531 lines
22 KiB
531 lines
22 KiB
title: 'zh.pronouns.page'
description: '個人代詞和中性語言的用法例子'
link: 'Homepage'
header: '代詞'
headerLong: '代詞的单子'
why: '代詞是什麼意思?'
- >
每個人都有代詞。 這是我們用來代替名字。
大部分人都用 {/他=“他/你”} 和 {/她=“她/你”} ,所以我們會根據人的外表自動假定要使用哪個。
- >
- >
- >
為什麼這很重要? 因為我們重視簡單的人類體面。
代詞是同一個故事 -
pronouns: '流行代詞的单子'
header: '生成器'
description: >
button: '顯示生成器'
header2: '生成鏈接'
base: '根據'
alt: '您還可以在每個字段中分別輸入可互換形式 - <code> 他&她 </code> = „他” 或 „她”.'
whatisit: '代詞是什麼意思?'
examples: '例句用法'
plural: '複數'
intro: '我的代詞是'
normative: '規範'
button: '生成鏈接到可互換形式'
header: '可互換形式'
raw: '可互換'
generated: 'Those pronouns have been created using a generator. The team of pronouns.page is not responsible for it.'
header: '任何代詞'
short: '任何'
description: >
options: '查看選項 [share]{/= 這裡}.'
others: '其他形式'
othersRaw: '其他'
or: '或'
grammarTable: '目錄'
header: '資料來源'
headerLong: '文化文本的例子'
headerLonger: '文化文本的性別中立語言'
subheader: '性別中立語言的文本語料庫'
toc: '顯示目錄'
All: '所有'
Book: '書'
Article: '文章'
Movie: '電影'
Series: '電視劇'
Song: '音樂'
Poetry: '詩歌'
Other: '其他'
header: '提交一個示例'
action: '提交'
pronouns: '哪些代詞已經用過?'
pronounsInfo: '輸入最簡單的代詞,鏈接中的方式,例如 “他”, “她”, “祂&牠”'
type: '資料來源類型'
author: '作者'
title: '書名'
extra: '附加信(翻譯者,刊物名稱)'
year: '發布年份 (中文版)'
fragments: '碎片'
comment: '評論'
link: '鏈接到內容'
thanks: '感謝您的貢獻!'
another: '提交另一個'
moderation: '提交的內容必須先獲得批准才能發布。'
header: '字典'
headerLong: '中性名詞詞典'
headerLonger: '性別中立語言詞典'
description: '不只是代詞!看看我們的性別中立名詞詞典。'
- >
Inclusive and gender neutral is not just respecting someone's pronouns.
It's also describing their job, position, relationship etc.
in a way that doesn't assume their gender.
Not all firefighters are “firemen”. Not every spouse is a “husband” or a “wife”.
- >
When referring to someone whose gender you don't know,
to a group of people of mixed gender,
and especially to nonbinary people who explicitly prefer them,
use the neutral forms.
- >
Below we present a dictionary of the words to watch out for.
You can contribute to it and add your suggestions.
approved: 'approved entries'
pending: 'awaiting moderation'
edit: 'Propose a change'
edited: 'Proposed change of'
editing: 'You''re editing an existing entry'
empty: 'No words found that match your criteria.'
action: 'Submit'
actionLong: 'Submit a word'
thanks: 'Thank you for contributing!'
another: 'Submit another one'
moderation: 'Submissions will have to get approved before getting published.'
template: 'Use a template'
root: 'Root'
masculine: 'masculine'
masculineShort: 'masc.'
feminine: 'feminine'
feminineShort: 'fem.'
neuter: 'neutral'
neuterShort: 'neutr.'
singular: 'singular'
singularShort: 'sing.'
plural: 'plural'
pluralShort: 'pl.'
header: 'FAQ'
headerLong: 'Frequently asked questions'
question: 'What is nonbinary?'
- >
Gender is way more complicated than just a simple distinction male/female.
Even from a purely biological standpoint we distinguish chromosomal sex,
genetic sex, hormonal sex, phenotypic sex…
They aren't necessarily congruent with each other, they don't have to be binary.
{https://twitter.com/RebeccaRHelm/status/1207834357639139328=(more info here)}.
And when we get to the cultural aspect, “gender” is a social construct.
