.jumbotron.j2-jumbo.text-center %h1= APP_CONFIG['site_name'] %p About our service, features and other information .container = render 'layouts/messages' .row .col-sm-4 .panel.panel-default .panel-body %h3 The Team The people behind = succeed '!' do = APP_CONFIG['site_name'] %br/ - APP_CONFIG['admins'].each do |adm| .media .pull-left %a{href: show_user_profile_path(adm['screen_name'])} %img.img-rounded.answerbox--img{src: User.find_by_screen_name(adm['screen_name']).profile_picture.url(:medium)} .media-body %h4.entry-text.entry-about= adm['about_text'] %h6.entry-subtext= adm['subtext'] .panel.panel-default .panel-body %h3 Moderators The people on = APP_CONFIG['site_name'] that look after you! %ul.about--moderator - User.where(moderator: true).each do |mod| %a{href: show_user_profile_path(mod.screen_name), title: mod.screen_name, data: { toggle: :tooltip, placement: :top }} %img.img-rounded.answerbox--img-small{src: mod.profile_picture.url(:small)} .col-sm-4 .panel.panel-default .panel-body %h3 Unfinished %p = APP_CONFIG['site_name'] is running on unfinished code, full of bugs. Caveat emptor. %p Want to contribute? If you are a Ruby developer, CoffeeScript coder or frontend designer, you can now help = APP_CONFIG['site_name'] to get the features everyone wanted! If you are not, you can still report bugs at our = link_to "Github repository!", 'https://github.com/retrospring/retrospring' %p Still have some questions? Check our = link_to "FAQ!", help_faq_path .panel.panel-default .panel-body There are lies, damned lies, and then there are... %h3 Statistics .row .col-xs-6 %h4.entry-text#asked-count= Question.count %h6.entry-subtext Questions .col-md-6.col-sm-6.col-xs-6 %h4.entry-text#answered-count= Answer.count %h6.entry-subtext Answers .row .col-xs-6 %h4.entry-text#asked-count= Comment.count %h6.entry-subtext Comments .col-md-6.col-sm-6.col-xs-6 %h4.entry-text#answered-count= Smile.count %h6.entry-subtext Smiles .row .col-xs-6 %h4.entry-text#follower-count= User.count %h6.entry-subtext Users .col-sm-4 .panel.panel-default .panel-body %h3 Funding Currently Retrospring is running of the developers funds and will be able to sustain at the current needs of servers. Hereby we want to thank the people who previously donated to our project and helped it grow. Everyone shown at the bottom of this panel has contributed to the project with donations or great input. %ul.about--moderator - User.where(supporter: true).each do |sup| %a{href: show_user_profile_path(sup.screen_name), title: sup.screen_name, data: { toggle: :tooltip, placement: :top }} %img.img-rounded.answerbox--img-small{src: sup.profile_picture.url(:medium)} = render "shared/links"