} fonctionne grâce à du code incomplet, plein de bugs. Caveat emptor." - desc: "Envie de nous aider ? Que vous soyez un développeur Ruby, un codeur TypeScript ou un designer frontend, vous pouvez dès maintenant aider %{app_title} à obtenir les fonctionnalités longuement désirées par nos utilisateurs en créant un fork sur notre %{github}. Si ce n'est pas le cas, vous pouvez toujours signaler des bugs et suggérer des fonctionnalités sur notre %{bugtracker}." - github: "repository GitHub" - bugtracker: "bug tracker" - repository: - title: "Repository principal" - desc: "Là où la magie du code et les réparations s'effectuent !" - contributors: - title: "Contributeurs" - desc: "Ces personnes ont contribué au code source de %{app_title}." - howto: "Vous souhaitez être ajouté ici ? %{fork} et envoyez une pull request avec vos changements." - fork: "Faites un fork de ce repository" - team: - title: "L'équipe" - desc: "Les personnes derrière %{app_title} !" - moderators: - title: "Modérateurs" - desc: "Ceux qui veillent sur vous et sur %{app_title} !" - funding: - title: "Financement" - desc: "Ceux qui ont (précédemment) fait un don à %{app_title} !" - statistics: - title: "Statistiques" - desc: "Statistiques globales pour %{app_title}, mises à jour dès que vous rafraîchissez la page !" - discover: - title: "Découvrir" - subtitle: "L'endroit idéal pour trouver du contenu digne d'intérêt datant de cette semaine sur %{app_title} !" - content: - title: "Contenu populaire" - desc: "Réponses ayant reçu le plus de sourires et questions les plus répondues." - tab: - answers: "Les plus aimées" - questions: "Les plus répondues" - comments: "Les plus controversées" - people: - title: "Personnes" - desc: "Nouveaux arrivants et personnes ayant posé le plus de questions." - tab: - new: "Nouveaux utilisateurs" - questions: "Les plus actifs" - answers: "Ayant le plus répondu" - userbox: - new: "inscrit depuis %{time}" - answers: "a répondu à %{questions}" - questions: "a posé %{questions}" - answerbox: - asked: "%{user} a posé cette question il y a %{time}" - read: "Lire la réponse entière" - answered: "%{hide} %{user}" - hide: "Répondue par" - time: "Il y a %{time}" - no_smile: "Personne n'a souri à cette réponse, pour le moment." - no_comment: "Il n'y a pas encore de commentaires." - commentsmile: "Personnes qui ont souri à ce commentaire" - questionbox: - title: "Posez une question !" - banned: "Cet utilisateur a subi les foudres du Marteau de la Justice." - required: "Cet utilisateur refuse les questions de non-inscrits. Pourquoi ne pas vous %{signup} ?" - load: "Envoi..." - promote: - message: "Votre question a été envoyée." - create: "Créer un compte" - another: "Poser une autre question" - join: "Rejoignez %{app_title} dès aujourd'hui ! Vous pourrez suivre vos connaissances, leur poser des questions, et bien plus." - settings: - tabs: - account: "Compte" - profile: "Profil" - privacy: "Confidentialité" - sharing: "Partage" - account: - modal: - title: "Enregistrer les modifications" - username: "Nom d'utilisateur" - email: "Adresse e-mail" - email_confirm: "En attente de la confirmation pour %{resource}" - password: "Mot de passe" - password_confirm: "Confirmer le mot de passe" - password_help: "Laissez vide si vous ne souhaitez pas changer" - password_current: "Mot de passe actuel" - password_current_help: "Nous avons besoin de votre mot de passe actuel pour opérer les changements" - delete: "Supprimer mon compte" - unsatisfied: "Insatisfait ?" - back: "Retour" - profile: - displayname: "Votre nom" - avatar: "Image de profil" - avatar_adjust: "Ajustez votre nouvel avatar" - header: "Image d'en-tête" - header_adjust: "Ajustez votre nouvelle en-tête" - motivation: "En-tête de motivation" - website: "Site web" - location: "Lieu" - bio: "Biographie" - placeholder: - motivation: "Posez-moi une question !" - location: "Où êtes-vous?" - bio: "Dites-nous quelque chose d'intéressant à propos de vous !" - privacy: - anonymous: "Autoriser les questions anonymes" - public: "Montrer vos réponses dans le fil d'actualité public" - stranger: "Permettre à d'autres utilisateurs de répondre à vos questions" - service: - enabled: "Le partage est activé pour les services suivants :" - none: "Vous n'avez lié aucun réseau social pour le moment." - connect: "Lier à %{service}" - disconnect: "Révoquer l'accès" - confirm: "Voulez-vous vraiment révoquer l'accès à %{service} ?" - modal: - ask: - title: "Poser une question à vos abonnés" - choose: "Choisir une liste :" - loading: "Envoi..." - bancontrol: - title: "Centre de contrôle des bannissements" - ban: "Bannir ?" - permanent: "Définitivement ?" - reason: "Raison" - hammertime: "Que le Marteau s'abatte" - list: - title: "Gérer l'appartenance à une liste" - tabs: - main: "Listes" - create: "Créer une nouvelle liste" - create: "Créer" - name: "Nom de la liste" - members: "membres" - privilege: - blogger: "L'utilisateur obtient ce titre s'il a posté un article (agréable) à propos de Retrospring." - contributor: "Cet utilisateur a contribué à justask, le logiciel derrière Retrospring." - supporter: "Cet utilisateur supporte financièrement le site." - moderator: "Quelqu'un suffisamment de confiance pour aider à la gestion des signalements." - admin: "Cet utilisateur fait partie de l'équipe principale." - user: - follows_you: "Vous suit" - title: - admin: "Administrateur" - moderator: "Modérateur" - supporter: "Supporter" - contributor: "Contributeur" - blogger: "Blogger" - banned: "Banni" diff --git a/config/locales/it.yml b/config/locales/it.yml deleted file mode 100644 index e492712a..00000000 --- a/config/locales/it.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,452 +0,0 @@ -it: - language: 'Italiano' - frontend: - load: "Carica altro" - success: - title: "Successo!" - error: - title: "Oh-oh..." - message: "È successo un errore, uno sviluppatore in teoria è già a conoscenza di ciò che è successo." - subscription: - subscribe: "Iscritto." - unsubscribe: "Disiscritto." - fail: - subscribe: "Impossibile iscriversi alla risposta." - unsubscribe: "Impossibile disiscriversi dalla risposta." - list: - confirm: - title: "Vuoi davvero eliminare questo gruppo?" - text: "Non sarai più in grado di recuperare questo gruppo." - destroy_question: - confirm: - title: "Sei sicuro?" - text: "La domanda ritornerà tra quelle in arrivo, ma non elimineremo nessun eventuale post fatto sui social media." - destroy_comment: - confirm: - title: "Vuoi davvero eliminarlo?" - text: "Non sarai più in grado di recuperare questo commento." - destroy_report: - confirm: - title: "Vuoi davvero eliminarla?" - text: "Non sarai più in grado di recuperare questa segnalazione." - destroy_own: - confirm: - title: "Sei sicuro?" - text: "La domanda sarà eliminata." - inbox: - empty: "Non c'è niente da vedere qui." - confirm_all: - title: "Vuoi davvero eliminare %{count} domande?" - text: "Spariranno per sempre." - confirm: - title: "Vuoi davvero eliminarla?" - text: "Questa domanda sparirà per sempre." - report: - confirm: - title: "Vuoi davvero segnalare tale %{type}?" - text: "Un moderatore darà un'occhiata alla tua segnalazione e deciderà sul da farsi. Se vuoi, puoi anche specificare un motivo per la tua segnalazione." - input: "Specifica un motivo..." - flash: - ban: - error: "Scusa %{name}, ma non posso farlo." - reason: "Motivo del ban: %{reason}" - until: "Bannato fino al: %{time}" - service: - create: - success: "Servizio aggiunto" - error: "Impossibile aggiungere il servizio :(" - failure: "È sorvenuto un errore" - destroy: "Servizio rimosso" - user: - update: - text: "Il tuo profilo è stato aggiornato!" - avatar: " Possono essere richiesti un paio di minuti prima che la tua nuova immagine del profilo sia visibile dappertutto." - header: " Possono essere