# frozen_string_literal: true require "rails_helper" describe Ajax::SubscriptionController, :ajax_controller, type: :controller do # need to use a different user here, as after a create the user owning the # answer is automatically subscribed to it let(:answer_user) { FactoryBot.create(:user) } let(:answer) { FactoryBot.create(:answer, user: answer_user) } describe "#subscribe" do let(:params) do { answer: answer_id } end subject { post(:subscribe, params: params) } context "when user is signed in" do before(:each) { sign_in(user) } context "when answer exists" do let(:answer_id) { answer.id } let(:expected_response) do { "success" => true, "status" => "okay", "message" => anything } end context "when subscription does not exist" do it "creates a subscription on the answer" do expect { subject }.to(change { answer.subscriptions.count }.by(1)) expect(answer.subscriptions.where(is_active: true).map { |s| s.user.id }.sort).to eq([answer_user.id, user.id].sort) end include_examples "returns the expected response" end context "when subscription already exists" do before(:each) { Subscription.subscribe(user, answer) } it "does not modify the answer's subscriptions" do expect { subject }.to(change { answer.subscriptions.count }.by(0)) expect(answer.subscriptions.where(is_active: true).map { |s| s.user.id }.sort).to eq([answer_user.id, user.id].sort) end include_examples "returns the expected response" end end context "when answer does not exist" do let(:answer_id) { "Bielefeld" } let(:expected_response) do { "success" => false, "status" => "not_found", "message" => anything } end it "does not create a new subscription" do expect { subject }.not_to(change { Subscription.count }) end include_examples "returns the expected response" end end context "when user is not signed in" do let(:answer_id) { answer.id } it "redirects to somewhere else, apparently" do subject expect(response).to be_a_redirect end end end describe "#unsubscribe" do let(:params) do { answer: answer_id } end subject { post(:unsubscribe, params: params) } context "when user is signed in" do before(:each) { sign_in(user) } context "when answer exists" do let(:answer_id) { answer.id } let(:expected_response) do { "success" => true, "status" => "okay", "message" => anything } end context "when subscription exists" do before(:each) { Subscription.subscribe(user, answer) } it "removes an active subscription from the answer" do expect { subject }.to(change { answer.subscriptions.where(is_active: true).count }.by(-1)) expect(answer.subscriptions.where(is_active: true).map { |s| s.user.id }.sort).to eq([answer_user.id].sort) end include_examples "returns the expected response" end context "when subscription does not exist" do let(:expected_response) do { "success" => false, "status" => "okay", "message" => anything } end it "does not modify the answer's subscriptions" do expect { subject }.to(change { answer.subscriptions.count }.by(0)) expect(answer.subscriptions.where(is_active: true).map { |s| s.user.id }.sort).to eq([answer_user.id].sort) end include_examples "returns the expected response" end end context "when answer does not exist" do let(:answer_id) { "Bielefeld" } let(:expected_response) do { "success" => false, "status" => "not_found", "message" => anything } end it "does not create a new subscription" do expect { subject }.not_to(change { Subscription.count }) end include_examples "returns the expected response" end end context "when user is not signed in" do let(:answer_id) { answer.id } it "redirects to somewhere else, apparently" do subject expect(response).to be_a_redirect end end end end