title: 'Pronouns.page'
domain: 'yi.pronouns.page'
description: 'Usage examples of personal pronouns and gender neutral language.'
link: 'הײמזײַטל'
header: 'פּראָנאָמען'
headerLong: 'ליסטע פֿון פּראָנאָמען'
why: 'What''s the deal with pronouns?'
- >
We all have pronouns. They're those words that we use instead of calling someone by their name every time we mention them.
Most people use {/he=“he/him”} and {/she=“she/her”}, so we automatically assume which one to call them based on someone's looks.
But it's actually not that simple…
- >
Gender is complicated. Some people “don't look like” their gender.
Some prefer being called in a different way from what you'd assume.
Some people don't fit into the boxes of “male” or “female” and prefer more neutral language.
- >
This tool lets you share a link to your pronouns, with example sentences,
so that you can show people how you like to be called.
- >
Why does it matter? Because of simple human decency.
You wouldn't call Ashley “Samantha” just because you like that name more
or because “she looks like a Samantha to you”.
Or even if she does have the name “Samantha” in her birth certificate
but she absolutely hates it and prefers to use “Ashley”.
And it's the exact same story with pronouns –
if you don't want to be rude towards someone, please address them properly.
The only difference is that we usually know names, but not pronouns.
We introduce ourselves with a name, but not pronouns. Let's change that!
pronouns: 'List of popular pronouns'
header: 'גענעראַטאָר'
description: >
You can also use this tool where you out the blanks in sentences
and generate a link ready to share with others.
button: 'Show the generator'
header2: 'Generate a link'
base: 'Based on'
alt: 'You can also enter interchangeable forms in each field separately, eg. him&her
= „him” or „her”.'
pronunciation: 'You can also specify the pronunciation after a pipe character, using IPA, eg. faerself|fɛɹsɛlf
= „faerself” pronounced as /fɛɹsɛlf/.'
whatisit: 'What''s the deal with pronouns?'
header: 'אונדזער מיסיע'
summary: 'We fight for freedom, respect and inclusiveness in language.'
freedom: >
– so that everyone can use for themselves
whatever pronouns they feel describe them best.
respect: >
– so that other people's pronouns are respected.
inclusiveness: >
– so that when we're referring to a person we don't know or a group of people,
we don't assume their gender and don't exclude them for any reason.
header: 'פּראָנאָמען'
headerLong: 'פּראָנאָמען'
examples: 'Example usage in sentences'
plural: 'מערצאָל'
intro: 'מײַנע פּראָנאָמען זענען'
normative: 'נאָרמאַטיװ'
button: 'Generate a link to interchangeable forms'
header: 'אױ֜סבײַטעװדיקע פֿאָרמען'
raw: 'interchangeable'
generated: 'Those pronouns have been created using a generator. The team of pronouns.page is not responsible for it.'
header: 'Any pronouns'
short: 'any'
description: >
Even though for many people it's incredibly important that people use specific pronouns to talk about them,
others don't mind being addressed in any way – as long as the context is clear as to who one talks about.
options: 'check out the options [share]{/pronouns=here}.'
others: 'Other forms'
othersRaw: 'other'
or: 'or'
grammarTable: 'Table'
header: 'קװאַלן'
headerLong: 'Examples from cultural texts'
headerLonger: 'Gender neutral language in cultural texts'
subheader: 'Text corpus of gender neutral language'
toc: 'Show table of contents'
All: 'All'
Book: 'Books'
Article: 'Articles'
Movie: 'Movies'
Series: 'Series'
Song: 'Music'
Poetry: 'Poetry'
Game: 'Game'
Other: 'Other'
header: 'Submit an example to be added'
action: 'Submit'
pronouns: 'Which pronouns have been used?'
pronounsInfo: 'Enter the simplest form of the pronoun, the way it''s in the link, np. “they”, “e/em/es”, “he&she”'
type: 'Source type'
author: 'Author'
title: 'Title'
extra: 'Additional info (translator, name of journal, …)'
year: 'Release year (of the English version)'
fragments: 'Fragments'
comment: 'Comment'
link: 'Link to the content'
thanks: 'Thanks for contributing!'
another: 'Submit another one'
moderation: 'Submissions will have to get approved before getting published.'
key: 'Key'
keyInfo: 'Identifier for linking sources between language versions and linking with the dictionary'
images: 'Images'
spoiler: 'Spoiler' # TODO
otherVersions: 'In other languages'
referenced: 'Examples of use'
header: 'װערטערבוך'
headerLong: 'Dictionary of neutral nouns'
headerLonger: 'Dictionary of gender neutral language'
description: 'It''s not just pronouns! Check out our dictionary of gender neutral nouns.'
