import json import logging from urllib.parse import urldefrag, urlparse from django.conf import settings from django.http import Http404, HttpResponse, HttpResponseBadRequest, JsonResponse from django.utils.decorators import method_decorator from django.views.decorators.cache import cache_control from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt from django.views.generic import View from activities.models import Post from import TimelineService from core.decorators import cache_page from core.ld import canonicalise from core.models import Config from core.signatures import ( HttpSignature, LDSignature, VerificationError, VerificationFormatError, ) from core.views import StaticContentView from takahe import __version__ from users.models import Identity, InboxMessage, SystemActor from users.models.domain import Domain from users.shortcuts import by_handle_or_404 class HttpResponseUnauthorized(HttpResponse): status_code = 401 class HostMeta(View): """ Returns a canned host-meta response """ def get(self, request): return HttpResponse( """ """ % request.headers["host"], content_type="application/xrd+xml", ) class NodeInfo(View): """ Returns the well-known nodeinfo response, pointing to the 2.0 one """ def get(self, request): host = request.META.get("HOST", settings.MAIN_DOMAIN) return JsonResponse( { "links": [ { "rel": "", "href": f"https://{host}/nodeinfo/2.0/", } ] } ) @method_decorator(cache_page(), name="dispatch") class NodeInfo2(View): """ Returns the nodeinfo 2.0 response """ def get(self, request): # Fetch some user stats if request.domain: domain_config = Config.load_domain(request.domain) local_identities = Identity.objects.filter( local=True, domain=request.domain ).count() local_posts = Post.objects.filter( local=True, author__domain=request.domain ).count() metadata = {"nodeName": domain_config.site_name} else: local_identities = Identity.objects.filter(local=True).count() local_posts = Post.objects.filter(local=True).count() metadata = {} return JsonResponse( { "version": "2.0", "software": {"name": "takahe", "version": __version__}, "protocols": ["activitypub"], "services": {"outbound": [], "inbound": []}, "usage": { "users": {"total": local_identities}, "localPosts": local_posts, }, "openRegistrations": Config.system.signup_allowed, "metadata": metadata, } ) @method_decorator(cache_page(), name="dispatch") class Webfinger(View): """ Services webfinger requests """ def get(self, request): resource = request.GET.get("resource") if not resource: return HttpResponseBadRequest("No resource specified") if not resource.startswith("acct:"): return HttpResponseBadRequest("Not an account resource") handle = resource[5:] if handle.startswith("__system__@"): # They are trying to webfinger the system actor actor = SystemActor() else: actor = by_handle_or_404(request, handle) return JsonResponse(actor.to_webfinger(), content_type="application/jrd+json") @method_decorator(csrf_exempt, name="dispatch") class Inbox(View): """ AP Inbox endpoint """ def post(self, request, handle=None): # Reject bodies that are unfeasibly big if len(request.body) > settings.JSONLD_MAX_SIZE: return HttpResponseBadRequest("Payload size too large") # Load the LD document = canonicalise(json.loads(request.body), include_security=True) document_type = document["type"] document_subtype = None if isinstance(document.get("object"), dict): document_subtype = document["object"].get("type") # Find the Identity by the actor on the incoming item # This ensures that the signature used for the headers matches the actor # described in the payload. if "actor" not in document: logging.warning("Inbox error: unspecified actor") return HttpResponseBadRequest("Unspecified actor") identity = Identity.by_actor_uri(document["actor"], create=True, transient=True) if ( document_type == "Delete" and document["actor"] == document["object"] and identity._state.adding ): # We don't have an Identity record for the user. No-op return HttpResponse(status=202) # See if it's from a blocked user or domain - without calling # fetch_actor, which would fetch data from potentially bad actor domain = identity.domain if not domain: actor_url_parts = urlparse(document["actor"]) domain = Domain.get_remote_domain(actor_url_parts.hostname) if identity.blocked or domain.recursively_blocked(): # I love to lie! Throw it away! "Inbox: Discarded message from blocked %s %s", "domain" if domain.recursively_blocked() else "user", identity.actor_uri, ) return HttpResponse(status=202) # See