richiesti un paio di minuti prima che la tua nuova testata sia mostrata dappertutto." - error: "È successo un errore. ;_;" - update_privacy: - success: "Le tue impostazioni sulla privacy sono state aggiornate!" - error: "È successo un errore. ;_;" - messages: - noscript: "Per favore, attiva JavaScript." - error: "È sorvenuto un errore." - parameter_error: "%{parameter} è necessario." - noauth: "autenticazione richiesta" - answer: - create: - fail: "La domanda non è tra quelle in arrivo." - privacy_stronk: "Questo utente non vuole che gli altri utenti rispondano alle sue domande." - peter_dinklage: "La risposta è troppo corta." - okay: "Domanda risposta." - destroy: - nopriv: "non puoi eliminare le risposte delle altre persone" - okay: "Domanda eliminata." - comment: - create: - rec_inv: "Il tuo commento è troppo lungo." - okay: "Commento pubblicato." - destroy: - nopriv: "non puoi eliminare i commenti delle altre persone" - okay: "Commento eliminato." - friend: - create: - fail: "Stai già seguendo quell'utente." - okay: "Utente seguito." - destroy: - fail: "Non stai seguendo quell'utente." - okay: "Non stai più seguendo quell'utente." - list: - create: - noname: "Per favore, dai un nome a quel gruppo." - toolong: "Nome del gruppo troppo grande (massimo 30 caratteri)" - notfound: "Impossibile trovare l'utente." - exists: "Il gruppo esiste già." - okay: "Gruppo creato." - destroy: - notfound: "Impossibile trovare quel gruppo." - okay: "Gruppo eliminato." - membership: - notfound: "Gruppo non trovato." - add: "Utente aggiunto al gruppo." - remove: "Utente rimosso dal gruppo." - inbox: - create: - okay: "Domanda aggiunta." - remove: - fail: "la domanda non è tra quelle in arrivo" - okay: "Domanda eliminata." - remove_all: - okay: "Domande eliminate." - moderation: - vote: - fail: "Hai già votato su questa segnalazione." - okay: "Segnalazione votata." - destroy_vote: - fail: "Non hai votato su quella segnalazione." - okay: "Voto rimosso dalla segnalazione." - destroy_report: - fail: "È successo qualcosa di brutto!" - okay: "DOV'È FINITO??? OH NO!!!" - create_comment: - rec_inv: "Il tuo commento è troppo lungo." - okay: "Commento pubblicato." - destroy_comment: - nopriv: "non puoi eliminare i commenti delle altre persone" - okay: "Commento eliminato." - ban: - error: "Che strano..." - nopriv: "Non puoi bannare un amministratore!" - unban: "Utente sbannato." - perma: "Utente bannato per l'eternità." - temp: "Utente bannato fino al %{date}" - privilege: - nope: "haha, no!" - nopriv: "Dovresti prima controllare i TUOI privilegi!" - checked: "Il privilegio %{privilege} di questo utente è stato cambiato." - question: - destroy: - not_found: "La domanda non esiste" - not_authorized: "Non puoi eliminare questa domanda" - okay: "Domanda eliminata." - create: - rec_inv: "La tua domanda è troppo lunga." - not_found: "Gruppo non trovato" - okay: "Domanda chiesta." - report: - create: - login: "devi prima fare il login" - unknown: "tipo sconosciuto" - not_found: "Impossibile trovare %{parameter}" - okay: "%{parameter} segnalato/a. Un moderatore deciderà sul da farsi con il/la/l'%{parameter}." - smile: - create: - fail: "Hai già sorriso a quella risposta." - okay: "Sorriso messo sulla risposta!" - destroy: - fail: "Non hai sorriso a quella risposta." - okay: "Tolto il sorriso da quella risposta." - create_comment: - fail: "Hai già sorriso a quel commento." - okay: "Sorriso messo a quel commento!" - destroy_comment: - fail: "Non hai sorriso a quel commento." - okay: "Tolto il sorriso da quel commento." - subscription: - torpedo: "418 Sono un siluro" - views: - locale: - languages: "Lingue" - placeholder: - inbox: "Scrivi la tua risposta qui..." - comment: Commenta... - question: "Scrivi la tua domanda qui..." - notifications: - show: "Mostra tutte le notifiche" - mark: " e segnale come lette" - answer: - body: "risposto a %{question} %{time} fa" - question: "tua domanda" - relationship: - body: "ti ha seguito %{time} fa" - smile: - body: "ha messo un sorriso alla/l'%{content} %{time} fa" - answer: "tua risposta" - comment: "tuo commento" - comment: - body: "commentato sul(lla/l') %{content} %{time} fa" - your: "tua risposta" - their: "loro risposta" - user: "la risposta di %{user}" - tabs: - all: "Tutte le notifiche" - answer: "Risposte" - smile: "sorrisi" - comment: Commenti - commentsmile: "Sorrisi ai Commenti" - relationship: Seguaci - inbox: - empty: "Non c'è niente da vedere qui." - sidebar: - questions: - title: "Necessiti altre domande?" - button: "Ricevi una nuova domanda" - share: - title: "Condividi" - button: "Condividi su %{service}" - actions: - title: "Azioni" - button: "Elimina tutte le domande" - entry: - asked: "chiesta da %{user} %{time} fa" - response: "risposta" - sharing: - title: "Condivisione" - post: "Pubblica su %{service}" - none: "Non sei connesso a nessun servizio al momento. Dai un'occhiata alle %{settings} per connerti ad uno." - settings: "impostazioni sui servizi" - general: - answer: "Risposte" - question: "Domande" - comment: "Commenti" - smile: "Sorrisi" - follower: "Seguaci" - following: "Persone seguite" - timeline: "Notizie" - public: "Pubblica" - user: "Utenti" - terms: "Termini di Servizio" - privacy: "Normativa sulla privacy" - about: "Informazioni" - list: - title: "Gruppo" - members: "Membri" - actions: - title: "Azioni" - ask: "Chiedi" - ask_question: "Fai una domanda" - answer: "Rispondi" - options: "Opzioni" - anonymous: "Nascondi il tuo nome" - delete: "Elimina" - report: "Segnala" - return: "Rimanda tra le domande in arrivo" - subscribe: "Iscriviti" - unsubscribe: "Disiscriviti" - view: "Vedi i sorrisi sul commento" - load: "Carica altro" - follow: "Segui" - unfollow: "Non seguire più" - list: "Impostazioni sui gruppi" - ban: "Controlla Ban" - privilege: "Controlla i privilegi dell'%{user}" - save: "Salva le impostazioni" - cancel: "Annulla" - close: "Chiudi" - done: "Fatto" - y: "Sì" - n: "No" - sessions: - destroy: "Esci" - create: "Entra" - new: "Registrati" - info: "Con la registrazione, accetti i nostri %{terms}" - moderation: - tabs: - all: "Tutte le segnalazioni" - moderationbox: - reported: "%{user} ha segnalato un(a/o/')%{content} %{time} fa" - reason: "Motivo:" - view: "Visualizza %{content} segnalato/a" - question: - title: "Non hai ricevuto questa domanda? Allora la puoi rispondere qui!" - navigation: - timeline: "Bacheca" - inbox: "In arrivo" - discover: "Scopri" - notifications: "Notifiche" - show: "Visualizza profilo" - settings: "Impostazioni" - admin: "Pannello di Controllo" - sidekiq: "Sidekiq" - moderation: "Pannello di Moderazione" - front: - subtitle: "Fai domande, dai risposte e conosci di più i tuoi amici." - ask: - title: "Chiedi delle domande e dai delle risposte" - desc: "Con %{app_title} puoi chiedere domande alle persone e rispondere alle domande degli altri utenti o anche persone non registrate. Vuoi saperne di più su quella discussione? Continua la discussione nei commenti!" - follow: - title: "Segui utenti e fatti seguire" - desc: "Seguire utenti ti permette di avere una bacheca personalizzata su tutte le persone delle quali vuoi saperne di più. Puoi anche inviare una domanda a tutti i tuoi seguaci in una volta!" - share: - title: "Condivisione su altri social network" - desc: "Vuoi condividere la tua risposta a una domanda affinché più persone la leggano? Con un semplice click sul tasto \"rispondi\", la tua risposta è condivisa ovunque tu voglia!" - about: - subtitle: "Tutto ciò che c'è da sapere sul nostro servizio, delle funzioni e altro ancora" - links: - title: "Link" - desc: "Importanti pagine e profili sui social network del team di %{app_title}, di cui noi ti raccomandiamo di dare un'occhiata!" - opensource: - title: "Open Source (Sorgente Aperta)" - warning: "%{app_title} usa