- >
Inclusive and gender neutral is not just respecting someone's pronouns.
It's also describing their job, position, relationship etc.
in a way that doesn't assume their gender.
Not all firefighters are “firemen”. Not every spouse is a “husband” or a “wife”.
- >
When referring to someone whose gender you don't know,
to a group of people of mixed gender,
and especially to nonbinary people who explicitly prefer them,
use the neutral forms.
- >
Below we present a dictionary of the words to watch out for.
You can contribute to it and add your suggestions.
approved: 'approved entries'
pending: 'awaiting moderation'
edit: 'Propose a change'
edited: 'Proposed change of'
editing: 'You''re editing an existing entry'
empty: 'No words found that match your criteria.'
action: 'Submit'
actionLong: 'Submit a word'
thanks: 'Thank you for contributing!'
another: 'Submit another one'
moderation: 'Submissions will have to get approved before getting published.'
template: 'Use a template'
root: 'Root'
masculine: 'masculine'
masculineShort: 'masc.'
feminine: 'feminine'
feminineShort: 'fem.'
neuter: 'neutral'
neuterShort: 'neutr.'
singular: 'singular'
singularShort: 'sing.'
plural: 'plural'
pluralShort: 'pl.'
header: 'נײטראַלע סובסטאַנטיװן'
image: 'Image'
header: 'טערמינאָלאָגיע'
headerLong: 'Słownik terminologii queerowej'
- >
Większość zwrotów i wyrażeń związanych ze społecznością LGBTQ+
funkcjonuje w polszczyźnie jako anglojęzyczne wstawki.
Poniżej przedstawiamy słownik tłumaczący, co dane określenia oznaczają,
i jakie proponujemy dla nich polskie tłumaczenia.
term: 'Określenie'
original: 'Pochodzenie, określenie angielskie'
category: 'Kategoria'
images: 'Dodatkowe obrazki, spoza katalogu flag'
definition: 'Definicja'
header: 'פֿראַגעס'
headerLong: 'Frequently asked questions'
question: 'What is nonbinary?'
- >
Gender is way more complicated than just a simple distinction male/female.
Even from a purely biological standpoint we distinguish chromosomal sex,
genetic sex, hormonal sex, phenotypic sex…
They aren't necessarily congruent with each other, they don't have to be binary.
{https://twitter.com/RebeccaRHelm/status/1207834357639139328=(more info here)}.
And when we get to the cultural aspect, “gender” is a social construct.
Depending on time and location being “a woman” or “a man” can mean having radically different
rights, duties, norms… In Europe men used to wear high heels and stockings
native peoples of North America have been recognising a third gender for centuries
{https://gender.wikia.org/wiki/Two-Spirit=(two-spirit)}, etc. etc.
- >
Nonbinary is an umbrella term describing the identity of people
who don't fit the binary man/woman distinction.
It includes for instance people who are
{https://gender.wikia.org/wiki/Gender_Fluid=gender fluid},
i {https://gender.wikia.org/wiki/Non-binary=and many many others}.
- >
Nonbinary isn't necessarily something “between” masculinity and femininity. More like “beyond”.
Nonbinary people don't have to be androgynous, don't have to use neutral pronouns, etc.
It's about being free from gender roles, not about creating new ones.
question: 'Why should I respect some strange pronouns?'
- >
Because addressing people in the way they want to be addressed is the basis of social relations.
You wouldn't call Ashley “Samantha”, you wouldn't drop “sir”/“madam” when addressing your supervisor, etc.
And there's people who don't want to be called either “{/he=he}” or “{/she=she}”.
If you don't accept that, it only shows you in bad light.
- >
“Strange pronouns” are just a matter of getting used to.
question: 'How do I know how to address someone?'
- >
You can just ask! Yes, it might be a bit awkward, but the more we do it, the less awkward it gets.
If we can ask somebody their name, why not their pronouns?
- >
(Just please don't phrase it as “are you a boy or a girl?”.
This question implies that there's just two correct answers,
and it suggests unhealthy curiosity about someone's genitals.
Instead, you could just ask “what are your pronouns?” or “how should I refer to you?”)
