diff --git a/locale/zh/blog/.gitignore b/locale/zh/blog/.gitignore
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diff --git a/locale/zh/config.suml b/locale/zh/config.suml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..137d0463
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/zh/config.suml
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+locale: 'zh'
+header: true
+ enabled: true
+ default: '他'
+ any: 'any'
+ plurals: true
+ honorifics: false
+ multiple:
+ name: 'Interchangeable forms'
+ description: 'Many nonbinary people use more than one form interchangeably and are fine with being called either of them.'
+ examples: ['he&she', 'he&they', 'she&they']
+ null: false
+ emoji: false
+ slashes: true
+ avoiding: false
+ others: 'Other pronouns'
+ enabled: true
+ voices:
+ GB:
+ language: 'cmn-CN'
+ voice: 'Zhiyu'
+ engine: 'standard'
+ enabled: true
+ route: 'sources'
+ submit: true
+ mergePronouns:
+ they/them/themself: 'they'
+ enabled: false
+ enabled: false
+ enabled: false
+ enabled: false
+ enabled: true
+ route: 'faq'
+ enabled: true
+ route: 'links'
+ blogRoute: 'blog'
+ links:
+ -
+ icon: 'globe-europe'
+ url: 'https://pronoun.is/'
+ headline: 'Pronoun.is'
+ extra: '– inspiration for this website.'
+ -
+ icon: 'chart-pie'
+ url: 'https://gendercensus.com/'
+ headline: 'Gender Census'
+ extra: '– annual survey about the language used by nonbinary people'
+ -
+ icon: 'comment-alt-edit'
+ url: 'https://avris.it/blog/why-everyone-should-have-pronouns-in-their-bio'
+ headline: 'Why EVERYONE should have pronouns in their bio'
+ -
+ icon: 'book-open'
+ url: 'https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/singular-nonbinary-they'
+ headline: 'Merriam Webster on the singular “they” as a nonbinary pronoun'
+ -
+ icon: 'book-open'
+ url: 'https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/grammar/singular-they'
+ headline: 'Style and grammar guidelines regarding singular “they”'
+ extra: '– American Psychological Association'
+ -
+ icon: 'book-open'
+ url: 'https://apastyle.apa.org/blog/singular-they'
+ headline: 'Welcome, singular “they”'
+ extra: '– American Psychological Association'
+ -
+ icon: 'trophy'
+ url: 'https://www.americandialect.org/2015-word-of-the-year-is-singular-they'
+ headline: '2015 Word of the Year is singular “they”'
+ extra: '– American Dialect Society'
+ -
+ icon: 'trophy'
+ url: 'https://www.americandialect.org/2019-word-of-the-year-is-my-pronouns-word-of-the-decade-is-singular-they'
+ headline: '2019 Word of the Year is “(My) Pronouns,” Word of the Decade is Singular “They”'
+ extra: '– American Dialect Society'
+ -
+ icon: 'play-circle'
+ url: 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=46ehrFk-gLk'