del codice non finito, pieno di bug. Caveat emptor." - desc: "Vuoi darci una mano? Se sei uno sviluppatore di Ruby, programmatore di TypeScript o un designer frontend, puoi aiutare %{app_title} ad avere le funzioni che tutti volevano facendo un fork della nostra %{github}. Se ciò non è il caso, puoi comunque segnalare bug e richiedere funzioni sul nostro %{bugtracker}." - github: "repository Github" - bugtracker: "bug tracker" - repository: - title: "Repository Principale" - desc: "Il posto dove viene scritto tutto il codice magico e i problemi vengono risolti!" - contributors: - title: "Collaboratori" - desc: "Queste persone hanno contribuito al codice sorgente di %{app_title}." - howto: "Vuoi finire in questa lista? %{fork} e crea un pull request con i tuoi cambiamenti." - fork: "Fai un fork di questa repository" - team: - title: "Il Team" - desc: "Coloro che svolgono il lavoro sporco di %{app_title}!" - moderators: - title: "Moderatori" - desc: "La gente su %{app_title} che fa in modo che tutto sia sotto controllo!" - funding: - title: "Donatori" - desc: "Gente che ha (precedentemente) donato a %{app_title}!" - statistics: - title: "Statistiche" - desc: "Statistiche di %{app_title}, aggiornate ogni volta che aggiorni la pagina!" - discover: - title: "Scopri" - subtitle: "Il posto perfetto dove trovare contenuti interessanti dalla scorsa settimana su %{app_title}!" - content: - title: "Contenuti popolari" - desc: "Risposte con più sorrisi e domande con più risposte" - tab: - answers: "Risposte con più sorrisi" - questions: "Domande con più risposte" - comments: "Risposte con più commenti" - people: - title: "Gente" - desc: "Nuovi arrivati e persone che hanno chiesto più domande" - tab: - new: "Nuovi Utenti" - questions: "Persone che hanno chiesto più domande" - answers: "Persone che hanno risposto di più" - userbox: - new: "si è registrato %{time} fa" - answers: "ha risposto %{questions}" - questions: "ha chiesto %{questions}" - answerbox: - asked: "%{user} ha chiesto %{time} fa" - read: "Leggi la risposta completa" - answered: "%{user} %{hide}" - hide: "ha risposto" - time: "%{time} fa" - no_smile: "Nessuno ha sorriso a questo elemento, per ora." - no_comment: "Non ci sono ancora commenti." - commentsmile: "Persone che hanno sorriso a questo commento" - questionbox: - title: "Chiedi qualcosa!" - banned: "Questo utente è stato bananato con il bananahammer di un minion." - required: "Questo utente non vuole ricevere domande da degli anonimi sconosciuti. Perché non ti %{signup}?" - load: Chiedendo... - promote: - message: "La tua domanda è stata inviata." - create: "Crea un account" - another: "Chiedi un'altra domanda" - join: "Registrati su %{app_title} oggi! Sarai in grado di seguire e chiedere domande alla gente che conosci, e tanto altro!" - settings: - tabs: - account: "Account" - profile: "Profilo" - privacy: "Privacy" - sharing: "Condivisione" - account: - modal: - title: "Salva impostazioni account" - username: "Nome utente" - email: "Indirizzo email" - email_confirm: "In attesa di conferma per %{resource}" - password: Password - password_confirm: "Conferma password" - password_help: "Lascia in bianco se non vuoi cambiarla" - password_current: "Password attuale" - password_current_help: "Abbiamo bisogno della tua password attuale per confermare i tuoi cambiamenti" - delete: "Elimina il mio account" - unsatisfied: "Non soddisfatto?" - back: Indietro - profile: - displayname: "Il tuo nome" - avatar: "Immagine del profilo" - avatar_adjust: "Metti a posto il tuo nuovo avatar" - header: "Testata del profilo" - header_adjust: "Metti a posto la tua nuova testata" - motivation: "Testata di motivazione" - website: "Sito web" - location: "Luogo" - bio: "Biografia" - placeholder: - motivation: "Chiedimi qualcosa!" - location: "Da dove digiti?" - bio: "Dicci qualcosa su di te!" - privacy: - anonymous: "Permetti le domande