- >
It's also important to normalise simply telling people your pronouns when you introduce yourself.
“Hi, I'm Michæl, {/he=he/him}”. It's not hard – but for trans and nonbinary peopls it means so much!
It's even easier done online: just put your pronouns (or a link to examples from our website) to your bio.
- >
Remember also that many people might use a different name and a different set of pronouns depending on situation.
They might not be out among friends or coworkers yet, but among friends be comfortable living their truth.
Be mindful. You might for instance ask them “which pronouns should I use in front of your boss?”, etc.
- >
Some people give multiple pronouns, eg. “{/he&she=he/she}” or “{/they&he=they/he}”.
That means they like all of those forms. Usually, the first one is the preferred one.
question: 'Does anyone even use that?'
- >
Yes! Millions of enbies all around the world.
Every pronoun listed here has someone that actually uses it in everyday life.
question: 'Are those nonbinary pronouns approved by some kind of authority?'
- >
Language is not some kind of god-given, ancient magic set in stone.
It's just a tool that we use to communicate.
When we change as a society, and when the world around us changes,
we adjust the language we use to be able to better describe it.
We're its users, so we're the authority on how we want to use it.
- >
Dictionaries take their time to start including those changes,
which doesn't make the change illegitimate in any way.
But eventually the new forms, if used often enough, get included in dictionaries.
{https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/singular-nonbinary-they=Merriam Webster}, for example,
accepts the use of {/they=singular “they”} as a nonbinary pronoun.
- >
You can also read some {https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&q=neopronouns=academic papers}
on neopronouns.
question: 'Why should I put my pronouns in bio on social media?'
- >
If you're cis (= not trans) and you use „{/he=he}” or „{/she=she}” matching your gender,
you might think that your pronouns are obvious.
And yeah, maybe that's true – as long as your name is mentioned in the profile (and is traditionally male of female)
or if you have your picture as avatar.
Many people don't – so it's hard to guess how they want to be called.
- >
But it's mostly about something more than that: your pronouns might be “obvious”,
but there are people whose pronouns are not.
They want to be addressed correctly, whether or not they “pass” as their gender,
whether or not they have transitioned (or if they want to transition at all).
Nonbinary people usually “don't look nonbinary”, we don't owe anyone androgyny.
- >
Sharing our pronouns is very important for trans, nonbinary and gender nonconforming people.
Alas, it also exposes and singles us out.
But if cis people do the same, it means the world for us.
It makes us feel more confortable, safe and welcome
{https://avris.it/blog/why-everyone-should-have-pronouns-in-their-bio=(more reasons here).}
question: 'Can I change my pronouns?'
- >
Of course! Nobody is surprised when someone changes their views, style, hobbies…
So why would it be strange that they discovered a part of their identity,
stopped liking their name, discovered a label that fits them well, etc.?
question: 'Is it strange that I can''t get used to my own new pronouns?'
- >
Not at all! After many years of using pronouns congruent with one's gender assigned at birth
it's easy to forget oneself when switching to different ones.
- >
Pronouns ≠ gender.
Your gender won't drastically change just because you got confused once when someone called you “them”.
Don't worry. Experiment. See what fits you best.
question: 'Why shouldn''t I say “preferred pronouns”?'
- >
Because this phrase suggests that someone's pronouns are just a whim.
If someone just “prefers” to be called she, he won't _really_ feel bad, if I call him a “he”, right?
They look like a guy, after all, so it's gonna be easier for me!
- >
No! It's our pronouns. Not our “preferred pronouns”. It's our names, not our “preferred names”.
If you care about your trans and nonbinary friends and loved ones, then call them the right way.
question: 'Why shouldn''t I say “gender pronouns”?'
- >
Because gender ≠ pronouns. Pronouns are just grammar.
Nonbinary folks can use binary pronouns, some lesbians use {/he=he/him} for cultural reasons, etc.
- >
Simply say “pronouns”.
header: 'פֿאַרבינדונגען'
headerLong: 'Extra links'
recommended: 'We recommend'
blog: 'Blog' # TODO
mediaShort: 'Media'
media: 'Pronouns.page in the media'
social: 'Social media'
languageVersions: 'Other language versions'
people: ~
english: ~
header: 'קאָנטאַקט'
authors: 'Authors of the website'
name: 'The “Neutral Language Council” collective' # TODO
nameShort: 'Collective'
description: # TODO
- >
We are a queer collective dedicated to assembling, researching, shaping and promoting
gender neutral and nonbinary language.
