questions: sort bits alphabetically and combine them where possible

This commit is contained in:
Georg Gadinger 2023-02-15 21:33:20 +01:00
parent 841157c790
commit ddc792d0df
1 changed files with 287 additions and 335 deletions

View File

@ -1,355 +1,307 @@
Do: ---
you: - Are you:
- recycle - afraid of going outside at night
- religious
- Can you:
- cook
- dance
- draw
- play:
- any:
- sports
- baseball
- the:
- guitar
- piano
- saxophone
- trumpet
- ski
- speak different languages
- swim
- yodel
- Do:
- you:
- have: - have:
- a: - a nickname
- nickname
- any: - any:
- siblings - siblings
- pets - pets
- like: - like:
- social networks
- muffins - muffins
- video games - social networks
- the: - the city where you live
- city:
- or:
- country
- where you:
- live
- to: - to:
- travel - travel
- sing out loud when no one else is around - sing out loud when no one else is around
- video games
- prefer to:
- browse the Internet on your phone, computer, or another device
- live in a house or a flat
- take baths or showers
- watch movies or read books
- recycle
- think that late is better than never
- want: - want:
- more:
- friends
- money
- things than you need
- old times back - old times back
- to know more: - to know more:
about: - about:
- history
- new inventions
- your:
- future
- relatives
- your:
- friends:
- know:
- [much, too much]:
- about:
- you
- your: - your:
- future
- relatives
- history
- new inventions
- more:
- money
- friends
- things than you need
- think that:
- late is better than never
- prefer:
- take baths or showers
- you:
- the way you are
- social networks
- muffins
- video games
[much, too much]:
- your:
- life
- hobbies
- family - family
- friends - friends
- you - hobbies
What: - life
- was: - like:
the: - muffins
best: - social networks
- day of your life like - video games
last: - you the way you are
- concert you've been to
- song: - Have you ever:
- you listened on repeat - been:
- thing: - caught:
you: - cheating
have: - doing things you shouldn't do
- bought - mistaken for someone else
- done - to:
- eaten - Australia
your: - Austria
favourite: - Brazil
song: - Bulgaria
- as a 5 year old - China
- from a few weeks ago - Czechia
- would: - Finland
you: - France
do: - Germany
if: - Italy
you: - Japan
had: - Mexico
- one million dollars - Monaco
- the ability to fly - Norway
were: - Poland
- a dragon - Russia
woke up: - Slovakia
with: - Slovenia
- someone else next to you - Sweden
- some drawings in your face - Switzerland
- do: - Ukraine
you: - Venezuela
- for fun
- 'on':
- the:
- weekend
- do when you're bored
- have for breakfast
- dogs or cats
- shower or bath
- tea or coffee
- the:
- Internet
- Bad Dragon
- dragons
- '"fact" accounts'
- society
- cats
- surveillance
- coyotes
- raccoons
- foxes
- dogs
- lizards
- [activity, activities]:
- enjoy the most
- kind:
- do you have
- habit:
- in a person
- is:
- first memory
- dream job
- favourite:
- activity
- animal
- beverage
- board game
- book series
- console
- food
- Internet browser
- language
- name
- number
- piece of music
- programming language
- season
- snack
- sports team
- type of cheese
- video game
- way to eat a potato
- website
[best, worst]:
- about:
- society
- the:
- Internet
- your:
- favourite:
- series
- movie
- book
- country
- hometown
- one can do:
- if:
- "they're bored"
- ever
- chain
- to prepare and eat eggs
- thing you would like to become better at
- was:
- did
- ate
- looked for
[best, worst]:
- "you've eaten so far"
- languages do you know
- apps do you use daily
- 'is heavier: a kilogram of steel, or a kilogram of feathers'
- swim
- speak:
- different:
- languages
- play:
- any:
- sports
- the: - the:
- piano - USA
- guitar - United Kingdom
- trumpet - had an accident
- saxophone - listened to:
- baseball - classical music
- ski - drum and bass
- cook - dubstep
- dance - frenchcore
- yodel - hardstyle
- draw - J-Pop
Are: - K-Pop
you: - metal
- religious - music:
Have: - "from the 50's"
you: - "from the 60's"
ever: - "from the 70's"
- been: - "from the 80's"
- to: - "from the 90's"
- Austria - nightcore
- Germany - punk rock
- Japan - trance
- Switzerland - vaporwave