+ headline: 'Gender Neutral Pronouns: They''re Here, Get Used To Them'
+ extra: '– Tom Scott'
+ -
+ icon: 'book-open'
+ url: 'https://blogs.illinois.edu/view/25/677177'
+ headline: 'A Brief History of Singular “they”'
+ extra: '– Dennis Baron'
+ -
+ icon: 'wikipedia-w'
+ iconSet: 'b'
+ url: 'https://lgbta.wikia.org/wiki/Neopronouns'
+ headline: 'LGBTA Wiki on Neopronouns'
+ -
+ icon: 'book-open'
+ url: 'https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&q=neopronouns'
+ headline: 'Academic papers on neopronouns'
+ -
+ icon: 'newspaper'
+ url: 'https://www.nytimes.com/2020/01/21/books/review/whats-your-pronoun-dennis-baron.html'
+ headline: 'English’s Pronoun Problem Is Centuries Old'
+ extra: '– The New York Times'
+ -
+ icon: 'user-edit'
+ url: 'http://faculty.las.illinois.edu/debaron/'
+ headline: 'Dennis Baron'
+ extra: '– author of “What''s your pronoun?”, has been researching gender-neutrality for some 40 years now'
+ -
+ icon: 'book-open'
+ url: 'https://ojs.lib.uwo.ca/index.php/wpl_clw/article/download/966/456'
+ headline: 'Bucking the Linguistic Binary: Gender Neutral Language in English, Swedish, French, and German'
+ extra: '– Levi C. R. Hord'
+ -
+ icon: 'twitch'
+ iconSet: 'b'
+ url: 'https://pronouns.alejo.io/'
+ headline: 'Display pronouns in Twitch Chat'
+ media: []
+ socials:
+ -
+ icon: 'twitter'
+ iconSet: 'b'
+ url: 'https://twitter.com/PronounsPage'
+ headline: '@PronounsPage'
+ recommended: []
+ enabled: true
+ route: 'contact'
+ contacts:
+ -
+ icon: 'envelope'
+ url: 'mailto:contact@pronouns.page'
+ headline: 'contact@pronouns.page'
+ authors:
+ -
+ name: 'The “Neutral Language Council” collective'
+ link: '/blog/neutral-language-council'
+ group: true
+ -
+ name: 'Andrea'
+ profile: 'andrea'
+ pronouns: 'they'
+ pronounsLink: '/they'
+ website: 'https://avris.it'
+ twitter: 'AvrisIT'
+ mail: 'andrea@avris.it'
+ areas:
+ code: 'https://gitlab.com/Avris/Zaimki'
+ language: ~
+ faq: '/faq'
+ -
+ name: 'Paweł Dembowski'
+ profile: 'Ausir'
+ pronouns: 'he'
+ pronounsLink: '/he'
+ twitter: 'VaultAusir'
+ mail: 'pawel.dembowski@gmail.com'
+ areas:
+ language: ~
+ sources: '/sources'
+ -
+ name: 'Szymon Misiek'
+ profile: 'szymon'
+ pronouns: 'he'
+ pronounsLink: '/he'
+ mail: 'misiek.sz.93@gmail.com'
+ orcid: '0000-0002-0214-0387'
+ areas:
+ language: ~
+ sources: '/sources'
+ enabled: true
+ links:
+ -
+ icon: 'coffee'
+ url: 'https://ko-fi.com/radajezykaneutralnego'
+ headline: 'Ko-Fi'
+ -
+ icon: 'paypal'
+ iconSet: 'b'
+ url: 'https://paypal.me/RJNeutralnego'
+ headline: 'PayPal'
+ enabled: true
+ route: 'account'
+ termsRoute: 'terms'
+ enabled: true
+ editorEnabled: true
+ defaultWords:
+ -
+ - '[no honorific]'
+ - 'mx.'
+ - 'mr.'
+ - 'ms.'