We also support actions towards equality and social justice.
logo: 'Logo of the collective is a combination of the transgender symbol and a speech bubble that symbolises language.' # TODO
members: 'Current members' # TODO
member: 'Member of the collective' # TODO
blog: 'Blog' # TODO
upcoming: 'Upcoming language versions' # TODO
# TODO join: …
header: 'Support'
description: >
If you want to chip in for the server, domains, stickers etc., or simply buy the authors a beer,
you can use the links below:
header: 'קאָנטע'
headerLong: 'דיין קאָנטע'
tokenExpired: 'Token has expired. Please refresh the website and try again.'
# help: 'To log in or create an account you can either use the social media buttons or enter your email in the field below and then confirm the code you will have received in your mailbox.'
placeholder: 'Email (or username, if you''re already registered)'
action: 'Log in' # TODO 'Log in / register'
emailSent: 'We''ve sent you %email% an email with a 6-digit code. Enter it here. The code is single-use and stays valid for 15 minutes.'
userNotFound: 'User not found.'
subject: 'Your login code is {{code}}'
instruction: 'To confirm your email address, enter the following single-use code on the website:'
extra: 'If you didn''t order this code, simply ignore this message.'
why: >
Registering lets you manage your cards ({/@example=like this one}).
passwordless: 'The website doesn''t store any passwords. {https://avris.it/blog/passwords-are-passé=More info.}'
instancePlaceholder: 'Instance' # TODO
domainPlaceholder: 'Domain'
deprecated: 'Deprecated'
depreciationNotice: >
This is not a reliable authentication provider.
Check out this link for more details.
We highly recommend making sure that you have a different login method available.
action: 'Validate'
invalid: 'Invalid code.'
header: 'Username'
action: 'Change username'
invalid: 'Username must be between 4 and 16 characters long and can only contain numbers, letters, dots, hyphens and underscore.'
taken: 'This username is taken.'
header: 'Email address'
action: 'Change email'
invalid: 'Invalid email address.'
taken: 'This address is taken.'
admin: 'Admin'
logout: 'Log out'
header: 'Avatar'
change: 'Change'
deleteAccount: 'Delete account'
deleteAccountConfirm: 'Are you sure you want to remove your account? This will be irreversible!'
list: 'Social media connections'
connect: 'Connect'
refresh: 'Refresh'
disconnect: 'Disconnect'
disconnectConfirm: 'Are you sure you want to remove this connection? (You can always log in using email %email%)'
header: 'Multi-factor authentication'
init: >
Scan this QR code (or enter the text code below) in your TOTP authenticator app (eg. {https://authy.com/=Authy})
and then enter the initial token that gets generated.
header: 'Recovery code'
save: >
Save the following recovery codes in a safe place.
You'll be able to use them to bypass MFA in case you ever lose your authentication device.
saved: 'OK, I''ve saved them!'
enter: 'Enter recovery code'
cancel: 'Cancel login'
enabled: 'Enabled'
enable: 'Enable MFA'
disable: 'Disable MFA'
disableConfirm: 'Are you sure you want to disable MFA?'
description: 'באַשרײַבונג'
names: 'נעמען'
pronouns: 'פּראָנאָמען'
pronounsInfo: >
You can enter a pronoun (eg. “they” or “she/her”)
or a link (eg. “https://en.pronouns.page/e”)
or the custom five forms (eg. “ze/zem/zir/zirs/zirself”).
Keep in mind that all five forms are required in that case,
otherwise the app can only guess what exactly do you mean.
You can also use {/pronouns#generator=the generator} to fill out sentences with custom forms.
If your pronouns follow the {/pronouns#nameself=nameself pattern},
you can also use a colon shorthand (eg. “:star”).
pronounsNotFound: 'Unrecognised format. Please check out the instruction above.'
words: 'װערטער'
birthday: 'עלטער'
birthdayInfo: 'We do not publish your birthday, just the calculated age.'
flags: 'פֿענער'
flagsInfo: 'Drag & drop your pride flags into this frame.'
flagsCustom: 'Upload custom flags' # TODO
flagsCustomWarning: 'This flag has been uploaded by a user. The team of pronouns.page is not responsible for it.' # TODO
links: 'פֿאַרבינדונגען'
linksRecommended: 'We recommend linking to' # TODO
column: 'Column'
list: 'דײַנע װיזיט־קאַרטלעך'
init: 'מאַך אַ װיזיט־קאַרטל'
show: 'Show'
edit: 'Edit'
delete: 'Delete'
deleteConfirm: 'Are you sure you want to delete this card?'
