$(document).on "click", "button[name=qb-all-ask]", -> btn = $(this) btn.button "loading" $("textarea[name=qb-all-question]").attr "readonly", "readonly" rcptSelect = ($ 'select[name=qb-all-rcpt]') rcpt = if rcptSelect.length > 0 rcptSelect.first().val() else 'followers' $.ajax url: '/ajax/ask' type: 'POST' data: rcpt: rcpt question: $("textarea[name=qb-all-question]").val() anonymousQuestion: false success: (data, status, jqxhr) -> if data.success $("textarea[name=qb-all-question]").val '' $('#modal-ask-followers').modal('hide') showNotification data.message, data.success error: (jqxhr, status, error) -> console.log jqxhr, status, error showNotification "An error occurred, a developer should check the console for details", false complete: (jqxhr, status) -> btn.button "reset" $("textarea[name=qb-all-question]").removeAttr "readonly" # hotkey for accessing this quickly $(document).on "keydown", (evt) -> if evt.keyCode == 77 and (evt.ctrlKey or evt.metaKey) $('.btn[name=toggle-all-ask]').trigger 'click' # see GitHub issue #2 ($ document).on "keydown", "textarea[name=qb-all-question]", (evt) -> if evt.keyCode == 13 and (evt.ctrlKey or evt.metaKey) ($ "button[name=qb-all-ask]").trigger 'click'