
41 lines
1.1 KiB

// This script regenerates the list of icons for the frontend (frontend/src/icons.json)
// and the backend (backend/icons/icons.go) from the currently installed version of Bootstrap Icons.
// Run with `pnpm node icons.js` in the frontend directory.
import { writeFileSync } from "fs";
import icons from "bootstrap-icons/font/bootstrap-icons.json" assert { type: "json" };
const keys = Object.keys(icons);
console.log(`Found ${keys.length} icons`);
const output = JSON.stringify(keys);
console.log(`Saving file as src/icons.ts`);
writeFileSync("src/icons.ts", `const icons = ${output};\nexport default icons;`);
const goCode1 = `// Generated code. DO NOT EDIT
package icons
var icons = map[string]struct{}{
const goCode2 = `}
// IsValid returns true if the input is the name of a Bootstrap icon.
func IsValid(name string) bool {
_, ok := icons[name]
return ok
let goOutput = goCode1;
keys.forEach((element) => {
goOutput += ` "${element}": {},\n`;
goOutput += goCode2;
console.log("Writing Go code");
writeFileSync("../backend/icons/icons.go", goOutput);