$(document).on "click", "a[data-action=ab-report]", (ev) -> ev.preventDefault() swal title: "Report?" text: "A moderator will check this and decide what happens!" type: "warning" showCancelButton: true confirmButtonColor: "#DD6B55" confirmButtonText: "Report!" closeOnConfirm: false , -> btn = $(this) aid = btn[0].dataset.aId $.ajax url: '/ajax/report' # TODO: find a way to use rake routes instead of hardcoding them here type: 'POST' data: id: aid type: 'answer' success: (data, status, jqxhr) -> showNotification data.message, data.success error: (jqxhr, status, error) -> console.log jqxhr, status, error showNotification "An error occurred, a developer should check the console for details", false complete: (jqxhr, status) -> btn.button "reset"