import {buildDict} from "./helpers"; export class ExamplePart { constructor(variable, str) { this.variable = variable; this.str = str; } format(form) { if (!this.variable) { return this.str[form.plural]; } return form[this.str[form.plural]]; } } export class Example { constructor(singularParts, pluralParts, isHonorific = false) { this.singularParts = singularParts; this.pluralParts = pluralParts; this.isHonorific = isHonorific; } static parse(str) { const parts = []; let lastPosition = 0; for (let m of str.matchAll(/{([a-z_]+)}/g)) { const textBefore = str.substr(lastPosition, m.index - lastPosition); if (textBefore.length) { parts.push(new ExamplePart(false, textBefore)); } parts.push(new ExamplePart(true, m[0].substr(1, m[0].length - 2))); lastPosition = m.index + m[0].length; } const textAfter = str.substr(lastPosition); if (textAfter.length) { parts.push(new ExamplePart(false, textAfter)); } return parts; } format(form) { return Example.ucfirst( => part.format(form)).join('')); } static ucfirst(str) { return str[0].toUpperCase() + str.slice(1); } } function clone(mainObject) { let objectCopy = {}; for (let key in mainObject) { if (mainObject.hasOwnProperty(key)) { objectCopy[key] = mainObject[key]; } } return objectCopy; } export class Source { constructor (type, author, title, extra, year, fragments = [], comment = null, link = null) { this.type = type; = author; this.title = title; this.extra = extra; this.year = year; this.fragments = fragments; this.comment = comment; = link; } static get TYPES() { return { '': { icon: 'clipboard-list', text: 'Wszystkie' }, Book: { icon: 'book-open', text: 'Książki' }, Article: { icon:'newspaper', text: 'Prasa' }, // Movie: { icon:'film', text: 'Filmy' }, Series: { icon:'tv', text: 'Seriale' }, } } icon() { return Source.TYPES[this.type].icon; } } export const MORPHEMES = [ 'pronoun_n', 'pronoun_g', 'pronoun_g_acc', 'pronoun_d', 'pronoun_a', 'pronoun_i', 'pronoun_l', 'pronoun_all', 'adjective_n', 'adjective_ll', 'adjective_middle', 'verb_end_inter', 'verb_end_about', 'verb_middle', 'verb_nasal', 'verb_go', 'verb_o', 'honorific', ]; const escape = s => { if (Array.isArray(s)) { s = s.join('&'); } return (s || '') .replace(/,/g, '') .replace(/!/g, '') .replace(/\./g, '') //.replace(/\/', '%2F') .replace(/#/g, '%23') .replace(/\?/g, '%3F'); } export class Template { constructor (description, morphemes, plural, pluralHonorific, sources = [], aliases = [], history = null) { this.description = description; this.morphemes = morphemes this.plural = plural; this.pluralHonorific = pluralHonorific; this.sources = sources; this.aliases = aliases; this.history = history; } pronoun() { return this.morphemes['pronoun_n']; } nameOptions() { const options = new Set(); const optionsN = this.morphemes.pronoun_n.split('&'); const optionsG = this.morphemes.pronoun_g.split('&'); for (let i in optionsN) { options.add(optionsN[i] + '/' + optionsG[i < optionsG.length - 1 ? i : optionsG.length - 1]); } return [...options] } name(glue = ' lub ') { return this.nameOptions().join(glue) } clone() { return new Template(this.description, clone(this.morphemes), this.plural, this.pluralHonorific); } equals(other) { return this.toString() === other.toString(); } merge(other) { if (this.plural !== other.plural || this.pluralHonorific !== other.pluralHonorific) { // Cannot mix plurality return null; } return new Template( Array.isArray(this.description) ? [...this.description, other.description] : [this.description, other.description], buildDict(function* (that, other) { for (let morpheme of MORPHEMES) { yield [morpheme, (that.morphemes[morpheme] || '') + '&' + (other.morphemes[morpheme] || '')] } }, this, other), this.plural, this.pluralHonorific, ); } getMorpheme(morpheme, counter = 0) { if (!this.morphemes[morpheme]) { return null; } const options = this.morphemes[morpheme].split('&'); return options[counter % options.length] } toArray() { return [ ...Object.values(this.morphemes).map(s => escape(s)), this.plural ? 1 : 0, this.pluralHonorific ? 1 : 0, escape(this.description), ]; } toString() { return this.toArray().join(','); } static from(data) { if (data.length === MORPHEMES.length + 2) { data.push(''); } if (data.length !== MORPHEMES.length + 3 || data[0].length === 0 || data[data.length - 1].length > 48 || ![0, 1].includes(parseInt(data[MORPHEMES.length])) || ![0, 1].includes(parseInt(data[MORPHEMES.length + 1])) || data.slice(1, data.length - 3).filter(s => s.length > 12).length ) { return null; } const m = {} for (let i in MORPHEMES) { m[MORPHEMES[parseInt(i)]] = data[parseInt(i)]; } return new Template(data[data.length - 1], m, parseInt(data[MORPHEMES.length]) === 1, parseInt(data[MORPHEMES.length + 1]) === 1) } }