Of course! Nobody is surprised when someone changes their views, style, hobbies…
So why would it be strange that they discovered a part of their identity,
stopped liking their name, discovered a label that fits them well, etc.?
question: 'Is it strange that I can''t get used to <em>my own</em> new pronouns?'
- >
Not at all! After many years of using pronouns congruent with one's gender assigned at birth
it's easy to forget oneself when switching to different ones.
- >
Pronouns ≠ gender.
Your gender won't drastically change just because you got confused once when someone called you “them”.
Don't worry. Experiment. See what fits you best.
question: 'Why shouldn''t I say “preferred pronouns”?'
- >
Because this phrase suggests that someone's pronouns are just a whim.
If someone just “prefers” to be called she, he won't _really_ feel bad, if I call him a “he”, right?
They look like a guy, after all, so it's gonna be easier for me!
- >
No! It's our pronouns. Not our “preferred pronouns”. It's our names, not our “preferred names”.
If you care about your trans and nonbinary friends and loved ones, then call them the right way.
question: 'Why shouldn''t I say “gender pronouns”?'
- >
Because gender ≠ pronouns. Pronouns are just grammar.
Nonbinary folks can use binary pronouns, some lesbians use {/he=he/him} for cultural reasons, etc.
- >
Simply say “pronouns”.
header: 'Links'
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pronouns: 'Pronouns'
pronounsInfo: 'You can enter a pronoun (eg. “they” or “she/sher”) or a link (eg. “http://en.pronouns.page/e”) or the custom five forms (eg. “ze/zem/zir/zirs/zirself”).'
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