# This ASS runscript starts justask in development mode on a FreeBSD host. # (c) 2015 nilsding # This file is a modification of https://github.com/retrospring/ass/blob/master/scripts/example-rails.rb Runscript.new do before_start do # set Rails environment to development setenv :RAILS_ENV, 'development' # install bundle sh %|bundle install --without production mysql| # edit and copy example justask config sh %|sed -i .old -e 's/justask.rrerr.net/justask.local/g' -e 's/"Anonymous"/"Arno Nym"/g' -e 's/enabled: tru/enabled: fals/g' ./config/justask.yml.example| sh %|cp ./config/justask.yml.example ./config/justask.yml| # edit and copy postgres database config sh %|sed -i .old -e 's/_production/_producktion/g' -e 's/justask_development/ja_devel/g' -e 's/username: postgres/username: nilsding/g' ./config/database.yml.postgres| sh %|cp ./config/database.yml.postgres ./config/database.yml| # migrate the database sh %|bundle exec rake db:migrate| end start do sh %|bundle exec rails server -b -p 16933|, pid: :rails, wait: false end stop do unset :RAILS_ENV kill :rails, with: :SIGINT end end