# frozen_string_literal: true raise ArgumentError.new("This file should only be required in the 'test' environment! Current environment: #{Rails.env}") unless Rails.env.test? # an example exporter to be used for the tests of `Exporter` # # this only returning basic files, nothing user-specific. each exporter should be tested individually. class ExampleExporter < UseCase::DataExport::Base def files = { "textfile.txt" => "Sample Text\n", "pictures/example.jpg" => File.read(File.expand_path("../fixtures/files/banana_racc.jpg", __dir__)), "some.json" => json_file!( animals: %w[raccoon fox hyena deer dog], big_number: 3457812374589235798, booleans: { yes: true, no: false, file_not_found: nil } ) } end