+ - 'sir'
+ - 'ma''am'
+ - 'madam'
+ - 'sai'
+ - 'mir'
+ - 'shazam'
+ - 'zam'
+ - 'comrade'
+ - ['person', 'man', 'woman', 'lady', 'dude', 'boy', 'girl', 'buddy', 'pal', 'bro', 'sis', 'sib']
+ - ['pretty', 'handsome', 'cute', 'hot', 'sexy']
+ - ['friend', 'partner', 'boyfriend', 'girlfriend', 'joyfriend', 'husband', 'wife', 'kissmate', 'darling', 'beloved', 'boo']
+ flags:
+ defaultPronoun: 'they'
+ enabled: false
+redirects: []
+ examples:
+ pronouns_all: ['/api/pronouns']
+ pronouns_one:
+ - '/api/pronouns/she/her'
+ - '/api/pronouns/she/her?examples[]=Did%20you%20ask%20%7Bpronoun_object%7D%20to%20join%20us%3F'
+ sources_all: ['/api/sources']
+ sources_one: ['/api/sources/01ERQRCV0XGVJ3T07MV9F6XQ83']
+ nouns_all: ['/api/nouns']
+ nouns_search: ['/api/nouns/search/person']
diff --git a/locale/zh/names/nameCount.js b/locale/zh/names/nameCount.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ff8b4c56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/zh/names/nameCount.js
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+export default {};
diff --git a/locale/zh/names/names.tsv b/locale/zh/names/names.tsv
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4c8c2dbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/zh/names/names.tsv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+name origin meaning usage legally cons pros notablePeople count links
diff --git a/locale/zh/nouns/NounsExtra.vue b/locale/zh/nouns/NounsExtra.vue
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..885db0d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/zh/nouns/NounsExtra.vue
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
diff --git a/locale/zh/nouns/NounsNav.vue b/locale/zh/nouns/NounsNav.vue
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6beff519
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/zh/nouns/NounsNav.vue
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/locale/zh/nouns/cases.js b/locale/zh/nouns/cases.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b1c6ea43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/zh/nouns/cases.js
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+export default {}
diff --git a/locale/zh/nouns/nounDeclension.tsv b/locale/zh/nouns/nounDeclension.tsv
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e69de29b
diff --git a/locale/zh/nouns/nounTemplates.tsv b/locale/zh/nouns/nounTemplates.tsv
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2a0ef7c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/zh/nouns/nounTemplates.tsv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+masc fem neutr mascPl femPl neutrPl
diff --git a/locale/zh/people/people.tsv b/locale/zh/people/people.tsv
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6f2f459a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/zh/people/people.tsv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+name description pronouns sources
diff --git a/locale/zh/pronouns/EnglishTable.vue b/locale/zh/pronouns/EnglishTable.vue
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a1c80d08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/zh/pronouns/EnglishTable.vue
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/locale/zh/pronouns/GrammarTables.vue b/locale/zh/pronouns/GrammarTables.vue
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..635141f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/zh/pronouns/GrammarTables.vue
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+ pronouns.grammarTable:
+ Subject |
+ Object |
+ Possessive determiner |
+ Possessive pronoun |
+ Reflexive |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
diff --git a/locale/zh/pronouns/examples.tsv b/locale/zh/pronouns/examples.tsv
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7b1a407c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/zh/pronouns/examples.tsv
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+singular plural isHonorific
+{3rd_person}是一個非常好的學生。 FALSE
+我可以藉{2nd_person}的鉛筆嗎? FALSE
+{3rd_person}告訴我那所房子是{3rd_person}的。 FALSE
diff --git a/locale/zh/pronouns/morphemes.js b/locale/zh/pronouns/morphemes.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7be69cb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/zh/pronouns/morphemes.js
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+export default [
+ '3rd_person',
+ '2nd_person',
diff --git a/locale/zh/pronouns/pronounGroups.tsv b/locale/zh/pronouns/pronounGroups.tsv
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9f21818e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/zh/pronouns/pronounGroups.tsv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+name pronouns description
diff --git a/locale/zh/pronouns/pronouns.tsv b/locale/zh/pronouns/pronouns.tsv
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..307d2c71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/zh/pronouns/pronouns.tsv
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+key description normative 3rd_person 2nd_person plural pluralHonorific pronounceable history thirdForm smallForm sourcesInfo
+他,他/你 masculine/neutral TRUE 他 你 FALSE FALSE TRUE Traditionally gender neutral, became masculine when separate gender-differentiated pronouns like 她 were introduced under western influence.
+她,她/你 feminine TRUE 她 你 FALSE FALSE TRUE
+她/妳 feminine TRUE 她 妳 FALSE FALSE TRUE Feminine second person pronoun 妳 is used mainly in Taiwan.
