.panel.panel-default .panel-heading %h3.panel-title Ask something! .panel-body #question-box.row .row .col-xs-12 %textarea.form-control{:name => "qb_question", :placeholder => "Type your question hereā€¦"} .row{:style => "padding-top: 5px; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px;"} .col-xs-6 - if user_signed_in? # and @user.allow_anonymous %input{:name => "qb_hidename", :type => "checkbox"}/ Hide your name %br/ .col-xs-6 %p.pull-right %input{:name => "qb_to", :type => "hidden", :value => @user.id}/ %button#qb_ask.btn.btn-primary{"data-loading-text" => "Asking...", "data-promote" => user_signed_in? ? "true" : "false", :type => "button"} Ask - unless user_signed_in? #question-box-promote.row{:style => "display: none;"} .row .col-xs-12 %strong Your question has been sent. .row .col-sm-1 .col-sm-5 %button#create-account.btn.btn-block.btn-primary Create an account .col-sm-5 %button#new-question.btn.btn-block.btn-default Ask another question .col-sm-1 .row .col-sm-1 .col-xs-12.col-sm-10 %small Join justask2 today! You'll be able to follow and ask people you know and a lot more. .col-sm-1 / %p / This user does not want to get asked by strangers. Why don't you / = succeed "?" do / %a{:href => "{{ url_for('register') }}"} sign up