Add unicorn.rb to linked files

This commit is contained in:
Georg Gadinger 2017-03-31 23:55:52 +02:00
parent 07d513f5f5
commit e6cb140eb9
2 changed files with 3 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
web: bundle exec unicorn -E production -l unix:./tmp/sockets/justask.sock
workers: bundle exec sidekiq -e production -C './config/sidekiq.yml'
web: bundle exec unicorn -E production -c ./config/unicorn.rb -l unix:./tmp/sockets/justask.sock
workers: bundle exec sidekiq -e production -C './config/sidekiq.yml'

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@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ set :deploy_to, "/usr/home/justask/apps/retrospring"
# set :pty, true
# Default value for :linked_files is []
append :linked_files, "config/database.yml", "config/justask.yml", "config/secrets.yml", "config/initializers/devise.rb"
append :linked_files, "config/database.yml", "config/justask.yml", "config/secrets.yml", "config/unicorn.rb", "config/initializers/devise.rb"
# Default value for linked_dirs is []
append :linked_dirs, "log", "tmp/pids", "tmp/cache", "tmp/sockets", "public/uploads", "public/system", "public/exports"