class Ajax::ModerationController < ApplicationController def vote params.require :id params.require :upvote report = Report.find(params[:id]) begin current_user.report_vote(report, params[:upvote]) rescue @status = :fail @message = "You have already voted on this report." @success = false return end @count = report.votes @status = :okay @message = "Successfully voted on report." @success = true end def destroy_vote params.require :id report = Report.find(params[:id]) begin current_user.report_unvote report rescue @status = :fail @message = "You have not voted on that report." @success = false return end @count = report.votes @status = :okay @message = "Successfully removed vote from report." @success = true end def destroy_report params.require :id report = Report.find(params[:id]) begin report.deleted = true rescue @status = :fail @message = "Something bad happened!" @success = false return end @status = :okay @message = "WHERE DID IT GO??? OH NO!!!" @success = true end def create_comment params.require :id params.require :comment report = Report.find(params[:id]) @success = false begin current_user.report_comment(report, params[:comment]) rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid @status = :rec_inv @message = "Your comment is too long." return end @status = :okay @message = "Comment posted successfully." @success = true @render = render_to_string(partial: 'moderation/discussion', locals: { report: report }) @count = report.moderation_comments.all.count end def destroy_comment params.require :comment @status = :err @success = false comment = ModerationComment.find(params[:comment]) unless current_user == comment.user @status = :nopriv @message = "can't delete other people's comments" @success = false return end comment.destroy @status = :okay @message = "Successfully deleted comment." @success = true end end