"empty_column.follow_recommendations":"Wusa dixuye ku ji bo we tu pêşniyar nehatine çêkirin. Hûn dikarin lêgerînê bikarbînin da ku li kesên ku hûn nas dikin bigerin an hashtagên trendî bigerin.",
"follow_recommendations.heading":"Mirovên ku tu dixwazî ji wan peyaman bibînî bişopîne! Hin pêşnîyar li vir in.",
"follow_recommendations.lead":"Li gorî rêza kronolojîkî peyamên mirovên ku tu dişopînî dê demnameya te de xûya bike. Ji xeletiyan netirse, bi awayekî hêsan her wextî tu dikarî dev ji şopandinê berdî!",
"onboarding.page_one.federation":"{domain} is an \"instance\" of Mastodon. Mastodon is a network of independent servers joining up to make one larger social network. We call these servers instances.",
"onboarding.page_six.github":"{domain} runs on Glitchsoc. Glitchsoc is a friendly {fork} of {Mastodon}. Glitchsoc is fully compatible with all Mastodon apps and instances. Glitchsoc is free open-source software. You can report bugs, request features, or contribute to the code on {github}.",