- France - pet:
- Sweden - a bat
- Norway - a bnuuy
- Finland - a bunny
- Australia - a cat
- Italy - a coyote
- Russia - a dog
- China - a dragon
- the: - a ferret
- USA - a fox
- United Kingdom - a horse
- caught: - a hyena
- "doing things you shouldn't do" - a lion
- cheating - a lizard
- mistaken for: - a marten
- someone else - a mouse
- listened to: - a raccoon
- classical music - a rat
- drum and bass - a shark
- dubstep - a wolf
- frenchcore - an opossum
- hardstyle - an otter
- J-Pop - an owl
- K-Pop - ridden a horse
- metal - written:
- music: - a love letter
- "from the 50's" - code
- "from the 60's" - in Japanese
- "from the 70's"
- "from the 80's" - How:
- "from the 90's" - fast:
- nightcore
- punk rock
- trance
- vaporwave
- had:
- an:
- accident
- pet:
- a bat
- a bnuuy
- a bunny
- a cat
- a coyote
- a dog
- a dragon
- a ferret
- a fox
- a horse
- a hyena
- a lion
- a lizard
- a marten
- a mouse
- a raccoon
- a rat
- a shark
- a wolf
- an opossum
- an otter
- an owl
- ridden a horse
- written:
- a love letter
- code
- in Japanese
- are you - are you
- is your internet connection - is your internet connection
has: - has your day been
your: - often do you:
day: - cook
- been - eat food not prepared by yourself
often: - iron your clothes
do you: - take selfies
- cook - use condiments
- eat food not prepared by yourself - many:
- iron your clothes
- take selfies
- use condiments
- you
- open tabs do you currently have
- followers is too many - followers is too many
Where: - open tabs do you currently have
do: - old are you
- work - What:
- live - [activity, activities]:
Which: - do you enjoy the most
food: - apps do you use daily
do: - do you:
you: - do:
- love - for fun
- hate - on the weekend
Who: - like more,:
is: - dogs or cats
the: - shower or bath
- most famous person you have met - tea or coffee
your: - think about:
- Bad Dragon
- cats
- coyotes
- dogs
- dragons
- '"fact" accounts'
- foxes
- lizards
- raccoons
- society
- surveillance
- the Internet
- usually:
- do when you're bored
- have for breakfast
- habit do you really find cute in a person
- is:
- "heavier: a kilogram of steel, or a kilogram of feathers"
- one thing you would like to become better at
- the:
- [best, worst]:
- fast food chain
- thing:
- about:
- society
- the Internet
- your:
- country
- favourite:
- book
- movie
- series
- hometown
- ever
- one can do if they're bored
- way to prepare and eat eggs
- your:
- dream job
- favourite: - favourite:
- Retrospring user - activity
- actor - animal
- artist - beverage
- comedian - board game
- musician - book series
Why: - console
do: - food
- they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food - Internet browser
Would: - language
you: - name
rather: - number
live: - piece of music
- in: - programming language
- a city or in the countryside - season
- a flat or in a house - snack
lose: - sports team
- an arm or a leg - type of cheese
be: - video game
- the best player on a horrible team or the worst player on a great team - way to eat a potato
- website
- first memory
- kind of animals do you have
- languages do you know
- was:
- the:
- best day of your life like
- [best, worst]:
- thing you've eaten so far
- last:
- concert you've been to
- song you listened to on repeat
- thing you:
- ate
- did
- have:
- bought
- done
- eaten
- looked for
- your favourite song:
- as a kid
- from a few weeks ago
- would you do if you:
- had:
- one billion euros
- one million euros
- the ability to fly
- were a dragon
- woke up with:
- some drawings in your face
- someone else next to you
- Where do you:
- live
- work
- Which food do you:
- hate
- love
- Who is:
- the most famous person you have met
- your favourite:
- Retrospring user
- actor
- artist
- comedian
- musician
- Why do:
- people climb mountains
- printers never work when you need them
- they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food
- Would you:
- buy a cheese flavoured bubble gum
- eat a cactus
- rather:
- be the best player on a horrible team or the worst player on a great team
- live in:
- a city or in the countryside
- a flat or in a house
- lose an arm or a leg