import {buildDict, buildList, capitalise} from "./helpers"; import MORPHEMES from '../data/pronouns/morphemes'; export class ExamplePart { constructor(variable, str) { this.variable = variable; this.str = str; } } export class Example { constructor(singularParts, pluralParts, isHonorific = false) { this.singularParts = singularParts; this.pluralParts = pluralParts; this.isHonorific = isHonorific; } static parse(str) { const parts = []; let lastPosition = 0; for (let m of str.matchAll(/{('?[a-z_]+)}/g)) { const textBefore = str.substr(lastPosition, m.index - lastPosition); if (textBefore.length) { parts.push(new ExamplePart(false, textBefore)); } parts.push(new ExamplePart(true, m[0].substr(1, m[0].length - 2))); lastPosition = m.index + m[0].length; } const textAfter = str.substr(lastPosition); if (textAfter.length) { parts.push(new ExamplePart(false, textAfter)); } return parts; } format(pronoun) { const plural = this.isHonorific ? pronoun.pluralHonorific[0] : pronoun.plural[0]; return capitalise(this[plural ? 'pluralParts' : 'singularParts'].map(part => { return part.variable ? pronoun.getMorpheme(part.str) : part.str; }).join('')); } } function clone(mainObject) { let objectCopy = {}; for (let key in mainObject) { if (mainObject.hasOwnProperty(key)) { objectCopy[key] = mainObject[key]; } } return objectCopy; } export class Source { constructor (type, author, title, extra, year, fragments = [], comment = null, link = null) { this.type = type; = author; this.title = title; this.extra = extra; this.year = year; this.fragments = fragments; this.comment = comment; = link; } static get TYPES() { return { '': 'clipboard-list', Book: 'book-open', Article: 'newspaper', // Movie: 'film', Series: 'tv', Song: 'music', Poetry: 'scroll', Other: 'comment-alt-lines', } } static get TYPES_PRIORITIES() { return { Book: 1, Article: 2, Movie: 3, Series: 3, Song: 0, Poetry: 0, Other: 4, } } icon() { return Source.TYPES[this.type]; } } const escape = s => { if (Array.isArray(s)) { s = s.join('&'); } return (s || '') .replace(/,/g, '') .replace(/!/g, '') .replace(/\./g, '') //.replace(/\/', '%2F') .replace(/#/g, '%23') .replace(/\?/g, '%3F'); } export class Pronoun { constructor (canonicalName, description, normative, morphemes, plural, pluralHonorific, sources = [], aliases = [], history = null) { this.canonicalName = canonicalName; this.description = description; this.normative = normative; this.morphemes = morphemes this.plural = plural; this.pluralHonorific = pluralHonorific; this.sources = sources; this.aliases = aliases; this.history = history; } pronoun() { return this.morphemes[MORPHEMES[0]]; } nameOptions() { const options = new Set(); const optionsN = this.morphemes[MORPHEMES[0]].split('&'); const optionsG = this.morphemes[MORPHEMES[1]] === this.morphemes[MORPHEMES[0]] ? this.morphemes[MORPHEMES[2]].split('&') : this.morphemes[MORPHEMES[1]].split('&'); for (let i in optionsN) { options.add(optionsN[i] + '/' + optionsG[i < optionsG.length - 1 ? i : optionsG.length - 1]); } return [...options] } name(glue) { return this.nameOptions().join(glue) } clone() { return new Pronoun(this.canonicalName, this.description, this.normative, clone(this.morphemes), [...this.plural], [...this.pluralHonorific]); } equals(other) { return this.toString() === other.toString(); } merge(other) { return new Pronoun( this.canonicalName + '&' + other.canonicalName, Array.isArray(this.description) ? [...this.description, other.description] : [this.description, other.description], this.normative && other.normative, buildDict(function* (that, other) { for (let morpheme of MORPHEMES) { yield [morpheme, (that.morphemes[morpheme] || '') + '&' + (other.morphemes[morpheme] || '')] //yield [morpheme, buildMorpheme(that.morphemes[morpheme], that.plural) + '&' + buildMorpheme(other.morphemes[morpheme], other.plural)] } }, this, other), [...this.plural, ...other.plural], [...this.pluralHonorific, ...other.pluralHonorific], ); } getMorpheme(morpheme, counter = 0) { let capital = false; if (morpheme.startsWith("'")) { capital = true; morpheme = morpheme.substring(1); } if (!this.morphemes[morpheme]) { return null; } const options = this.morphemes[morpheme].split('&'); const result = options[counter % options.length]; return capital ? capitalise(result) : result; } isPlural(counter = 0) { return this.plural[counter % this.plural.length] } isPluralHonorific(counter = 0) { return this.pluralHonorific[counter % this.pluralHonorific.length] } toArray() { const elements = Object.values(this.morphemes).map(s => escape(s)); if (process.env.CONFIG.pronouns.plurals) { elements.push( => p ? 1 : 0).join('')); if (process.env.CONFIG.pronouns.honorifics) { elements.push( => p ? 1 : 0).join('')); } } elements.push(escape(this.description)); return elements; } toString() { return this.toArray().join(','); } static from(data) { let extraFields = 1; // description if (process.env.CONFIG.pronouns.plurals) { extraFields += 1; if (![0, 1].includes(parseInt(data[MORPHEMES.length]))) { return null; } if (process.env.CONFIG.pronouns.honorifics) { extraFields += 1; if (![0, 1].includes(parseInt(data[MORPHEMES.length + 1]))) { return null; } } } if (data.length === MORPHEMES.length + extraFields - 1) { data.push(''); } if (data.length !