Depending on time and location being “a woman” or “a man” can mean having radically different
rights, duties, norms… In Europe men used to wear high heels and stockings
native peoples of North America have been recognising a third gender for centuries
{https://gender.wikia.org/wiki/Two-Spirit=(two-spirit)}, etc. etc.
- >
Nonbinary is an umbrella term describing the identity of people
who don't fit the binary man/woman distinction.
It includes for instance people who are
{https://gender.wikia.org/wiki/Gender_Fluid=gender fluid},
i {https://gender.wikia.org/wiki/Non-binary=and many many others}.
- >
Nonbinary isn't necessarily something “between” masculinity and femininity. More like “beyond”.
Nonbinary people don't have to be androgynous, don't have to use neutral pronouns, etc.
It's about being free from gender roles, not about creating new ones.
question: 'Why should I respect some <em>strange</em> pronouns?'
- >
Because addressing people in the way they want to be addressed is the basis of social relations.
You wouldn't call Ashley “Samantha”, you wouldn't drop “sir”/“madam” when addressing your supervisor, etc.
And there's people who don't want to be called either “{/he=he}” or “{/she=she}”.
If you don't accept that, it only shows <em>you</em> in bad light.
- >
“Strange pronouns” are just a matter of getting used to.
question: 'How do I know how to address someone?'
- >
You can just ask! Yes, it might be a bit awkward, but the more we do it, the less awkward it gets.
If we can ask somebody their name, why not their pronouns?
- >
(Just please don't phrase it as “are you a boy or a girl?”.
This question implies that there's just two correct answers,
and it suggests unhealthy curiosity about someone's genitals.
Instead, you could just ask “what are your pronouns?” or “how should I refer to you?”)
- >
It's also important to normalise simply telling people your pronouns when you introduce yourself.
“Hi, I'm Michæl, {/he=he/him}”. It's not hard – but for trans and nonbinary peopls it means so much!
It's even easier done online: just put your pronouns (or a link to examples from our website) to your bio.
- >
Remember also that many people might use a different name and a different set of pronouns depending on situation.
They might not be out among friends or coworkers yet, but among friends be comfortable living their truth.
Be mindful. You might for instance ask them “which pronouns should I use in front of your boss?”, etc.
- >
Some people give multiple pronouns, eg. “{/he&she=he/she}” or “{/they&he=they/he}”.
That means they like all of those forms. Usually, the first one is the preferred one.
question: 'Does anyone even use that?'
- >
Yes! Millions of enbies all around the world.
Every pronoun listed here has someone that actually uses it in everyday life.
question: 'Are those nonbinary pronouns approved by some kind of authority?'
- >
Language is not some kind of god-given, ancient magic set in stone.
It's just a tool that we use to communicate.
When we change as a society, and when the world around us changes,
we adjust the language we use to be able to better describe it.
We're its users, so <em>we're the authority</em> on how we want to use it.
- >
Dictionaries take their time to start including those changes,
which doesn't make the change illegitimate in any way.
But eventually the new forms, if used often enough, get included in dictionaries.
{https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/singular-nonbinary-they=Merriam Webster}, for example,
accepts the use of {/they=singular “they”} as a nonbinary pronoun.
- >
You can also read some {https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&q=neopronouns=academic papers}
on neopronouns.
question: 'Why should I put my pronouns in bio on social media?'
- >
If you're cis (= not trans) and you use „{/he=he}” or „{/she=she}” matching your gender,
you might think that your pronouns are <em>obvious</em>.
And yeah, maybe that's true – as long as your name is mentioned in the profile (and is traditionally male of female)
or if you have your picture as avatar.
Many people don't – so it's hard to guess how they want to be called.
- >
But it's mostly about something more than that: your pronouns might be “obvious”,
but there are people whose pronouns are not.
They want to be addressed correctly, whether or not they “pass” as their gender,
whether or not they have transitioned (or if they want to transition at all).
Nonbinary people usually “don't look nonbinary”, we don't owe anyone androgyny.
- >
Sharing our pronouns is very important for trans, nonbinary and gender nonconforming people.
Alas, it also exposes and singles us out.
But if cis people do the same, it means the world for us.
It makes us feel more confortable, safe and welcome
{https://avris.it/blog/why-everyone-should-have-pronouns-in-their-bio=(more reasons here).}
question: 'Can I change my pronouns?'
