class InboxController < ApplicationController before_action :authenticate_user! def show @inbox = Inbox.where(user: current_user) .order(:created_at).reverse_order .paginate(page: params[:page]) @inbox_count = Inbox.where(user: current_user).count if params[:author].present? begin @author = true @target_user = User.where('LOWER(screen_name) = ?', params[:author].downcase).first! @inbox_author = current_user.inboxes.joins(:question) .where(questions: { user_id:, author_is_anonymous: false }) .paginate(page: params[:page]) @inbox_author_count = current_user.inboxes.joins(:question) .where(questions: { user_id:, author_is_anonymous: false }) .count if @inbox_author.empty? @empty = true[:info] = "No questions from @#{params[:author]} found, showing default entries instead!" else @inbox = @inbox_author @inbox_count = @inbox_author_count end rescue[:error] = "No user with the name @#{params[:author]} found, showing default entries instead!" @not_found = true end end if @empty or @not_found @delete_id = "ib-delete-all" elsif @author @delete_id = "ib-delete-all-author" else @delete_id = "ib-delete-all" end @disabled = true if @inbox.empty? respond_to do |format| format.html format.js end end end