+伊/你 feminine, archaic TRUE 伊 你 FALSE FALSE TRUE 伊 was used historically in 1870-1930 as an exclusively feminine pronoun.
+tā,tā/你, ta, ta/你 neutral FALSE tā 你 FALSE FALSE TRUE
+X也, X也/你 neutral FALSE X也 你 FALSE FALSE TRUE
+佢,佢/你 neutral FALSE 佢 你 FALSE FALSE TRUE 佢 is a loanword from Cantonese used as a neutral pronoun by some people in Hong Kong.
+祂,祂/你 deity TRUE 祂 你 FALSE FALSE TRUE
+祂/祢 deity TRUE 祂 祢 FALSE FALSE TRUE Second person pronoun 祢 is used mainly in Taiwan.
+它,它/你 inanimate TRUE 它 你 FALSE FALSE TRUE
+牠,牠/你 animal TRUE 牠 你 FALSE FALSE TRUE 牠 is used mainly in Taiwan.
diff --git a/locale/zh/translations.suml b/locale/zh/translations.suml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a21e3785
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/zh/translations.suml
@@ -0,0 +1,458 @@
+title: 'zh.pronouns.page'
+description: 'Usage examples of personal pronouns and gender neutral language.'
+ link: 'Homepage'
+ header: 'Pronouns'
+ headerLong: 'List of pronouns'
+ why: 'What''s the deal with pronouns?'
+ about:
+ - >
+ 性別很複雜,有些人“看起來不像”他們的性別。有些人不適合當“男性”或“女性”,而更喜歡中性的語言。
+ - >
+ We all have pronouns. They're those words that we use instead of calling someone by their name every time we mention them.
+ Most people use {/he=“he/him”} and {/she=“she/her”}, so we automatically assume which one to call them based on someone's looks.
+ But it's actually not that simple…
+ - >
+ Gender is complicated. Some people “don't look like” their gender.
+ Some prefer being called in a different way from what you'd assume.
+ Some people don't fit into the boxes of “male” or “female” and prefer more neutral language.
+ - >
+ This tool lets you share a link to your pronouns, with example sentences,
+ so that you can show people how you like to be called.
+ - >
+ Why does it matter? Because of simple human decency.
+ You wouldn't call Ashley “Samantha” just because you like that name more
+ or because “she looks like a Samantha to you”.
+ Or even if she does have the name “Samantha” in her birth certificate
+ but she absolutely hates it and prefers to use “Ashley”.
+ And it's the exact same story with pronouns –
+ if you don't want to be rude towards someone, please address them properly.
+ The only difference is that we usually know names, but not pronouns.
+ We introduce ourselves with a name, but not pronouns. Let's change that!
+ pronouns: 'List of popular pronouns'
+ generator:
+ header: 'Generator'
+ description: >
+ You can also use this tool where you out the blanks in sentences
+ and generate a link ready to share with others.
+ button: 'Show the generator'
+ header2: 'Generate a link'
+ base: 'Based on'
+ alt: 'You can also enter interchangeable forms in each field separately, eg. him&her
= „him” or „her”.'
+ pronunciation: 'You can also specify the pronunciation after a pipe character, using IPA, eg. faerself|fɛɹsɛlf
= „faerself” pronounced as /fɛɹsɛlf/.'
+ whatisit: 'What''s the deal with pronouns?'
+ examples: 'Example usage in sentences'
+ plural: 'Plural'
+ intro: 'My pronouns are'
+ normative: 'Normative'
+ alt:
+ button: 'Generate a link to interchangeable forms'
+ header: 'Interchangeable forms'
+ raw: 'interchangeable'
+ generated: 'Those pronouns have been created using a generator. The team of pronouns.page is not responsible for it.'
+ any:
+ header: 'Any pronouns'
+ short: 'any'
+ description: >
+ Even though for many people it's incredibly important that people use specific pronouns to talk about them,
+ others don't mind being addressed in any way – as long as the context is clear as to who one talks about.