header: 'רעדאַקציע פון די װיזיט־קאַרטל'
save: 'Save your card'
defaults: 'Restore defaults' # TODO
propagate: 'Propagate this change to your cards in all languages' # TODO
yes: 'יאָ'
jokingly: 'אין אַ שפּאַס'
close: 'Only if we''re close' # TODO
meh: 'אָקײ'
no: 'נײן'
#banner: >
# You can also use our website to create a card, {/@example=like this one},
# containing your names, pronouns, pride flags, liked words, etc.
# Then you can link to it in your bio or email footer.
# Just create an account {/account=here}.
#bannerButton: 'Create a card'
link: 'Card picture'
generate: 'Generate' # TODO
generating: 'Generation in progress…'
empty: 'This person hasn''t created any cards yet.' # TODO
header: 'Personal'
description: 'Only you can see this section'
header: 'Language'
description: '@%username%''s card is also available in the following languages'
# if your language has declension and it's hard to fit the username in that sentence,
# just make is 'This card is…'
share: 'Share'
approve: 'Approve'
hide: 'Hide'
remove: 'Remove'
removeConfirm: 'Are you sure you want to remove this item?'
edit: 'Edit'
add: 'Add'
filter: 'Filter'
filterLong: 'Filter the list…'
search: 'Search…'
author: 'Added by'
saved: 'Changes saved successfully!' # TODO
loginRequired: '{/account=Log in} to submit an entry' # TODO
license: >
{https://gitlab.com/Avris/Zaimki=Source code} and content are licensed under {/license=OQL}.
links: 'Contact, social media'
legal: 'Legal' # TODO
financial: 'Financial transparency' # TODO
technical: 'Technical' # TODO
sibling: 'Sibling projects' # TODO
message: 'Page was not found'
back: 'Go back to the homepage'
message: 'You must log in to see this site'
go: 'Go to the login form'
header: 'Are you sure?'
yes: 'Yes, I''m sure'
no: 'No, cancel'
ok: 'OK'
header: 'Terms of Service'
lastUpdate: 'Last Updated'
consent: 'By registering you''re accepting the {/terms=Terms of Service}.'
# you can either leave the terms untranslated, or translate it and include the following disclaimer:
# translationDisclaimer: >
# The following text is just an auxiliary translation.
# The only legally binding version of the Terms of Service is the English one, available
# {https://en.pronouns.page/terms=here}.
intro: >
These Terms of Service govern your access to and use of the Service provided on the website
pronouns.page / zaimki.pl operated by the “Neutral Language Council” collective
who can be contacted via email:
consent: >
By using the Services you agree to be bound by these Terms of Service and you consent
to us collecting and processing your data as described in our Privacy Policy below.
header: 'Users and accounts'
age: >
You cannot create an account, if you're barred from it under the laws of your jurisdiction.
You cannot create an account, if you're under 13 years old.
If you're under 16 years old, you need consent of the holder of parental responsibility.
authentication: >
When you create an account with us, you are responsible for safeguarding the authentication method
that you use to access the Service (that is: password to your email account and/or social media platform).
You agree not to disclose it to any third party.
You must notify us immediately when you become aware of any breach of security or unauthorized use of your account.
termination: >
We may terminate or suspend your account immediately, without prior notice or liability,
for any reason whatsoever, including without limitation if you breach the Terms.
inactivity: >
Accounts without any cards and no activity in the last 30 days will be removed and their usernames freed up.
header: 'Content'
ownership: >
The Content you post on the Service is yours.
By posting it, you grant us a worldwide, royalty-free license
to use, copy, reproduce, process, adapt, modify, publish, transmit, display and distribute such Content in any way.
liability: >
We do not endorse or guarantee truthfulness or safety of the Content posted by other users of the Service,
and in particular of any links to any external websites.
violations: >
It is forbidden to post on the Service any Content that might break the law or violate social norms,
including but not limited to:
totalitarian: 'propagation of totalitarian regimes'
hateSpeech: 'hate speech'
racism: 'racism'
xenophobia: 'xenophobia'
homophobia: 'homophobia'
transphobia: 'transphobia'
enbyphobia: 'enbyphobia'
queerphobia: 'queerphobia'
exclusionism: 'queer exclusionism'
misogyny: 'misogyny'
harassment: 'harassment'
impersonation: 'impersonation'
childPornography: 'child pornography'
unlawfulConduct: 'unlawful conduct'
misinformation: 'misinformation'
doxxing: 'sharing of someone else''s personal data'
spam: 'spam'
trolling: 'trolling'
advertisement: 'advertisement'
copyright: 'copyright or trademark violations'
responsibility: >
You are responsible for any Content posted on the Service.
