import { Router } from 'express'; import SQL from 'sql-template-strings'; import {ulid} from "ulid"; import {isTroll, handleErrorAsync, sortClearedLinkedText, clearKey} from "../../src/helpers"; import { caches } from "../../src/cache"; const approve = async (db, id) => { const { base_id } = await db.get(SQL`SELECT base_id FROM terms WHERE id=${id}`); if (base_id) { await db.get(SQL` UPDATE terms SET deleted=1 WHERE id = ${base_id} `); } await db.get(SQL` UPDATE terms SET approved = 1, base_id = NULL WHERE id = ${id} `); await caches.terms.invalidate(); } const linkOtherVersions = async (req, terms) => { const keys = new Set(terms.filter(s => !!s && s.key).map(s => `'` + clearKey(s.key) + `'`)); const otherVersions = await req.db.all(SQL` SELECT t.*, u.username AS author FROM terms t LEFT JOIN users u ON t.author_id = WHERE t.locale != ${global.config.locale} AND t.deleted = 0 AND t.approved >= ${req.isGranted('terms') ? 0 : 1} AND t.key IN (`.append([...keys].join(',')).append(SQL`) `)); const otherVersionsMap = {}; otherVersions.forEach(version => { if (otherVersionsMap[version.key] === undefined) { otherVersionsMap[version.key] = []; } otherVersionsMap[version.key].push(version); }); return => { t.versions = t.key ? otherVersionsMap[t.key] || [] : []; return t; }); }; const router = Router(); router.get('/terms', handleErrorAsync(async (req, res) => { return res.json(await caches.terms.fetch(async () => { return await linkOtherVersions( req, sortClearedLinkedText(await req.db.all(SQL` SELECT i.*, u.username AS author FROM terms i LEFT JOIN users u ON i.author_id = WHERE i.locale = ${global.config.locale} AND i.approved >= ${req.isGranted('terms') ? 0 : 1} AND i.deleted = 0 `), 'term'), ); }, !req.isGranted('terms'))); })); router.get('/terms/search/:term', handleErrorAsync(async (req, res) => { const term = '%' + req.params.term + '%'; return res.json( await linkOtherVersions( req, sortClearedLinkedText(await req.db.all(SQL` SELECT i.*, u.username AS author FROM terms i LEFT JOIN users u ON i.author_id = WHERE i.locale = ${global.config.locale} AND i.approved >= ${req.isGranted('terms') ? 0 : 1} AND i.deleted = 0 AND (i.term like ${term} OR i.original like ${term}) `), 'term'), ) ); }));'/terms/submit', handleErrorAsync(async (req, res) => { if (!req.user) { res.status(401).json({error: 'Unauthorised'}); } if (!(req.user && req.user.admin) && isTroll(JSON.stringify(req.body))) { return res.json('ok'); } const id = ulid(); await req.db.get(SQL` INSERT INTO terms (id, term, original, key, definition, approved, base_id, locale, author_id, category, flags, images) VALUES ( ${id}, ${req.body.term.join('|')}, ${req.body.original.join('|')}, ${clearKey(req.body.key)}, ${req.body.definition}, 0, ${req.body.base}, ${global.config.locale}, ${req.user ? : null}, ${req.body.categories.join(',')}, ${JSON.stringify(req.body.flags)}, ${req.body.images} ) `); if (req.isGranted('terms')) { await approve(req.db, id); } return res.json('ok'); }));'/terms/hide/:id', handleErrorAsync(async (req, res) => { if (!req.isGranted('terms')) { res.status(401).json({error: 'Unauthorised'}); } await req.db.get(SQL` UPDATE terms SET approved = 0 WHERE id = ${} `); await caches.terms.invalidate(); return res.json('ok'); }));'/terms/approve/:id', handleErrorAsync(async (req, res) => { if (!req.isGranted('terms')) { res.status(401).json({error: 'Unauthorised'}); } await approve(req.db,; return res.json('ok'); }));'/terms/remove/:id', handleErrorAsync(async (req, res) => { if (!req.isGranted('terms')) { res.status(401).json({error: 'Unauthorised'}); } await req.db.get(SQL` UPDATE terms SET deleted=1 WHERE id = ${} `); await caches.terms.invalidate(); return res.json('ok'); })); export default router;