# frozen_string_literal: true require "rails_helper" describe UserController, type: :controller do let(:user) { FactoryBot.create :user, otp_module: :disabled, otp_secret_key: 'EJFNIJPYXXTCQSRTQY6AG7XQLAT2IDG5H7NGLJE3'} describe "#edit" do subject { get :edit } context "user signed in" do before(:each) { sign_in user } it "renders the edit_profile_picture template" do subject expect(response).to render_template("user/edit") end end end describe "#update" do subject { patch :update, params: { user: avatar_params } } let(:avatar_params) do { profile_picture: fixture_file_upload("files/banana_racc.jpg", "image/jpeg") } end context "user signed in" do before(:each) { sign_in user } it "enqueues a Sidekiq job to process the uploaded profile picture" do subject expect(::CarrierWave::Workers::ProcessAsset).to have_enqueued_sidekiq_job("User", user.id.to_s, "profile_picture") end it "redirects to the edit_user_profile page" do subject expect(response).to redirect_to(:edit_user_profile) end end end describe "#update_profile" do subject { patch :update_profile, params: { profile: profile_params } } let(:profile_params) do { display_name: 'sneaky cune' } end context "user signed in" do before(:each) { sign_in user } it "updates the user's profile" do expect { subject }.to change{ user.profile.reload.display_name }.to('sneaky cune') end it "redirects to the edit_user_profile page" do subject expect(response).to redirect_to(:edit_user_profile) end end end describe "#update" do subject { patch :update, params: { user: header_params } } let(:header_params) do { profile_header: fixture_file_upload("files/banana_racc.jpg", "image/jpeg") } end context "user signed in" do before(:each) { sign_in user } it "enqueues a Sidekiq job to process the uploaded profile header" do subject expect(::CarrierWave::Workers::ProcessAsset).to have_enqueued_sidekiq_job("User", user.id.to_s, "profile_header") end it "redirects to the edit_user_profile page" do subject expect(response).to redirect_to(:edit_user_profile) end end end describe "#edit_security" do subject { get :edit_security } context "user signed in" do before(:each) { sign_in user } render_views it "shows a setup form for users who don't have 2FA enabled" do subject expect(response).to have_rendered(:edit_security) expect(response).to have_rendered(partial: 'settings/security/_totp_setup') end it "shows the option to disable 2FA for users who have 2FA already enabled" do user.otp_module = :enabled user.save subject expect(response).to have_rendered(:edit_security) expect(response).to have_rendered(partial: 'settings/security/_totp_enabled') end end end describe "#update_2fa" do subject { post :update_2fa, params: update_params } context "user signed in" do before(:each) { sign_in user } context "user enters the incorrect code" do let(:update_params) do { user: { otp_validation: 123456 } } end it "shows an error if the user enters the incorrect code" do Timecop.freeze(Time.at(1603290888)) do subject expect(response).to redirect_to :edit_user_security expect(flash[:error]).to eq('The code you entered was invalid.') end end end context "user enters the correct code" do let(:update_params) do { user: { otp_validation: 187894 } } end it "enables 2FA for the logged in user and generates recovery keys" do Timecop.freeze(Time.at(1603290888)) do subject expect(response).to have_rendered(:recovery_keys) expect(user.totp_recovery_codes.count).to be(TotpRecoveryCode::NUMBER_OF_CODES_TO_GENERATE) end end it "shows an error if the user attempts to use the code once it has expired" do Timecop.freeze(Time.at(1603290950)) do subject expect(response).to redirect_to :edit_user_security expect(flash[:error]).to eq(I18n.t('views.auth.2fa.errors.invalid_code')) end end end end end describe "#destroy_2fa" do subject { delete :destroy_2fa } context "user signed in" do before(:each) do user.otp_module = :enabled user.save sign_in(user) end it "disables 2FA for the logged in user" do subject user.reload expect(user.otp_module_enabled?).to be_falsey expect(user.totp_recovery_codes.count).to be(0) end end end describe "#reset_user_recovery_codes" do subject { delete :reset_user_recovery_codes } context "user signed in" do before(:each) do sign_in(user) end it "regenerates codes on request" do old_codes = user.totp_recovery_codes.pluck(:code) subject new_codes = user.totp_recovery_codes.pluck(:code) expect(new_codes).not_to match_array(old_codes) end end end end