+ options: 'check out the options [share]{/=here}.'
+ others: 'Other forms'
+ othersRaw: 'other'
+ or: 'or'
+ grammarTable: 'Table'
+ header: 'Sources'
+ headerLong: 'Examples from cultural texts'
+ headerLonger: 'Gender neutral language in cultural texts'
+ subheader: 'Text corpus of gender neutral language'
+ toc: 'Show table of contents'
+ type:
+ All: 'All'
+ Book: 'Books'
+ Article: 'Articles'
+ Movie: 'Movies'
+ Series: 'Series'
+ Song: 'Music'
+ Poetry: 'Poetry'
+ Other: 'Other'
+ submit:
+ header: 'Submit an example to be added'
+ action: 'Submit'
+ pronouns: 'Which pronouns have been used?'
+ pronounsInfo: 'Enter the simplest form of the pronoun, the way it''s in the link, np. “they”, “e/em/es”, “he&she”'
+ type: 'Source type'
+ author: 'Author'
+ title: 'Title'
+ extra: 'Additional info (translator, name of journal, …)'
+ year: 'Release year (of the English version)'
+ fragments: 'Fragments'
+ comment: 'Comment'
+ link: 'Link to the content'
+ thanks: 'Thanks for contributing!'
+ another: 'Submit another one'
+ moderation: 'Submissions will have to get approved before getting published.'
+ header: 'Dictionary'
+ headerLong: 'Dictionary of neutral nouns'
+ headerLonger: 'Dictionary of gender neutral language'
+ description: 'It''s not just pronouns! Check out our dictionary of gender neutral nouns.'
+ intro:
+ - >
+ Inclusive and gender neutral is not just respecting someone's pronouns.
+ It's also describing their job, position, relationship etc.
+ in a way that doesn't assume their gender.
+ Not all firefighters are “firemen”. Not every spouse is a “husband” or a “wife”.
+ - >
+ When referring to someone whose gender you don't know,
+ to a group of people of mixed gender,
+ and especially to nonbinary people who explicitly prefer them,
+ use the neutral forms.
+ - >
+ Below we present a dictionary of the words to watch out for.
+ You can contribute to it and add your suggestions.
+ approved: 'approved entries'
+ pending: 'awaiting moderation'
+ edit: 'Propose a change'
+ edited: 'Proposed change of'
+ editing: 'You''re editing an existing entry'
+ empty: 'No words found that match your criteria.'
+ submit:
+ action: 'Submit'
+ actionLong: 'Submit a word'
+ thanks: 'Thank you for contributing!'
+ another: 'Submit another one'
+ moderation: 'Submissions will have to get approved before getting published.'
+ template: 'Use a template'
+ root: 'Root'
+ masculine: 'masculine'
+ masculineShort: 'masc.'
+ feminine: 'feminine'
+ feminineShort: 'fem.'
+ neuter: 'neutral'
+ neuterShort: 'neutr.'
+ singular: 'singular'
+ singularShort: 'sing.'
+ plural: 'plural'
+ pluralShort: 'pl.'
+ header: 'FAQ'
+ headerLong: 'Frequently asked questions'
+ questions:
+ nonbinary:
+ question: 'What is nonbinary?'
+ answer:
+ - >
+ Gender is way more complicated than just a simple distinction male/female.
+ Even from a purely biological standpoint we distinguish chromosomal sex,
+ genetic sex, hormonal sex, phenotypic sex…
+ They aren't necessarily congruent with each other, they don't have to be binary.
+ {https://twitter.com/RebeccaRHelm/status/1207834357639139328=(more info here)}.
+ And when we get to the cultural aspect, “gender” is a social construct.
+ Depending on time and location being “a woman” or “a man” can mean having radically different
+ rights, duties, norms… In Europe men used to wear high heels and stockings
+ native peoples of North America have been recognising a third gender for centuries
+ {https://gender.wikia.org/wiki/Two-Spirit=(two-spirit)}, etc. etc.