anonime" - public: "Mostra le tue risposte nella bacheca pubblica" - stranger: "Permetti alle altre persone di rispondere alle tue domande" - service: - enabled: "La condivisione è attiva per i seguenti servizi:" - none: "Non sei connesso a nessun servizio al momento." - connect: "Connettiti a %{service}" - disconnect: Disconnettiti. - confirm: "Vuoi davvero disconnetterti da %{service}?" - modal: - ask: - title: "Chiedi ai tuoi seguaci" - choose: "Scegli gruppo:" - loading: Chiedendo... - bancontrol: - title: "Pannello di Controllo dei Ban" - ban: Banna? - permanent: Permanentemente? - reason: "Motivo" - hammertime: "Tempo del ban" - list: - title: "Gestisci appartenenza a gruppi" - tabs: - main: "Gruppi" - create: "Crea nuovo gruppo" - create: "Crea gruppo" - name: "Nome del gruppo" - members: "membri" - privilege: - blogger: "L'utente riceve quel privilegio se ha scritto qualcosa (di positivo) riguardante Retrospring su un blog." - contributor: "Questo utente ha collaborato a justask (il programma dietro Retrospring)." - supporter: "Questo utente supporta il sito economicamente." - moderator: "Qualcuno di cui si può fidare a tal punto che lo abbiamo scelto per aiutare a gestire le segnalazioni." - admin: "Questo utente fa parte del team al cuore di Retrospring." - translator: "Questo utente ci ha aiutato a tradurre Retrospring nella sua lingua." - user: - follows_you: "Ti segue" - title: - admin: "Amministratore" - moderator: "Moderatore" - supporter: "Supporter" - contributor: "Collaboratore" - blogger: "Blogger" - banned: "Bannato" - translator: "Traduttore" diff --git a/config/locales/ja.yml b/config/locales/ja.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 8a6f7249..00000000 --- a/config/locales/ja.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,452 +0,0 @@ -ja: - language: 日本語 - frontend: - load: つづきを読み込む... - success: - title: 成功しました! - error: - title: おっと... - message: エラーが発生しました。開発者は詳細をコンソールで確認すべきです - subscription: - subscribe: 購読に成功しました。 - unsubscribe: 購読の解除に成功しました。 - fail: - subscribe: 回答の購読に失敗しました。 - unsubscribe: 回答の購読の解除に失敗しました。 - list: - confirm: - title: このグループを削除してもよろしいですか? - text: このグループを復元することはできなくなります。 - destroy_question: - confirm: - title: よろしいですか? - text: この質問は受信トレイに戻されますが、ソーシャルメディアへの投稿は削除されません。 - destroy_comment: - confirm: - title: 削除してもよろしいですか? - text: このコメントを復元することはできなくなります。 - destroy_report: - confirm: - title: 削除してもよろしいですか? - text: この報告を復元することはできなくなります。 - destroy_own: - confirm: - title: よろしいですか? - text: 質問は削除されます。 - inbox: - empty: 何もありません。 - confirm_all: - title: "%{count}件の質問を削除してもよろしいですか?" - text: これらを復元することはできなくなります。 - confirm: - title: 削除してもよろしいですか? - text: この質問を復元することはできなくなります。 - report: - confirm: - title: "この%{type}を報告してもよろしいですか?" - text: |- - モデレーターがあなたの報告を審査し、判断を下します。 - 良ければ理由を書いてください。 - input: 理由を書く... - flash: - ban: - error: "%{name}さん、申し訳ありませんが残念ながらそれはできません。" - reason: "規制理由: %{reason}" - until: "規制期間: %{time}まで" - service: - create: - success: サービスの追加に成功しました - error: "サービスを追加できませんでした :(" - failure: エラーが発生しました - destroy: サービスの削除に成功しました。 - user: - update: - text: プロフィールを更新しました! - avatar: 新しいプロフィール画像がすべての場所で表示されるようになるまで数分かかることがあります。 - header: 新しいヘッダー画像がすべての場所で表示されるようになるまで数分かかることがあります。 - error: "エラーが発生しました。 ;_;" - update_privacy: - success: プライバシーの設定を更新しました! - error: "エラーが発生しました。 ;_;" - messages: - noscript: JavaScriptを有効にしてください。 - error: エラーが発生しました。 - parameter_error: "%{parameter}は必須項目です。" - noauth: 認証が必要です - answer: - create: - fail: 受信トレイに質問はありません。 - privacy_stronk: このユーザーは他のユーザーに質問を見られたくないようです。 - peter_dinklage: 回答が短すぎます。 - okay: 質問への回答に成功しました。 - destroy: - nopriv: 他のユーザーの回答は削除できません - okay: 回答の削除に成功しました。 - comment: - create: - rec_inv: コメントが長過ぎます。 - okay: コメントの投稿に成功しました。 - destroy: - nopriv: 他のユーザーのコメントは削除できません - okay: コメントの削除に成功しました。 - friend: - create: - fail: 既にこのユーザーをフォローしています。 - okay: フォローに成功しました。 - destroy: - fail: このユーザーをフォローしていません。 - okay: フォローの解除に成功しました。 - list: - create: - noname: グループに名前をつけてください。 - toolong: グループ名が長過ぎます(最大30文字) - notfound: ユーザーが見つかりませんでした。 - exists: 既にグループが存在します。 - okay: グループの作成に成功しました。 - destroy: - notfound: グループが見つかりませんでした。 - okay: グループの削除に成功しました。 - membership: - notfound: グループが見つかりません。 - add: グループへのユーザーの追加に成功しました。 - remove: グループからのユーザーの削除に成功しました。 - inbox: - create: - okay: 新しい質問の追加に成功しました。 - remove: - fail: 受信トレイに質問はありません - okay: 質問の削除に成功しました。 - remove_all: - okay: 質問の削除に成功しました。 - moderation: - vote: - fail: 既にこの報告に投票しています。 - okay: 報告への投票に成功しました。 - destroy_vote: - fail: この報告に投票していません。 - okay: 報告への投票の取り消しに成功しました。 - destroy_report: - fail: 何か良くないことが起きました! - okay: どこいったの???もういや!!! - create_comment: - rec_inv: コメントが長過ぎます。 - okay: コメントの投稿に成功しました。 - destroy_comment: - nopriv: 他のユーザーのコメントは削除できません - okay: コメントの削除に成功しました。 - ban: - error: おかしい... - nopriv: 管理者は利用停止にできません! - unban: ユーザーの利用停止処分を取り消しました。 - perma: 永久的にユーザーを追放しました。 - temp: "ユーザーを%{date}まで利用停止処分にしました" - privilege: - nope: なにも! - nopriv: まずあなたの権限を確認しましょう! - checked: "このユーザーの%{privilege}権限の確認に成功しました。" - question: - destroy: - not_found: 質問は存在しません - not_authorized: この質問を削除する権限がありません - okay: 質問の削除に成功しました。 - create: - rec_inv: 質問が長過ぎます。 - not_found: グループが見つかりません - okay: 質問の投稿に成功しました。 - report: - create: - login: ログインが必要です - unknown: 不明な形式 - not_found: "%{parameter}は見つかりませんでした" - okay: "%{parameter}を報告しました。#{parameter}についての判断はモデレーターが行います。" - smile: - create: - fail: 既にこの回答をスマイルしています。 - okay: 回答のスマイルに成功しました。 - destroy: - fail: この回答にスマイルしていません。 - okay: 回答のアンスマイルに成功しました。 - create_comment: - fail: 既にこのコメントをスマイルしています。 - okay: コメントのスマイルに成功しました。 - destroy_comment: - fail: このコメントにスマイルしていません。 - okay: コメントのアンスマイルに成功しました。 - subscription: - torpedo: "418 I'm a torpedo" - views: - placeholder: - inbox: ここに回答を書く... - comment: コメントを書く... - question: ここに質問を書く… - notifications: - show: すべての通知を表示する - mark: &既読にする - answer: - body: "は%{time}前に%{question}に回答しました" - question: あなたの質問 - relationship: - body: "は%{time}前にあなたをフォローしました" - smile: - body: "は%{time}前に%{content}をスマイルしました" - answer: あなたの回答 - comment: あなたのコメント - comment: - body: "は%{time}前に%{content}にコメントしました" - your: あなたの回答 - their: 自分自身の回答 - user: "%{user}の回答" - tabs: - all: すべての通知 - answer: 回答 - smile: スマイル - comment: コメント - commentsmile: コメントへのスマイル - relationship: フォロワー - inbox: - empty: 何もありません。 - sidebar: - questions: - title: 質問はありませんか? - button: 新しい質問を受ける - share: - title: 共有 - button: "%{service}で共有" - actions: - title: 操作 - button: すべての質問を削除 - entry: - asked: "%{user}さんは%{time}前に質問しました" - response: 反応 - sharing: - title: 共有 - post: "%{service}に投稿する" - none: "連携されたサービスがまだ一つもありません。%{settings}で連携しましょう。" - settings: サービス設定 - general: - answer: 回答 - question: 質問 - comment: コメント - smile: スマイル - follower: フォロワー - following: フォロー - timeline: タイムライン - public: パブリック - user: ユーザー - terms: 利用規約 - privacy: プライバシーポリシー - about: Retrospringについて - list: - title: グループ - members: メンバー - actions: - title: アクション - ask: 質問 - ask_question: 質問する - answer: 回答 - options: オプション - anonymous: 名前を隠す - delete: 削除 - report: 報告 - return: 受信トレイに戻す - subscribe: 購読 - unsubscribe: 購読解除 - view: コメントへのスマイルを見る - load: つづきを読み込む - follow: フォロー - unfollow: フォロー解除 - list: グループのメンバーを管理 - ban: 利用停止管理 - privilege: "%{user}の権限を確認する" - save: 変更を保存する - cancel: キャンセル - close: 閉じる - done: 完了 - y: はい - n: いいえ - sessions: - destroy: ログアウト - create: サインイン - new: 登録 - info: "登録には%{terms}への同意が必要です" - moderation: - tabs: - all: すべての報告 - moderationbox: - reported: "%{user}は%{time}前に%{content}を報告しました" - reason: "理由:" - view: "報告された%{content}を見る" - question: - title: この質問は受信箱にありませんか?ここで回答しましょう! - navigation: - timeline: タイムライン - inbox: 受信トレイ - discover: みつける - notifications: 通知 - show: プロフィールを見る - settings: 設定 - admin: 設定 - sidekiq: Sidekiq - moderation: モデレーションパネル - front: - subtitle: 質問をしたり回答したりして友だちのことをもっと知ろう。 - ask: - title: 質問や回答をしよう - desc: "%{app_title}では人に質問したり他のユーザーや登録していない人からの質問に答えることができます。