2021-07-10 07:46:29 -07:00
require ( 'dotenv' ) . config ( { path : _ _dirname + '/../.env' } ) ;
const Pageres = require ( 'pageres' ) ;
const isHighLoadTime = require ( './overload' ) ;
const dbConnection = require ( './db' ) ;
const locales = require ( '../src/locales' ) ;
const { ulid } = require ( 'ulid' ) ;
const awsConfig = require ( './aws' ) ;
const S3 = require ( 'aws-sdk/clients/s3' ) ;
const s3 = new S3 ( awsConfig ) ;
const urlBases = { }
for ( let [ code , , url , ] of locales ) {
urlBases [ code ] = url + '/card/@' ; // 'http://localhost:3000/card/@'
( async ( ) => {
const db = await dbConnection ( ) ;
for ( let { id , locale , username } of await db . all ( 'SELECT profiles.id, profiles.locale, users.username FROM profiles LEFT JOIN users on profiles.userId = users.id WHERE profiles.card IS NULL' ) ) {
if ( isHighLoadTime ( locale ) ) {
continue ;
// if (locale !== 'pl' || username !== 'andrea') { continue; }
const cardId = ulid ( ) ;
const key = ` card/ ${ locale } / ${ username } - ${ cardId } .png ` ;
console . log ( locale , username , cardId ) ;
for ( let dark of [ false , true ] ) {
2021-07-10 10:02:08 -07:00
const [ buffer ] = await new Pageres ( {
darkMode : dark ,
delay : 3 ,
} )
2021-07-10 07:46:29 -07:00
. src ( urlBases [ locale ] + username , [ '1024x300' ] )
. run ( ) ;
const s3putResponse = await s3 . putObject ( {
Key : dark ? key . replace ( '.png' , '-dark.png' ) : key ,
Body : buffer ,
ContentType : 'image/png' ,
ACL : 'public-read' ,
} ) . promise ( ) ;
await db . get ( ` UPDATE profiles SET card='https:// ${ awsConfig . params . Bucket } .s3. ${ awsConfig . region } .amazonaws.com/ ${ key } ' WHERE id=' ${ id } ' ` )
// '/card/@${username}.png'
} ) ( ) ;