You can also use this tool where you out the blanks in sentences
and generate a link ready to share with others.
button: 'Show the generator'
header2: 'Generate a link'
base: 'Based on'
alt: 'You can also enter interchangeable forms in each field separately, eg. <code>him&her</code> = „him” or „her”.'
pronunciation: 'You can also specify the pronunciation after a pipe character, using IPA, eg. <code>faerself|fɛɹsɛlf</code> = „faerself” pronounced as /fɛɹsɛlf/.'
whatisit: 'What''s the deal with pronouns?'
examples: 'Example usage in sentences'
plural: 'Plural'
intro: 'My pronouns are'
normative: 'Normative'
button: 'Generate a link to interchangeable forms'
header: 'Interchangeable forms'
raw: 'interchangeable'
generated: 'Those pronouns have been created using a generator. The team of is not responsible for it.'
header: 'Any pronouns'
short: 'any'
description: >
Even though for many people it's incredibly important that people use specific pronouns to talk about them,
others don't mind being addressed in any way – as long as the context is clear as to who one talks about.
options: 'check out the options [share]{/=here}.'
others: 'Other forms'
othersRaw: 'other'
or: 'or'
grammarTable: 'Table'
header: 'Sources'
headerLong: 'Examples from cultural texts'
headerLonger: 'Gender neutral language in cultural texts'
subheader: 'Text corpus of gender neutral language'
toc: 'Show table of contents'
All: 'All'
Book: 'Books'
Article: 'Articles'
Movie: 'Movies'
Series: 'Series'
Song: 'Music'
Poetry: 'Poetry'
Other: 'Other'
header: 'Submit an example to be added'
action: 'Submit'
pronouns: 'Which pronouns have been used?'
pronounsInfo: 'Enter the simplest form of the pronoun, the way it''s in the link, np. “they”, “e/em/es”, “he&she”'
type: 'Source type'
author: 'Author'
title: 'Title'
extra: 'Additional info (translator, name of journal, …)'
year: 'Release year (of the English version)'
fragments: 'Fragments'
comment: 'Comment'
link: 'Link to the content'
thanks: 'Thanks for contributing!'
another: 'Submit another one'
moderation: 'Submissions will have to get approved before getting published.'
key: 'Key'
keyInfo: 'Identifier for linking sources between language versions and linking with the dictionary'
images: 'Images'
otherVersions: 'In other languages'
referenced: 'Examples of use'
header: 'Dictionary'
headerLong: 'Dictionary of neutral nouns'
headerLonger: 'Dictionary of gender neutral language'
description: 'It''s not just pronouns! Check out our dictionary of gender neutral nouns.'
- >
Inclusive and gender neutral is not just respecting someone's pronouns.
It's also describing their job, position, relationship etc.
in a way that doesn't assume their gender.
Not all firefighters are “firemen”. Not every spouse is a “husband” or a “wife”.
- >
When referring to someone whose gender you don't know,
to a group of people of mixed gender,
and especially to nonbinary people who explicitly prefer them,
use the neutral forms.
- >
Below we present a dictionary of the words to watch out for.
You can contribute to it and add your suggestions.
approved: 'approved entries'
pending: 'awaiting moderation'
edit: 'Propose a change'
edited: 'Proposed change of'
editing: 'You''re editing an existing entry'
empty: 'No words found that match your criteria.'
action: 'Submit'
actionLong: 'Submit a word'
thanks: 'Thank you for contributing!'
another: 'Submit another one'
moderation: 'Submissions will have to get approved before getting published.'
template: 'Use a template'
root: 'Root'
masculine: 'masculine'
masculineShort: 'masc.'
feminine: 'feminine'
feminineShort: 'fem.'
neuter: 'neutral'
neuterShort: 'neutr.'
singular: 'singular'
singularShort: 'sing.'
plural: 'plural'
pluralShort: 'pl.'
header: 'FAQ'
headerLong: 'Frequently asked questions'
question: 'What is nonbinary?'
- >
Gender is way more complicated than just a simple distinction male/female.
Even from a purely biological standpoint we distinguish chromosomal sex,
genetic sex, hormonal sex, phenotypic sex…
They aren't necessarily congruent with each other, they don't have to be binary.
{ info here)}.
And when we get to the cultural aspect, “gender” is a social construct.
Depending on time and location being “a woman” or “a man” can mean having radically different
rights, duties, norms… In Europe men used to wear high heels and stockings
native peoples of North America have been recognising a third gender for centuries
{}, etc. etc.
- >
Nonbinary is an umbrella term describing the identity of people
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description: 'Description'
names: 'Names'
pronouns: 'Pronouns'
pronounsInfo: 'You can enter a pronoun (eg. “they” or “she/sher”) or a link (eg. “”) or the custom five forms (eg. “ze/zem/zir/zirs/zirself”).'
pronounsNotFound: 'We can''t find a link to this pronoun!'
words: 'Words'
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