-- Up ALTER TABLE profiles ADD COLUMN credentials TEXT NULL DEFAULT NULL; ALTER TABLE profiles ADD COLUMN credentialsLevel INTEGER NULL DEFAULT NULL; ALTER TABLE profiles ADD COLUMN credentialsName INTEGER NULL DEFAULT NULL; UPDATE profiles SET credentials = 'magistra filologii angielskiej', credentialsLevel = 5, credentialsName = 'Karolina Grenda' WHERE locale = 'pl' AND userId = (SELECT id FROM users WHERE usernameNorm = 'kafka'); UPDATE profiles SET credentials = 'magister filologii angielskiej|student filologii hiszpańskiej', credentialsLevel = 5 WHERE locale = 'pl' AND userId = (SELECT id FROM users WHERE usernameNorm = 'ausir'); UPDATE profiles SET credentials = 'magistra filologii słowiańskiej (z językiem czeskim) i filologii polskiej na UAM|dziennikarka {http://gazetylokalne.pl/sgl-local-press-2018-nominacje/=nominowana do SGL Local Press 2018} za reportaż „Film »Kler« i kler wrzesiński”', credentialsLevel = 5, credentialsName = 'Anna Tess Gołębiowska' WHERE locale = 'pl' AND userId = (SELECT id FROM users WHERE usernameNorm = 'tess'); UPDATE profiles SET credentials = 'magistru językoznawstwa', credentialsLevel = 5 WHERE locale = 'pl' AND userId = (SELECT id FROM users WHERE usernameNorm = 'cake'); UPDATE profiles SET credentials = 'magister językoznawstwa|absolwent Gender Studies w PAN|doktorant w Instytucie Anglistyki UW|https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0214-0387', credentialsLevel = 6 WHERE locale = 'pl' AND userId = (SELECT id FROM users WHERE usernameNorm = 'szymon'); UPDATE profiles SET credentials = 'inżynierze informatyki|finaliszcze Olimpiady Literatury i Języka Polskiego', credentialsLevel = 1 WHERE locale = 'pl' AND userId = (SELECT id FROM users WHERE usernameNorm = 'andrea'); -- Down