# justask [![build status](https://ci.rrerr.net/projects/9/status.png?ref=master)](https://ci.rrerr.net/projects/9?ref=master) ## Requirements - UNIX-like system (Linux, *BSD, ...) - ruby 1.9.3+ - Bundler - PostgreSQL or MySQL ## Installation ### Database #### PostgreSQL ``` $ sudo -u postgres psql -d template1 template1=# CREATE USER justask CREATEDB; template1=# CREATE DATABASE justask_production OWNER justask; template1=# \q ``` Try connecting to the database: ``` $ psql -U justask -d justask_production ``` #### MySQL ``` $ mysql -u root -p # change 'hack me' in the command below to a real password mysql> CREATE USER 'justask'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'hack me'; mysql> SET storage_engine=INNODB; mysql> CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS `justask_production` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET `utf8` COLLATE `utf8_unicode_ci`; mysql> GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE, DROP, INDEX, ALTER, LOCK TABLES ON `justask_production`.* TO 'justask'@'localhost'; mysql> \q ``` Try connecting to the database: ``` $ mysql -u justask -p -D justask_production ``` ### justask #### Clone the Source ``` $ git clone https://git.rrerr.net/nilsding/justask.git justask ``` #### Configure It ``` # Change into the justask directory $ cd justask # Copy the example config $ cp config/justask.yml.example config/justask.yml # Edit the configuration file $ vi config/justask.yml ``` #### Database Configuration ``` # PostgreSQL only: $ cp config/database.yml.postgres config/database.yml # MySQL only: $ cp config/database.yml.mysql config/database.yml # MySQL and remote PostgreSQL only: $ vi config/database.yml # Both: # Make database.yml readable only for you chmod o-rwx config/database.yml ``` #### Install Gems ``` # For PostgreSQL (note: the option says "without ... mysql") $ bundle install --deployment --without development test mysql # Or, if you use MySQL $ bundle install --deployment --without development test postgres ``` #### Initialize Database ``` $ bundle exec rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production ``` #### Compile Assets ``` $ bundle exec rake assets:precompile RAILS_ENV=production ```