class Answer < ApplicationRecord extend Answer::TimelineMethods attr_accessor :has_reacted, :is_subscribed belongs_to :user, counter_cache: :answered_count belongs_to :question, counter_cache: :answer_count has_many :comments, dependent: :destroy has_many :smiles, class_name: "Reaction", foreign_key: :parent_id, dependent: :destroy has_many :subscriptions, dependent: :destroy has_many :comment_smiles, through: :comments, source: :smiles # rubocop:disable Rails/UniqueValidationWithoutIndex # This cop is disabled here because there already are questions with # multiple answers. Adding an index would break things database-side validates :question_id, uniqueness: { scope: :user_id } # rubocop:enable Rails/UniqueValidationWithoutIndex scope :pinned, -> { where.not(pinned_at: nil) } scope :for_user, lambda { |current_user| next select("answers.*", "false as is_subscribed", "false as has_reacted") if current_user.nil? select("answers.*", "EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM subscriptions WHERE answer_id = AND user_id = #{}) as is_subscribed", "EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM reactions WHERE parent_id = AND parent_type = 'Answer' AND user_id = #{}) as has_reacted", ) } SHORT_ANSWER_MAX_LENGTH = 640 after_create do InboxEntry.where(user: self.user, question: self.question).destroy_all user.touch :inbox_updated_at # rubocop:disable Rails/SkipsModelValidations Notification.notify self.question.user, self unless self.question.user == self.user or self.question.user.nil? Subscription.subscribe self.user, self Subscription.subscribe self.question.user, self unless self.question.author_is_anonymous end before_destroy do # mark a report as deleted if it exists rep = Report.where(target_id:, type: 'Reports::Answer') rep.each do |r| unless r.nil? r.deleted = true end end self.smiles.each do |smile| Notification.denotify self.user, smile end self.comments.each do |comment| Subscription.denotify comment, self end Notification.denotify question&.user, self Subscription.destruct self end def notification_type(*_args) Notification::QuestionAnswered end def long? = content.length > SHORT_ANSWER_MAX_LENGTH def pinned? = pinned_at.present? def has_reacted = self.attributes["has_reacted"] || false def is_subscribed = self.attributes["is_subscribed"] || false end