if it's a type of message we know we want to ignore right now # (e.g. Lemmy likes/dislikes, which we can't process anyway) if document_type == "Announce" and document_subtype in [ "Like", "Dislike", "Create", "Undo", "Update", ]: return HttpResponse(status=202) # authenticate HTTP signature first, if one is present and the actor # is already known to us. An invalid signature is an error and message # should be discarded. NOTE: for previously unknown actors, we # don't have their public key yet! if "signature" in request: try: if identity.public_key: HttpSignature.verify_request( request, identity.public_key, ) logging.debug( "Inbox: %s from %s has good HTTP signature", document_type, identity, ) else: "Inbox: New actor, no key available: %s", document["actor"], ) except VerificationFormatError as e: logging.warning("Inbox error: Bad HTTP signature format: %s", e.args[0]) return HttpResponseBadRequest(e.args[0]) except VerificationError: logging.warning("Inbox error: Bad HTTP signature from %s", identity) return HttpResponseUnauthorized("Bad signature") # Mastodon advices not implementing LD Signatures, but # they're widely deployed today. Validate it if one exists. # if "signature" in document: try: # signatures are identified by the signature block creator = urldefrag(document["signature"]["creator"]).url creator_identity = Identity.by_actor_uri( creator, create=True, transient=True ) if not creator_identity.public_key:"Inbox: New actor, no key available: %s", creator) # if we can't verify it, we don't keep it document.pop("signature") else: LDSignature.verify_signature(document, creator_identity.public_key) logging.debug( "Inbox: %s from %s has good LD signature", document["type"], creator_identity, ) except VerificationFormatError as e: logging.warning("Inbox error: Bad LD signature format: %s", e.args[0]) return HttpResponseBadRequest(e.args[0]) except VerificationError: # An invalid LD Signature might also indicate nothing but # a syntactical difference between implementations. # Strip it out if we can't verify it. if "signature" in document: document.pop("signature") "Inbox: Stripping invalid LD signature from %s %s", creator_identity, document["id"], ) if not ("signature" in request or "signature" in document): logging.debug( "Inbox: %s from %s is unauthenticated. That's OK.", document["type"], identity, ) # Don't allow injection of internal messages if document["type"].startswith("__"): return HttpResponseUnauthorized("Bad type") # Hand off the item to be processed by the queue InboxMessage.objects.create(message=document) return HttpResponse(status=202) class Outbox(View): """ The ActivityPub outbox for an identity """ def get(self, request, handle): self.identity = by_handle_or_404( self.request, handle, local=False, fetch=True, ) # If this not a local actor, 404 if not self.identity.local: raise Http404("Not a local identity") # Return an ordered collection with the most recent 10 public posts posts = list(self.identity.posts.not_hidden().public()[:10]) return JsonResponse( canonicalise( { "type": "OrderedCollection", "totalItems": len(posts), "orderedItems": [post.to_ap() for post in posts], } ), content_type="application/activity+json", ) class FeaturedCollection(View): """ An ordered collection of all pinned posts of an identity """ def get(self, request, handle): self.identity = by_handle_or_404( request, handle, local=False, fetch=True, ) if not self.identity.local: raise Http404("Not a local identity") posts = list(TimelineService(self.identity).identity_pinned()) return JsonResponse( canonicalise( { "type": "OrderedCollection", "id": self.identity.actor_uri + "collections/featured/", "totalItems": len(posts), "orderedItems": [post.to_ap() for post in posts], } ), content_type="application/activity+json", ) @method_decorator(cache_control(max_age=60 * 15), name="dispatch") class EmptyOutbox(StaticContentView): """ A fixed-empty outbox for the system actor """ content_type: str = "application/activity+json" def get_static_content(self) -> str | bytes: return json.dumps( canonicalise( { "type": "OrderedCollection", "totalItems": 0, "orderedItems": [], } ) ) @method_decorator(cache_control(max_age=60 * 15), name="dispatch") class SystemActorView(StaticContentView): """ Special endpoint for the overall system actor """ content_type: str = "application/activity+json" def get_static_content(self) -> str | bytes: return json.dumps( canonicalise( SystemActor().to_ap(), include_security=True, ) )