# Container image for a production Retrospring setup FROM registry.opensuse.org/opensuse/leap:15.4 ARG RETROSPRING_VERSION=2023.0131.1 ARG RUBY_VERSION=3.1.2 ARG RUBY_INSTALL_VERSION=0.9.0 ARG BUNDLER_VERSION=2.3.18 ENV RAILS_ENV=production # update and install dependencies RUN zypper up -y \ && zypper in -y \ # build dependencies (ruby-install) automake \ gcc \ gdbm-devel \ gzip \ libffi-devel \ libopenssl-devel \ libyaml-devel \ make \ ncurses-devel \ readline-devel \ tar \ xz \ zlib-devel \ # build dependencies (app) gcc-c++ \ git \ libidn-devel \ nodejs14 \ npm14 \ postgresql-devel \ # runtime dependencies ImageMagick \ # cleanup repos && zypper clean -a \ # install yarn as another build dependency && npm install -g yarn # install Ruby via ruby-install RUN curl -Lo ruby-install-${RUBY_INSTALL_VERSION}.tar.gz https://github.com/postmodern/ruby-install/archive/v${RUBY_INSTALL_VERSION}.tar.gz \ && tar xvf ruby-install-${RUBY_INSTALL_VERSION}.tar.gz \ && (cd ruby-install-${RUBY_INSTALL_VERSION} && make install) \ && rm -rf ruby-install-${RUBY_INSTALL_VERSION} ruby-install-${RUBY_INSTALL_VERSION}.tar.gz \ && ruby-install --no-install-deps --cleanup --system --jobs=$(nproc) ruby ${RUBY_VERSION} -- --disable-install-rdoc \ && gem install bundler:${BUNDLER_VERSION} # create user and dirs to run retrospring in RUN useradd -m justask \ && install -o justask -g users -m 0755 -d /opt/retrospring/app \ && install -o justask -g users -m 0755 -d /opt/retrospring/bundle WORKDIR /opt/retrospring/app USER justask:users # install the app RUN curl -L https://github.com/Retrospring/retrospring/archive/refs/tags/${RETROSPRING_VERSION}.tar.gz | tar xz --strip-components=1 RUN bundle config set without 'development test' \ && bundle config set path '/opt/retrospring/bundle' \ && bundle install --jobs=$(nproc) \ && yarn install --frozen-lockfile # temporarily set a SECRET_KEY_BASE and copy config files so rake tasks can run ENV SECRET_KEY_BASE=secret_for_build RUN cp config/justask.yml.example config/justask.yml \ && cp config/database.yml.postgres config/database.yml \ && bundle exec rails locale:generate \ && bundle exec i18n export \ && bundle exec rails assets:precompile \ && rm config/justask.yml config/database.yml ENV SECRET_KEY_BASE= EXPOSE 3000