- provide(:title, APP_CONFIG['site_name']) .jumbotron .jumbotron__content .container = render 'layouts/messages' %h1= APP_CONFIG['site_name'] %p= t 'views.front.subtitle' %p %a.btn.btn-outline-light.btn-lg{ href: url_for(new_user_registration_path) } Register now %small Already a member? = link_to 'Sign in', new_user_session_path .container .row.my-5.my-sm-10 .col-sm-6.order-12.order-sm-1.text-center.text-sm-right %h2.mb-4 Receive and ask questions %p After registering on = APP_CONFIG['site_name'] share your unique link to your profile and receive questions in your inbox to answer them right away. %p You can of course also use your account to ask anyone else on the site questions, and once you accumulated followers you can send out questions to all of them at once. .col-sm-6.order-1.order-sm-12 .text-center.text-primary.d-flex.h-100.justify-content-center{ style: 'font-size: 10em'} %i.fa.fa-envelope.align-self-center.mb-5.mb-sm-0 .row.my-5.my-sm-10 .col-sm-6 .text-center.text-primary.d-flex.h-100.justify-content-center{ style: 'font-size: 10em'} %i.fa.fa-comments.align-self-center.mb-5.mb-sm-0 .col-sm-6.text-center.text-sm-left %h2.mb-4 Keep the discussion going %p Someone answered your question and maybe not everything is cleared up? Use comments! On = APP_CONFIG['site_name'] you can leave comments on answers to keep the discussion going. %p Don't need to say anything, but still like the answer? Leave a smile (our form of likes) on an answer! .row.my-5.my-sm-10 .col-sm-6.order-12.order-sm-1.text-center.text-sm-right %h2.mb-4 Share your answers %p Want your followers on another platform to see your = APP_CONFIG['site_name'] answers? You can configure automatic sharing to your favorite platforms easily. %p.text-muted Not sure if it's a favorite, but at the moment only %b Twitter is supported. .col-sm-6.order-1.order-sm-12 .text-center.text-primary.d-flex.h-100.justify-content-center{ style: 'font-size: 10em'} %i.fa.fa-share.align-self-center.mb-5.mb-sm-0 .row.my-5.my-sm-10 .col-sm-6 .text-center.text-primary.d-flex.h-100.justify-content-center{ style: 'font-size: 10em'} %i.fa.fa-paint-brush.align-self-center.mb-5.mb-sm-0 .col-sm-6.text-center.text-sm-left %h2.mb-4 Customize your experience %p Make your = APP_CONFIG['site_name'] profile your own with the ability to set a custom profile picture and header image. %p Going a step further, you can customize all colors of = APP_CONFIG['site_name'] to your own liking. Don't like purple? Make it blue, red or green! %p For a quick demonstration, you can try this out here with a few presets: .card .card-body .row.mx-n2 .col.px-2 %button.btn.btn-block.btn-success.js-theme-button{ data: { theme: 'theme-success' } } Green .col.px-2 %button.btn.btn-block.btn-warning.js-theme-button{ data: { theme: 'theme-warning' } } Orange .col.px-2 %button.btn.btn-block.btn-danger.js-theme-button{ data: { theme: 'theme-danger' } } Red .col.px-2 %button.btn.btn-block.btn-default.js-theme-button{ data: { theme: 'reset' } } Reset .container.text-center %h2.mb-4 But wait, there's more! .row.my-5 .col-sm-4 %h3.mb-3 %i.fa.fa-fw.fa-globe.text-primary Open Source %p You heard it right! = APP_CONFIG['site_name'] and all of it's core components are open source! Everyone can help and improve the service! .col-sm-4 %h3.mb-3 %i.fa.fa-fw.fa-eye-slash.text-primary No Ads %p We don't like them ourselves, really. They make websites slow and are (for the most part) annoying. So there's none! .col-sm-4 %h3.mb-3 %i.fa.fa-fw.fa-user-secret.text-primary Your Data is yours %p Today the most precious things on the internet is your data. = APP_CONFIG['site_name'] doesn't sell any data that is collected. It remains encrypted on our servers! .card .card-body %h2 What are you waiting for? %p Registering takes less than 5 minutes! %p %a.btn.btn-primary.btn-lg{ href: url_for(new_user_registration_path) } Register now = render 'shared/links'