locale: 'de' header: true pronouns: enabled: true default: 'er' any: 'any' plurals: true honorifics: false multiple: name: 'Interchangeable forms' description: 'Many nonbinary people use more than one form interchangeably and are fine with being called either of them.' examples: ['er&sie', 'he&they', 'she&they'] null: description: 'No pronouns / null pronouns / pronounless / nameself' history: 'Some people prefer not using any pronouns, instead being referred by name, initial, or by omitting pronouns with passive voice, see: {https://lgbta.wikia.org/wiki/Nullpronominal=nullpronominal}.' morphemes: pronoun_subject: '#' pronoun_object: '#' possessive_determiner: '#''s' possessive_pronoun: '#''s' reflexive: '#self' examples: [':Andrea', ':S'] template: 'Open one of the examples and simply replace the name/initial in the URL with your own.' emoji: description: 'Emojiself pronouns' history: '{https://lgbta.wikia.org/wiki/Emojiself_Pronouns=Emojiself} pronouns are intended for online communication and not supposed to be pronounced.' morphemes: pronoun_subject: '#' pronoun_object: '#' possessive_determiner: '#''s' possessive_pronoun: '#''s' reflexive: '#self' examples: ['💫', '💙'] template: 'Open one of the examples and simply replace the emoji in the URL with your own.' slashes: true avoiding: false others: 'Other pronouns' pronunciation: enabled: true voices: DE: language: 'de-DE' voice: 'Vicki' engine: 'standard' sources: enabled: true route: 'sources' submit: true mergePronouns: they/them/themself: 'they' nouns: enabled: true route: 'dictionary' collapsable: false plurals: true pluralsRequired: false declension: false submit: true templates: true inclusive: enabled: false terms: enabled: false names: enabled: false people: enabled: false english: enabled: false faq: enabled: true route: 'faq' links: enabled: true route: 'links' blogRoute: 'blog' links: - icon: 'globe-europe' url: 'https://pronoun.is/' headline: 'Pronoun.is' extra: '– inspiration for this website.' - icon: 'chart-pie' url: 'https://gendercensus.com/' headline: 'Gender Census' extra: '– annual survey about the language used by nonbinary people' - icon: 'comment-alt-edit' url: 'https://avris.it/blog/why-everyone-should-have-pronouns-in-their-bio' headline: 'Why EVERYONE should have pronouns in their bio' - icon: 'book-open' url: 'https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/singular-nonbinary-they' headline: 'Merriam Webster on the singular “they” as a nonbinary pronoun' - icon: 'book-open' url: 'https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/grammar/singular-they' headline: 'Style and grammar guidelines regarding singular “they”' extra: '– American Psychological Association' - icon: 'book-open' url: 'https://apastyle.apa.org/blog/singular-they' headline: 'Welcome, singular “they”' extra: '– American Psychological Association' - icon: 'trophy' url: 'https://www.americandialect.org/2015-word-of-the-year-is-singular-they' headline: '2015 Word of the Year is singular “they”' extra: '– American Dialect Society' - icon: 'trophy' url: 'https://www.americandialect.org/2019-word-of-the-year-is-my-pronouns-word-of-the-decade-is-singular-they' headline: '2019 Word of the Year is “(My) Pronouns,” Word of the Decade is Singular “They”' extra: '– American Dialect Society' - icon: 'play-circle' url: 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=46ehrFk-gLk' headline: 'Gender Neutral Pronouns: They''re Here, Get Used To Them' extra: '– Tom Scott' - icon: 'book-open' url: 'https://blogs.illinois.edu/view/25/677177' headline: 'A Brief History of Singular “they”' extra: '– Dennis Baron' - icon: 'wikipedia-w' iconSet: 'b' url: 'https://lgbta.wikia.org/wiki/Neopronouns' headline: 'LGBTA Wiki on Neopronouns' - icon: 'book-open' url: 'https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&q=neopronouns' headline: 'Academic papers on neopronouns' - icon: 'newspaper' url: 'https://www.nytimes.com/2020/01/21/books/review/whats-your-pronoun-dennis-baron.html' headline: 'English’s Pronoun Problem Is Centuries Old' extra: '– The New York Times' - icon: 'user-edit' url: 'http://faculty.las.illinois.edu/debaron/' headline: 'Dennis Baron' extra: '– author of “What''s your pronoun?”, has been researching gender-neutrality for some 40 years now' - icon: 'book-open' url: 'https://ojs.lib.uwo.ca/index.php/wpl_clw/article/download/966/456' headline: 'Bucking the Linguistic Binary: Gender Neutral Language in English, Swedish, French, and German' extra: '– Levi C. R. Hord' - icon: 'twitch' iconSet: 'b' url: 'https://pronouns.alejo.io/' headline: 'Display pronouns in Twitch Chat' mediaGuests: [] mediaMentions: [] socials: - icon: 'twitter' iconSet: 'b' url: 'https://twitter.com/PronounsPage' headline: '@PronounsPage' recommended: [] blog: false contact: enabled: true route: 'contact' contacts: - icon: 'envelope' url: 'mailto:contact@pronouns.page' headline: 'contact@pronouns.page' team: enabled: true route: 'team' # TODO support: enabled: true links: - icon: 'coffee' url: 'https://ko-fi.com/radajezykaneutralnego' headline: 'Ko-Fi' - icon: 'paypal' iconSet: 'b' url: 'https://paypal.me/RJNeutralnego' headline: 'PayPal' user: enabled: true route: 'account' termsRoute: 'terms' profile: enabled: true editorEnabled: true defaultWords: - - '[no honorific]' - 'mx.' - 'mr.' - 'ms.' - 'sir' - 'ma''am' - 'madam' - 'sai' - 'mir' - 'shazam' - 'zam' - 'comrade' - ['person', 'man', 'woman', 'lady', 'dude', 'boy', 'girl', 'buddy', 'pal', 'bro', 'sis', 'sib'] - ['pretty', 'handsome', 'cute', 'hot', 'sexy'] - ['friend', 'partner', 'boyfriend', 'girlfriend', 'joyfriend', 'husband', 'wife', 'kissmate', 'darling', 'beloved', 'boo'] flags: defaultPronoun: 'they' census: enabled: false redirects: [] api: ~