class ServicesController < ApplicationController skip_before_action :verify_authenticity_token, :only => :create before_action :authenticate_user! def index @services = end def create service = Service.initialize_from_omniauth( omniauth_hash ) service.user = current_user if flash[:success] = t('flash.service.create.success') else if service.errors.details.has_key?(:uid) && service.errors.details[:uid].any? { |err| err[:error] == :taken } flash[:error] = "The #{service.type.split('::').last.titleize} account you are trying to connect is already connected to another #{APP_CONFIG['site_name']} account. If you are unable to disconnect the account yourself, please send us a Direct Message on Twitter: @retrospring." else flash[:error] = t('flash.service.create.error') end end if origin redirect_to origin else redirect_to services_path end end def failure "oauth error: #{params.inspect}" flash[:error] = t('flash.service.failure') redirect_to services_path end def destroy @service =[:id]) @service.destroy flash[:success] = t('flash.service.destroy') redirect_to services_path end private def origin request.env['omniauth.origin'] end def omniauth_hash request.env['omniauth.auth'] end end