== MORPHEMES.length + extraFields || data[0].length === 0 || data[data.length - 1].length > 48 || data.slice(1, data.length - extraFields).filter(s => s.length > 12).length ) { return null; } const m = {} for (let i in MORPHEMES) { m[MORPHEMES[parseInt(i)]] = data[parseInt(i)]; } return new Pronoun( m[MORPHEMES[0]], data[data.length - 1], false, m, data[MORPHEMES.length].split('').map(p => parseInt(p) === 1), data[MORPHEMES.length + 1].split('').map(p => parseInt(p) === 1), ) } } export class PronounGroup { constructor(name, pronouns, description = null) { = name; this.pronouns = pronouns; this.description = description; } } export class PronounLibrary { constructor(groups, pronouns) { this.groups = groups; this.pronouns = pronouns; } *split(filter = null, includeOthers = true) { let pronounsLeft = Object.keys(this.pronouns); const that = this; for (let g of this.groups) { yield [g, buildList(function* () { for (let t of g.pronouns) { pronounsLeft = pronounsLeft.filter(i => i !== t); const pronoun = that.pronouns[t] || t; if (!filter || filter(pronoun)) { yield pronoun; } } })]; } if (!pronounsLeft.length || !includeOthers) { return; } yield [ new PronounGroup(process.env.CONFIG.pronouns.others, pronounsLeft), buildList(function* () { for (let t of pronounsLeft) { if (!filter || filter(that.pronouns[t])) { yield that.pronouns[t]; } } }), ]; } find(pronoun) { if (!pronoun) { return null; } for (let [group, groupPronouns] of this.split()) { for (let t of groupPronouns) { if (t.canonicalName === pronoun.canonicalName) { return {group, groupPronouns}; } } } return null; } } export class Noun { constructor({id, masc, fem, neutr, mascPl, femPl, neutrPl, approved = true, base_id = null}) { = id; this.masc = masc.split('|'); this.fem = fem.split('|'); this.neutr = neutr.split('|'); this.mascPl = mascPl.split('|'); this.femPl = femPl.split('|'); this.neutrPl = neutrPl.split('|'); this.approved = !!approved; this.base = base_id; } matches(filter) { if (!filter) { return true; } for (let field of ['masc', 'fem', 'neutr', 'mascPl', 'femPl', 'neutrPl']) { for (let value of this[field]) { if (value.toLowerCase().indexOf(filter.toLowerCase()) > -1) { return true; } } } return false; } } export class NounTemplate { constructor(masc, fem, neutr, mascPl, femPl, neutrPl) { this.masc = masc; this.fem = fem; this.neutr = neutr; this.mascPl = mascPl; this.femPl = femPl; this.neutrPl = neutrPl; } fill(stem) { return { masc: => stem + e), fem: => stem + e), neutr: => stem + e), mascPl: => stem + e), femPl: => stem + e), neutrPl: => stem + e), base: null, } } toString() { return Object.values(this) .map(es => => '-' + e).join('/')) .join(', ') ; } } export class NounDeclension { constructor(endings) { this.singular = {} this.plural = {} for (let k in endings) { if (!endings.hasOwnProperty(k)) { continue; } const value = endings[k] ? endings[k].split('/') : null; if (k.endsWith('_pl')) { this.plural[k.substr(0, k.length - 3)] = value; } else { this.singular[k] = value; } } } matches(word, plural) { const plurality = plural ? 'plural' : 'singular'; const rep = Object.keys(this[plurality])[0]; for (let ending of this[plurality][rep] || []) { if (word.endsWith(ending)) { return ending.length; } } return 0; } hasSingular() { return Object.values(this.singular).filter(x => x !== null).length > 0; } hasPlural() { return Object.values(this.plural).filter(x => x !== null).length > 0; } decline(word, plural) { const plurality = plural ? 'plural' : 'singular'; const rep = Object.keys(this[plurality])[0]; const base = word.substring(0, word.length - this.matches(word, plural)); const options = this[plurality]; return buildDict(function*() { for (let k in options) { if (!options.hasOwnProperty(k)) { continue; } yield [ k, options[k].map(o => base + o), ]; } }); } } export class Name { constructor(name, origin, meaning, usage, legally, pros, cons, notablePeople, count, links) { = name; this.origin = origin; this.meaning = meaning; this.usage = usage; this.legally = legally; this.pros = pros; this.cons = cons; this.notablePeople = notablePeople; this.count = count; // TODO this.links = links.filter(l => l.trim().length); } matches(filter) { if (!filter) { return true; } for (let field of ['name', 'meaning']) { if ((this[field] || '').toLowerCase().indexOf(filter.toLowerCase()) > -1) { return true; } } return false; } } export class Person { constructor(name, description, pronouns, sources = []) { = name; this.description = description; this.pronouns = {}; for (let p of pronouns) { const [language, display, link] = p.split(':'); if (this.pronouns[language] === undefined) { this.pronouns[language] = []; } this.pronouns[language].push({display: display, link: link}); } this.sources = sources; } }