require('../src/dotenv')(); const dbConnection = require('./db'); const mailer = require('../src/mailer'); const {archiveBan} = require("./ban"); const execute = process.env.EXECUTE === '1'; console.log(execute ? 'WILL EXECUTE!' : 'Dry run'); const now = +new Date(); const month = 30*24*60*60*1000; const week = 7*24*60*60*1000; const sleep = ms => new Promise(res => setTimeout(res, ms)); async function warnInactive(db) { console.log('--- Fetching ids to warn ---'); const users = (await db.all(` SELECT, u.username,, u.bannedReason FROM users u WHERE inactiveWarning IS NULL AND ( ( NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT p.userId FROM profiles p) AND (lastActive IS NULL OR lastActive < ${now - month}) ) OR bannedReason IS NOT NULL ) `)); console.log(users.length); for (let user of users) { console.log('warn', user); if (!execute) { continue; } if ('.oauth')) { await db.get(`UPDATE users SET inactiveWarning = ${now - week - 1000} WHERE id = '${}'`); continue; } await db.get(`UPDATE users SET inactiveWarning = ${now} WHERE id = '${}'`); if (user.bannedReason !== null) { continue; } mailer(, 'inactivityWarning') await sleep(3000); } } async function removeWarned(db) { console.log('--- Fetching ids to remove ---'); const users = (await db.all(` SELECT, u.username, FROM users u WHERE ( NOT IN ( SELECT DISTINCT p.userId FROM profiles p ) OR bannedReason IS NOT NULL ) AND inactiveWarning IS NOT NULL AND inactiveWarning < ${now - week} `)); console.log(users.length); for (let user of users) { console.log('remove', user); if (!execute) { continue; } await db.get(`DELETE FROM users WHERE id = '${}'`); } } async function cleanup() { const db = await dbConnection(); await db.get('PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON') await warnInactive(db); await removeWarned(db); } cleanup();