import { Router } from 'express'; import SQL from 'sql-template-strings'; import avatar from '../avatar'; import {config as socialLoginConfig} from "../social"; import {buildDict, now, shuffle, handleErrorAsync, buildLocaleList} from "../../src/helpers"; import locales from '../../src/locales'; import {calculateStats, statsFile} from '../../src/stats'; import fs from 'fs'; import { caches } from "../../src/cache"; const router = Router(); router.get('/admin/list', handleErrorAsync(async (req, res) => { return res.json(await caches.admins.fetch(async () => { const admins = await req.db.all(SQL` SELECT u.username, p.teamName, p.locale,,, u.avatarSource FROM users u LEFT JOIN profiles p ON p.userId = WHERE p.teamName IS NOT NULL AND p.teamName != '' ORDER BY RANDOM() `); const adminsGroupped = buildDict(function* () { yield [global.config.locale, []]; for (let [locale, , , published] of locales) { if (locale !== global.config.locale && published) { yield [locale, []]; } } yield ['', []]; }); for (let admin of admins) { admin.avatar = await avatar(req.db, admin); delete; delete; if (adminsGroupped[admin.locale] !== undefined) { adminsGroupped[admin.locale].push(admin); } else { adminsGroupped[''].push(admin); } } return adminsGroupped; })); })); router.get('/admin/list/footer', handleErrorAsync(async (req, res) => { return res.json(shuffle(await caches.adminsFooter.fetch(async () => { const fromDb = await req.db.all(SQL` SELECT u.username, p.footerName, p.footerAreas, p.locale FROM users u LEFT JOIN profiles p ON p.userId = WHERE p.locale = ${global.config.locale} AND p.footerName IS NOT NULL AND p.footerName != '' AND p.footerAreas IS NOT NULL AND p.footerAreas != '' `); const fromConfig = || []; return [...fromDb, ...fromConfig]; }))); })); router.get('/admin/users', handleErrorAsync(async (req, res) => { if (!req.isGranted('users')) { return res.status(401).json({error: 'Unauthorised'}); } return res.json({}); const users = await req.db.all(SQL` SELECT, u.username,, u.roles, u.avatarSource, p.locale FROM users u LEFT JOIN profiles p ON p.userId = ORDER BY DESC `); const authenticators = await req.db.all(SQL` SELECT userId, type FROM authenticators WHERE type IN (`.append(Object.keys(socialLoginConfig).map(k => `'${k}'`).join(',')).append(SQL`) AND (validUntil IS NULL OR validUntil > ${now()}) `)); const groupedUsers = {}; for (let user of users) { if (groupedUsers[] === undefined) { groupedUsers[] = { ...user, locale: undefined, profiles: user.locale ? [user.locale] : [], avatar: await avatar(req.db, user), socialConnections: [], } } else { groupedUsers[].profiles.push(user.locale); } } for (let auth of authenticators) { groupedUsers[auth.userId].socialConnections.push(auth.type); } return res.json(groupedUsers); })); router.get('/admin/stats', handleErrorAsync(async (req, res) => { if (!req.isGranted('panel')) { return res.status(401).json({error: 'Unauthorised'}); } const stats = fs.existsSync(statsFile) ? JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(statsFile)) : await calculateStats(req.db, buildLocaleList(global.config.locale)); for (let locale in stats.locales) { if (stats.locales.hasOwnProperty(locale) && !req.isGranted('panel', locale)) { delete stats.locales[locale]; } } return res.json(stats); })); const normalise = s => s.trim().toLowerCase();'/admin/ban/:username', handleErrorAsync(async (req, res) => { if (!req.isGranted('users')) { return res.status(401).json({error: 'Unauthorised'}); } await req.db.get(SQL` UPDATE users SET bannedReason = ${req.body.reason || null} WHERE usernameNorm = ${normalise(req.params.username)} `); return res.json(true); })); router.get('/admin/suspicious', handleErrorAsync(async (req, res) => { if (!req.isGranted('users')) { return res.status(401).json({error: 'Unauthorised'}); } return res.json(await req.db.all(SQL` SELECT, users.username, profiles.locale FROM profiles LEFT JOIN users ON profiles.userId = WHERE users.suspiciousChecked != 1 AND users.bannedReason IS NULL AND ( lower(customFlags) LIKE '%superstr%' OR lower(description) LIKE '%superstr%' OR lower(customFlags) LIKE '%superhet%' OR lower(description) LIKE '%superhet%' OR lower(customFlags) LIKE '%super-%' OR lower(description) LIKE '%super-%' OR lower(customFlags) LIKE '%phobe%' OR lower(description) LIKE '%phobe%' OR lower(customFlags) LIKE '%phobic%' OR lower(description) LIKE '%phobic%' OR lower(customFlags) LIKE '%terf%' OR lower(description) LIKE '%terf%' OR lower(customFlags) LIKE '%radfem%' OR lower(description) LIKE '%radfem%' OR lower(customFlags) LIKE '%gender critical%' OR lower(description) LIKE '%gender critical%' OR lower(customFlags) LIKE '%helicopter%' OR lower(description) LIKE '%helicopter%' OR lower(pronouns) LIKE '%helicopter%' OR lower(pronouns) LIKE '%nor/mal%' ) ORDER BY DESC `)); }));'/admin/suspicious/checked/:id', handleErrorAsync(async (req, res) => { if (!req.isGranted('users')) { return res.status(401).json({error: 'Unauthorised'}); } await req.db.get(SQL` UPDATE users SET suspiciousChecked = 1 WHERE id=${} `); return res.json(true); })); export default router;