- provide(:title, "Discover | #{APP_CONFIG['site_name']}") .jumbotron.j2-jumbo.text-center.particle-jumbotron #particles .particle-content %h1 Discover %p The perfect place to find interesting content from the last week on = succeed '!' do = APP_CONFIG['site_name'] .container .row .col-md-8.col-sm-6 %h2 Popular Content %p Most answered questions and answers with most smiles! %div{role: "tabpanel"} %ul.nav.nav-tabs{role: "tablist"} %li.active{role: "presentation"} %a{href: "#answers", role: "tab", aria: {controls: "answers"}, data: {toggle: "tab"}} Answers %li{role: "presentation"} %a{href: "#questions", role: "tab", aria: {controls: "questions"}, data: {toggle: "tab"}} Questions .tab-content = render 'discover/tab_answers', answers: @popular_answers = render 'discover/tab_questions', questions: @popular_questions .col-md-4.col-sm-6 %h2 Users %p Users that ask the most questions and new users! %div{role: "tabpanel"} %ul.nav.nav-tabs{role: "tablist"} %li.active{role: "presentation"} %a{href: "#new", role: "tab", aria: {controls: "new"}, data: {toggle: "tab"}} New Users %li{role: "presentation"} %a{href: "#asked", role: "tab", aria: {controls: "asked"}, data: {toggle: "tab"}} Most Asked Questions .tab-content = render 'discover/tab_new', new: @new_users = render 'discover/tab_asked', asked: @users_with_most_questions .tab-content