{% load static %} {% if identity and public_styling %} {% if identity.domain.config_domain.custom_css %} {% endif %} {% else %} {% if request.domain.config_domain.custom_css %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% block opengraph %} {% include "_opengraph.html" with opengraph_local=opengraph_defaults %} {% endblock %} {% block extra_head %}{% endblock %} {% block custom_head %}{% if config.custom_head %}{{ config.custom_head|safe }}{% endif %}{% endblock %} Skip to Content Skip to Navigation
{% block body_main %}
{% if user.is_authenticated %} {% if identity %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% if user.admin %} {% endif %} {% elif not request.domain.config_domain.hide_login %} {% endif %}
{% block announcements %} {% include "_announcements.html" %} {% endblock %} {% include "activities/_image_viewer.html" %} {% block content %} {% endblock %} {% endblock %}
{% block footer %} {% include "_footer.html" %} {% endblock %}