If you violate these Terms of Service, we will remove your Content without prior notice and we might revoke your license to use the Service.
If you break the law, we will pass your information to law enforcement agencies.
header: 'Privacy Policy'
effort: >
We make every effort to store your data securely and to ensure that any non-public data we store
are not seized by or transferred to any third party, except those trusted parties described below.
data: >
Other than the data that you explicitly post on the Service as Content
or share with us implicitly (eg. OAuth access tokens, if you use social login options),
no additional private data connected to your account is being stored or processed.
editRemoval: >
You may edit or remove any Content you have posted on the Service.
contact: >
When you contact us by email we store your email address in order to answer you and to ask you follow-up questions.
cookies: >
We only use first-party cookies and local storage to keep you logged in and save your preferences.
matomo: >
We use Matomo to track traffic on the website. Such data has no relation to your username, and your IP is anonymised.
You can read more about the data it stores
and about the cookies it uses
arc: >
We use arc.io to cover the costs of website maintenance without introducing ads.
You can read more about them and their privacy policy
hCaptcha: >
We use hCaptcha to filter out bots and prevent DDoS attacks.
You can read their privacy policy
logsBackups: >
Logs and backups are stored for no longer than 18 months.
gdpr: >
Your personal data are protected by the GDPR, which means you have the right
to see, correct, update and remove the data we store about you.
header: 'General'
jurisdiction: >
The applicable law is the law of the Kingdom of Netherlands.
changes: >
We reserve the right to modify these Terms of Service at any time.
If a change is material we will provide at least 30 days notice prior to any new Terms of Service taking effect.
header: 'Admin panel'
user: 'User'
createdAt: 'Registration date' # TODO
email: 'Email'
roles: 'Permissions'
profiles: 'Profiles'
confirmRole: 'Are you sure you want to switch @%username%''s role to "%role%"?'
empty: 'Empty…'
count: 'Count'
sort: 'Drag to sort'
scrollUp: 'Scroll to the top'
more: 'Show more'
header: 'Public API'
example: 'Example'
query: 'Query string parameters'
start: '“'
end: '”'
colon: ':'
shorter: 'Add more'
short: 'Adding language versions'
long: 'Want to create a new language version? Check out'
longLink: 'this manual!'
instruction: 'Click here or drag your pics here'
instructionShort: 'Upload'
generic: 'Something went wrong, please try again…'
reason: 'Please prove you''re not a bot to mitigate spam and DDoS attacks.'
invalid: 'Invalid CAPTCHA, please try again'
light: 'ליכטמאָדוס'
automatic: 'Automatic' # TODO
dark: 'טונקלמאָדוס'
reason: 'Ban reason'
visible: '(this will be visible to the user)'
terms: 'Terms rules broken (required)' # TODO
action: 'Ban this person'
confirm: 'Are you sure you want to ban @%username%?'
header: 'You''re banned. Your profile will not be shown to anyone.'
banned: 'Banned'
termsIntro: 'According to our {/terinos=Terms of Service}'
action: 'Report abuse'
comment: 'Please explain briefly what''s wrong with this profile'
confirm: 'Are you sure you want to report @%username%?'
sent: 'Your report has been sent. Thanks for your help!'
