# frozen_string_literal: true require 'securerandom' # This migration changes the IDs of several tables from serial to a # timestamped/"snowflake" one. # # Instead of "snowflakes" we shall call those IDs Cornflakes or Waspflakes # instead. # # Implementation somewhat lifted from Mastodon. class UseTimestampedIds < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.2] def up # PL/pgSQL is just spicy pascal # don't @ me execute <<~SQL CREATE or replace FUNCTION gen_timestamp_id(tblname text) RETURNS bigint AS $$ DECLARE timepart bigint; seqpart bigint; BEGIN timepart := (date_part('epoch', now()) * 1000)::bigint << 16; seqpart := ('x' || substr(md5(tblname || '#{SecureRandom.hex(16)}' || timepart::text), 1, 4))::bit(16)::bigint; RETURN timepart | ((seqpart + nextval(tblname || '_id_seq')) & 65535); END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE; SQL # we need to migrate related columns to bigints for this to work { question: %i[answers inboxes], answer: %i[comments smiles subscriptions], comment: %i[comment_smiles], user: %i[announcements answers comment_smiles comments inboxes list_members lists moderation_comments moderation_votes questions reports services smiles subscriptions themes users_roles], # polymorphic tables go brrr recipient: %i[notifications], source: %i[relationships], target: %i[notifications relationships reports], }.each do |ref, tbls| tbls.each do |tbl| say "Migrating #{tbl}.#{ref}_id to bigint" change_column(tbl, :"#{ref}_id", :bigint) end end %i[questions answers comments smiles comment_smiles users].each do |tbl| say "Migrating #{tbl} to use timestamped ids" change_column(tbl, :id, :bigint, default: -> { "gen_timestamp_id('#{tbl}'::text)" }) end end end