+ - >
+ Nonbinary is an umbrella term describing the identity of people
+ who don't fit the binary man/woman distinction.
+ It includes for instance people who are
+ {https://gender.wikia.org/wiki/Agender=agender},
+ {https://gender.wikia.org/wiki/Gender_Fluid=gender fluid},
+ {https://gender.wikia.org/wiki/Demigirl=demigirls},
+ {https://gender.wikia.org/wiki/Demiboy=demiboys},
+ i {https://gender.wikia.org/wiki/Non-binary=and many many others}.
+ - >
+ Nonbinary isn't necessarily something “between” masculinity and femininity. More like “beyond”.
+ Nonbinary people don't have to be androgynous, don't have to use neutral pronouns, etc.
+ It's about being free from gender roles, not about creating new ones.
+ why-respect:
+ question: 'Why should I respect some strange pronouns?'
+ answer:
+ - >
+ Because addressing people in the way they want to be addressed is the basis of social relations.
+ You wouldn't call Ashley “Samantha”, you wouldn't drop “sir”/“madam” when addressing your supervisor, etc.
+ And there's people who don't want to be called either “{/he=he}” or “{/she=she}”.
+ If you don't accept that, it only shows you in bad light.
+ - >
+ “Strange pronouns” are just a matter of getting used to.
+ how-to-know:
+ question: 'How do I know how to address someone?'
+ answer:
+ - >
+ You can just ask! Yes, it might be a bit awkward, but the more we do it, the less awkward it gets.
+ If we can ask somebody their name, why not their pronouns?
+ - >
+ (Just please don't phrase it as “are you a boy or a girl?”.
+ This question implies that there's just two correct answers,
+ and it suggests unhealthy curiosity about someone's genitals.
+ Instead, you could just ask “what are your pronouns?” or “how should I refer to you?”)
+ - >
+ It's also important to normalise simply telling people your pronouns when you introduce yourself.
+ “Hi, I'm Michæl, {/he=he/him}”. It's not hard – but for trans and nonbinary peopls it means so much!
+ It's even easier done online: just put your pronouns (or a link to examples from our website) to your bio.
+ - >
+ Remember also that many people might use a different name and a different set of pronouns depending on situation.
+ They might not be out among friends or coworkers yet, but among friends be comfortable living their truth.
+ Be mindful. You might for instance ask them “which pronouns should I use in front of your boss?”, etc.
+ - >
+ Some people give multiple pronouns, eg. “{/he&she=he/she}” or “{/they&he=they/he}”.
+ That means they like all of those forms. Usually, the first one is the preferred one.
+ who-uses-it:
+ question: 'Does anyone even use that?'
+ answer:
+ - >
+ Yes! Millions of enbies all around the world.
+ Every pronoun listed here has someone that actually uses it in everyday life.
+ authority:
+ question: 'Are those nonbinary pronouns approved by some kind of authority?'
+ answer:
+ - >
+ Language is not some kind of god-given, ancient magic set in stone.
+ It's just a tool that we use to communicate.
+ When we change as a society, and when the world around us changes,
+ we adjust the language we use to be able to better describe it.
+ We're its users, so we're the authority on how we want to use it.
+ - >
+ Dictionaries take their time to start including those changes,
+ which doesn't make the change illegitimate in any way.
+ But eventually the new forms, if used often enough, get included in dictionaries.
+ {https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/singular-nonbinary-they=Merriam Webster}, for example,
+ accepts the use of {/they=singular “they”} as a nonbinary pronoun.
+ - >
+ You can also read some {https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&q=neopronouns=academic papers}
+ on neopronouns.
+ bio:
+ question: 'Why should I put my pronouns in bio on social media?'