terms: 'Keep in mind what''s forbidden according to our {/terms=Terms of Service}' # TODO
hoarding: 'Please don''t report for “username hoarding”. We automatically remove accounts without cards after a period of inactivity. Your report will not make it faster.' # TODO
Abroromantic: 'אַבראָראָמאַנטיש'
Abrosexual: 'אַבראָסעקסועל'
Achillean: 'אַכילעיש'
Agender: 'אָנמיניק'
Alloromantic_Asexual: 'אַלאָראָמאַנטיש אַסעקסועל'
Anarcha-Queer: 'קוויר-אַנאַרכיזם'
Androgyne: 'אַנדראָגיניש'
Androsexual: 'אַנדראָסעקסועל'
Aporagender: 'אַפּאָראַמיניק'
Archaeopronouns: 'אַרכעאָפּראָנאָמען'
Aroace: 'אַראָ-אַס'
Aromantic: 'אַראָמאַנטיש'
Aromantic_Allosexual: 'אַלאָראָמאַנטיש אָנחשקדיק'
Asexual: 'אָנחשקדיק'
Autigender: 'אױטימיניק'
Bear: 'בער'
Bicurious: 'בי-נײַגעריק'
Bigender: 'צװײ-מיניק'
Biromantic: 'ביראָמאַנטיש'
Bisexual: 'ביסעקסועל'
Butch: 'בוטש'
Ceteroromantic: 'צעטעראָראָמאַנטיש'
Ceterosexual: 'צעטעראָסעקסועל'
Cis_Ally: 'סטַאטיש־מיניק אַליאַנט'
Demiboy: 'האַלבייִנגל'
Demigender: 'האַלבמיניק'
Demigirl: 'האַלבמיידל'
Demiromantic: 'האַלבראָמאַנטיש'
Demisexual: 'האַלבסעקסועל'
Diamoric: 'דיאַמאָריש'
Enbian: 'ענביש'
Fa*afafine: 'פֿאַ׳אַפֿאַפֿינע'
Gay: 'גײ'
Gender_Questioning: 'מין-פֿרעגנדיק'
Genderfae: 'פֿעע-מיניק'
Genderfaun: 'פֿאַון-מיניק'
Genderfluid: 'מין־פֿליסיק'
Genderflux: 'מין־פֿליס'
Genderqueer: 'דזשענדער־טרייף'
Greyaromantic: 'גרױ אַראָמאַנטיש'
Greyasexual: 'גרױ אָנחשקדיק'
Gynesexual: 'גינעסעקסועל'
Heteroflexible: 'העטראָ-בייגעװדיק'
Heteroromantic: 'העטעראָראָמאַנטיש'
Heterosexual: 'העטעראָסעקסועל'
Hijra: 'הידזשראַ'
Homoflexible: 'האָמאָ-בייגעװדיק'
Homoromantic: 'האָמאָראָמאַנטיש'
Intersex: 'אנדרוגינוס'
LGBTQ: 'לגבט׳׳ק'
Leather_Pride: 'לעדערן שטאָלץ'
Lesbian: 'לעזביאַנקע'
Lesbiromantic: 'לעזביראָמאַנטיש'
Maverique: 'זעלבשטענדיק-מיניק'
Muxe: 'מושע'
Nebularomantic: 'נעבולעראָמאַנטיש'
Neopronouns: 'נעאָפּראָנאָמען'
Neutrois: 'פּאַרעװע־מיניק'
Nonbinary: 'אומצװײיִק'
Omniromantic: 'אָמניראָמאַנטיש'
Omnisexual: 'אָמניסעקסועל'
Oriented_Aroace: 'אָריענטירט אַראָ-אַס'
Pangender: 'אַלצמיניק'
Panromantic: 'אַלצראָמאַנטיש'
Pansexual: 'אַלצסעקסועל'
Polyamorous: 'פּאָליאַמאָריש'
Polyromantic: 'פּאָליראָמאַנטיש'
Polysexual: 'פּאָליסעקסועל'
Pomoromantic: 'פּאָמאָראָמאַנטיש'
Pomosexual: 'פּאָמאָסעקסועל'
Progress_Pride: 'פּראָגרעסיוו שטאָלץ'
Queer: 'קוויר'
Queerian: 'קוויריש'
Queerplatonic: 'קוויר-פּלאַטאָניש'
Quoiromantic: 'קוויראָמאַנטיש'
Sapphic: 'סאַפֿיש'
Sexuality_Questioning: 'אָריענטירונג-פֿרעגנדיק'
Straight_Ally: 'גלײַכער אַליאַנט'
Toric: 'טאָריש'
Transfeminine: 'טראַנספֿרױיש'
Transgender: 'טראַנסמיניק'
Transmasculine: 'טראַנסמאַסקולין'
Transneutral: 'טראַנסנײטראַל'
Trigender: 'דרײַ-מיניק'
Trixic: 'טריקסיש'
Tumtum: 'טומטום'
Two_Spirit: 'צװײ נשמות'
Xenogender: 'פֿרעמדמיניק'