もっと知りたいのであれば、コメント欄で継続的に議論することができます。" - follow: - title: フォローしてフォローされよう - desc: ユーザーをフォローすれば、あなたがもっと知りたいと思っている人の最新情報をあなた向けにカスタマイズすることができます。あなたのフォロワーに質問を一度に送ることもできます! - share: - title: 他のネットワークへ共有しよう - desc: もっと多くの人に質問への回答を読めるように共有したければ、回答ボタンの一回の簡単なクリックであなたの回答をお好きなところに共有できます! - about: - subtitle: サービスについてや機能・その他のインフォメーション - links: - title: リンク - desc: "%{app_title}の重要なページやソーシャルメディアのプロフィールは見てみると良いでしょう!" - opensource: - title: オープンソース - warning: "%{app_title}は完成されたコードで動いておらず、バグで満ちています。動く保証はありません。" - desc: "貢献したいですか?Rubyデベロッパー、TypeScriptコーダーかフロントエンドデザイナーならば、私たちの%{github}をフォークすることによってみんなが欲しい機能をつけて%{app_title}を助けることができます。そうでなければ、バグを報告して私たちの%{bugtracker}で機能をリクエストすることができます。" - github: Githubレポジトリ - bugtracker: バグトラッカー - repository: - title: メインレポジトリ - desc: すべてのコードの抽象化と修復が行われているところです! - contributors: - title: コントリビューター - desc: "これらの人々は%{app_title}のソースコードに貢献しました。" - howto: "ここに載りたければ、%{fork}して変更をプルリクエストしてください。" - fork: このレポジトリをフォーク - team: - title: チーム - desc: "%{app_title}の中の人です!" - moderators: - title: モデレーター - desc: "%{app_title}であなたの面倒を見れくれる人です!" - funding: - title: 経済的支援 - desc: "%{app_title}に(かつて)寄付してくれた人です!" - statistics: - title: 統計 - desc: "%{app_title}の全期間の統計です。ページを更新すると最新状態になります!" - discover: - title: みつける - subtitle: "%{app_title}で先週からのおもしろいものを見つけるのにぴったりなところです!" - content: - title: 人気なもの - desc: たくさんのスマイルのある回答やたくさんの回答のある質問 - tab: - answers: スマイルが多い - questions: 回答が多い - comments: 議論が活発 - people: - title: ユーザー - desc: 新規ユーザーや多くの質問をしているユーザー - tab: - new: 新規ユーザー - questions: 活発な質問 - answers: 活発な回答 - userbox: - new: "は%{time}前に登録しました" - answers: "は%{questions}しました" - questions: "は%{questions}しました。" - answerbox: - asked: "%{user}は%{time}前に質問しました" - read: 回答の全文を読む - answered: "%{user}%{hide}" - hide: "回答した人:" - time: "%{time}前" - no_smile: まだ誰もスマイルしていません。 - no_comment: コメントはまだありません。 - commentsmile: このコメントをスマイルした人 - questionbox: - title: 何でも聞いてください! - banned: このユーザーは正義の利用停止の鉄槌を喰らいました。 - required: "このユーザーは知らない人に質問されたくないようです。%{signup}しましょう。" - load: 質問する... - promote: - message: 質問は送信されました。 - create: アカウントを作成する - another: 他の質問をする - join: "いますぐ%{app_title}に登録しましょう!あなたがもっと知りたいと思っている人をフォローして質問することができるようになります。" - settings: - tabs: - account: アカウント - profile: プロフィール - privacy: プライバシー - sharing: 共有 - account: - modal: - title: アカウントの変更を保存する - username: ユーザー名 - email: メールアドレス - email_confirm: "現在%{resource}の確認待ちです" - password: パスワード - password_confirm: パスワードの確認 - password_help: 変更しない場合は空欄のままにしてください - password_current: 現在のパスワード - password_current_help: 変更を確認するために現在のパスワードを入力が必要です - delete: アカウントを削除する - unsatisfied: 満足できませんでしたか? - back: 戻る - profile: - displayname: 名前 - avatar: プロフィール画像 - avatar_adjust: 新しいアバターを調整してください - header: プロフィールヘッダー - header_adjust: 新しいヘッダーを調整してください - motivation: モチベーションヘッダー - website: ウェブサイト - location: 場所 - bio: 自己紹介 - placeholder: - motivation: なんでも聞いてください! - location: どこに住んでいますか? - bio: あなたについて教えてください! - privacy: - anonymous: 匿名での質問を許可する - public: あなたの回答をパブリックタイムラインで表示する - stranger: 他の人があなたの質問に回答することを許可する - service: - enabled: "共有を以下のサービスで許可する:" - none: 連携されたサービスがまだ一つもありません。 - connect: "%{service}と連携する" - disconnect: 連携を解除する - confirm: "%{service}との連携を解除してもよろしいですか?" - modal: - ask: - title: フォロワーに質問する - choose: "グループを選んでください:" - loading: 質問する... - bancontrol: - title: 利用停止管理センター - ban: 利用停止処分しますか? - permanent: 永久的に追放しますか? - reason: 理由 - hammertime: 利用停止時間 - list: - title: グループのメンバーを管理 - tabs: - main: グループ - create: 新しいグループを作成する - create: グループを作成 - name: グループ名 - members: メンバー - privilege: - blogger: Retrospringについてなにか(良いことを)ブログに書くと権限を得られます。 - contributor: このユーザーはjustask(Retrospringが使用しているソフトウェア)に貢献しました。 - supporter: このユーザーは金銭的にこのサイトを支援しています。 - moderator: 報告の管理を助けるのに十分に信頼を置ける人 - admin: このユーザーはコアチームのメンバーです。 - translator: このユーザーはRetrospringを翻訳することを助けてくれました。 - user: - follows_you: あなたをフォローしています - title: - admin: 管理者 - moderator: モデレーター - supporter: サポーター - contributor: コントリビューター - blogger: ブロガー - banned: 利用停止処分された人 - translator: 翻訳者