+ answer:
+ - >
+ If you're cis (= not trans) and you use „{/he=he}” or „{/she=she}” matching your gender,
+ you might think that your pronouns are obvious.
+ And yeah, maybe that's true – as long as your name is mentioned in the profile (and is traditionally male of female)
+ or if you have your picture as avatar.
+ Many people don't – so it's hard to guess how they want to be called.
+ - >
+ But it's mostly about something more than that: your pronouns might be “obvious”,
+ but there are people whose pronouns are not.
+ They want to be addressed correctly, whether or not they “pass” as their gender,
+ whether or not they have transitioned (or if they want to transition at all).
+ Nonbinary people usually “don't look nonbinary”, we don't owe anyone androgyny.
+ - >
+ Sharing our pronouns is very important for trans, nonbinary and gender nonconforming people.
+ Alas, it also exposes and singles us out.
+ But if cis people do the same, it means the world for us.
+ It makes us feel more confortable, safe and welcome
+ {https://avris.it/blog/why-everyone-should-have-pronouns-in-their-bio=(more reasons here).}
+ change:
+ question: 'Can I change my pronouns?'
+ answer:
+ - >
+ Of course! Nobody is surprised when someone changes their views, style, hobbies…
+ So why would it be strange that they discovered a part of their identity,
+ stopped liking their name, discovered a label that fits them well, etc.?
+ get-used-to:
+ question: 'Is it strange that I can''t get used to my own new pronouns?'
+ answer:
+ - >
+ Not at all! After many years of using pronouns congruent with one's gender assigned at birth
+ it's easy to forget oneself when switching to different ones.
+ - >
+ Pronouns ≠ gender.
+ Your gender won't drastically change just because you got confused once when someone called you “them”.
+ Don't worry. Experiment. See what fits you best.
+ preferred-pronouns:
+ question: 'Why shouldn''t I say “preferred pronouns”?'
+ answer:
+ - >
+ Because this phrase suggests that someone's pronouns are just a whim.
+ If someone just “prefers” to be called she, he won't _really_ feel bad, if I call him a “he”, right?
+ They look like a guy, after all, so it's gonna be easier for me!
+ - >
+ No! It's our pronouns. Not our “preferred pronouns”. It's our names, not our “preferred names”.
+ If you care about your trans and nonbinary friends and loved ones, then call them the right way.
+ gender-pronouns:
+ question: 'Why shouldn''t I say “gender pronouns”?'
+ answer:
+ - >
+ Because gender ≠ pronouns. Pronouns are just grammar.
+ Nonbinary folks can use binary pronouns, some lesbians use {/he=he/him} for cultural reasons, etc.
+ - >
+ Simply say “pronouns”.
+ header: 'Links'
+ headerLong: 'Extra links'
+ recommended: 'We recommend'
+ media: 'Pronouns.page in the media'
+ social: 'Social media'
+ languageVersions: 'Other language versions'
+people: ~
+english: ~
+ header: 'Contact'
+ authors: 'Authors of the website'
+ header: 'Support'
+ description: >
+ If you want to chip in for the server, domains, stickers etc., or simply buy the authors a beer,
+ you can use the links below:
+ header: 'Account'
+ headerLong: 'Your account'
+ tokenExpired: 'Token has expired. Please refresh the website and try again.'
+ login:
+ placeholder: 'Email (or username, if you''re already registered)'
+ action: 'Log in'
+ emailSent: 'We''ve sent you an email with a 6-digit code. Enter it here. The code is single-use and stays valid for 15 minutes.'
+ userNotFound: 'User not found.'
+ email:
+ subject: 'Your login code is %code%'
+ content: |
+ To confirm your email address, use the following code: %code%.
+ If you didn't order this code, simply ignore this message.
+ why: >
+ Registering lets you manage your cards ({/@andrea=like this one}).
+ passwordless: 'The website doesn''t store any passwords. {https://avris.it/blog/passwords-are-passé=More info.}'
+ code:
+ action: 'Validate'
+ invalid: 'Invalid code.'
+ account:
+ changeUsername:
+ header: 'Username'
+ action: 'Change'
+ invalid: 'Username must be between 4 and 16 characters long and can only contain numbers, letters, dots, hyphens and underscore.'
+ taken: 'This username is taken.'
+ changeEmail:
+ header: 'Email address'
+ action: 'Change'
+ invalid: 'Invalid email address.'
+ taken: 'This address is taken.'
+ admin: 'Admin'
+ logout: 'Log out'
+ avatar:
+ header: 'Avatar'
+ change: 'Change'
+ deleteAccount: 'Delete account'
+ deleteAccountConfirm: 'Are you sure you want to remove your account? This will be irreversible!'
+ socialConnection:
+ list: 'Social media connections'
+ connect: 'Connect'
+ refresh: 'Refresh'
+ disconnect: 'Disconnect'
+ disconnectConfirm: 'Are you sure you want to remove this connection? (You can always log in using email %email%)'
+ description: 'Description'
+ names: 'Names'
+ pronouns: 'Pronouns'
+ pronounsInfo: 'You can enter a pronoun (eg. “they” or “she/sher”) or a link (eg. “http://en.pronouns.page/e”) or the custom five forms (eg. “ze/zem/zir/zirs/zirself”).'
+ pronounsNotFound: 'We can''t find a link to this pronoun!'
+ words: 'Words'
+ birthday: 'Age'
+ birthdayInfo: 'We do not publish your birthday, just the calculated age.'
+ flags: 'Flags'
+ flagsInfo: 'Drag & drop your pride flags into this frame.'
+ links: 'Links'
+ column: 'Column'
+ list: 'Your cards'
+ init: 'Create a card'
+ show: 'Show'
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+ deleteConfirm: 'Are you sure you want to delete this card?'
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+ header: 'Card editor'
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+ yes: 'Yes'
+ jokingly: 'Jokingly'
+ meh: 'Okay'
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+share: 'Share'
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+ filterLong: 'Filter the list…'
+ search: 'Search…'
+ author: 'Added by'
+ source: 'Source code is {https://gitlab.com/Avris/Zaimki=published} under the {https://mit.avris.it=MIT} license.'
+ links: 'Contact, social media, support'
+ message: 'Page was not found'
+ back: 'Go back to the homepage'
+ message: 'You must log in to see this site'
+ go: 'Go to the login form'
+ header: 'Are you sure?'
+ yes: 'Yes, I''m sure'
+ no: 'No, cancel'
+ header: 'Terms of Service'
+ lastUpdate: 'Last Updated'
+ consent: 'By registering you''re accepting the {/terms=Terms of Service}.'
+ header: 'Admin panel'
+ user:
+ user: 'User'
+ email: 'Email'
+ roles: 'Role'
+ profiles: 'Profiles'
+ confirmRole: 'Are you sure you want to switch @%username%''s role to "%role%"?'
+ empty: 'Empty…'
+ count: 'Count'
+ sort: 'Drag to sort'
+ scrollUp: 'Scroll to the top'
+ more: 'Show more'
+ header: 'Public API'
+ example: 'Example'
+ query: 'Query string parameters'
+ start: '“'
+ end: '”'
+ shorter: 'Add more'
+ short: 'Adding language versions'
+ long: 'Want to create a new language version? Check out'
+ longLink: 'this manual!'
diff --git a/src/locales.js b/src/locales.js
index f244e5ae..0fa078bb 100644
--- a/src/locales.js
+++ b/src/locales.js
@@ -2,4 +2,5 @@ export default [
['es', 'Español', 'https://es.pronouns.page', true],
['en', 'English', 'https://en.pronouns.page', true],
['pl', 'Polski', 'https://zaimki.pl', true],
+ ['zh', '中文', 'https://zh.pronouns.page', false],