- >
Of course! Nobody is surprised when someone changes their views, style, hobbies…
So why would it be strange that they discovered a part of their identity,
stopped liking their name, discovered a label that fits them well, etc.?
question: 'Is it strange that I can''t get used to <em>my own</em> new pronouns?'
- >
Not at all! After many years of using pronouns congruent with one's gender assigned at birth
it's easy to forget oneself when switching to different ones.
- >
Pronouns ≠ gender.
Your gender won't drastically change just because you got confused once when someone called you “them”.
Don't worry. Experiment. See what fits you best.
question: 'Why shouldn''t I say “preferred pronouns”?'
- >
Because this phrase suggests that someone's pronouns are just a whim.
If someone just “prefers” to be called she, he won't _really_ feel bad, if I call him a “he”, right?
They look like a guy, after all, so it's gonna be easier for me!
- >
No! It's our pronouns. Not our “preferred pronouns”. It's our names, not our “preferred names”.
If you care about your trans and nonbinary friends and loved ones, then call them the right way.
question: 'Why shouldn''t I say “gender pronouns”?'
- >
Because gender ≠ pronouns. Pronouns are just grammar.
Nonbinary folks can use binary pronouns, some lesbians use {/he=he/him} for cultural reasons, etc.
- >
Simply say “pronouns”.
header: 'Links'
headerLong: 'Extra links'
recommended: 'We recommend'
media: 'Pronouns.page in the media'
social: 'Social media'
languageVersions: 'Other language versions'
people: ~
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pronouns: 'Pronouns'
pronounsInfo: 'You can enter a pronoun (eg. “they” or “she/sher”) or a link (eg. “http://en.pronouns.page/e”) or the custom five forms (eg. “ze/zem/zir/zirs/zirself”).'
pronounsNotFound: 'We can''t find a link to this pronoun!'
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long: 'Want to create a new language version? Check out'
longLink: 'this manual!'
Abrosexual: '嫩性戀'
Achillean: '阿喀琉人'
Agender: '無性別'
Anarcha-Queer: '酷兒安那其'
Androgyne: '雙性同體'
Androsexual: '男性戀'
Aporagender: '解性別'
Archaeopronouns: '古老代詞'
Aroace: '無浪漫情節無性戀'
Aromantic: '無浪漫傾向'
Asexual: '無性戀'
Autigender: '孤獨症性別'
Bear: '熊族'
Bigender: '雙性別'
Bisexual: '雙性戀'
Butch: 'T'
Ceterosexual: '另性戀'
Cis_Ally: '順性别盟友'
Demiboy: '半男'
Demigender: '半性別'
Demigirl: '半女'
Demiromantic: '半戀情'
Demisexual: '半性戀'
Diamoric: '開愛'
Enbian: '非二元愛'
Fa*afafine: 'Fa''afafine'
Gay: '同性戀'
Gender_Questioning: '性別質疑'
Genderfae: '仙性別'
Genderfaun: '牧神性別'
Genderfluid: '流體性別'
Genderflux: '變化性別'
Genderqueer: '性別酷兒'
Greyasexual: '灰無性戀'
Greyaromantic: '灰無浪漫傾向'
Gynesexual: '女性戀'
Heteroflexible: '靈活異性戀'
Hijra: '海吉拉'
Homoflexible: '靈活同性戀'
Intersex: '間性人'
Leather_Pride: '皮'
Lesbian: '女同性戀'
Maverique: '孤膽性別'
Muxe: 'Muxe'
Nebularomantic: '星雲浪漫傾向'
Neopronouns: '新代詞'
Neutrois: '中立性別'
Nonbinary: '非二元性別'
Omnisexual: '各性戀'
Oriented_Aroace: '定向無浪漫情節無性戀'
Pangender: '泛性別'
Pansexual: '泛性戀'
Polyamorous: '多浪漫傾向'
Polysexual: '多性戀'
Pomosexual: '後現代性戀'
Progress_Pride: '進步'
Queer: '酷兒'
Queerian: '酷兒性戀'
Queerplatonic: '酷兒愛'
Quoiromantic: '什麼浪漫傾向'
Sapphic: '莎芙人'
Sexuality_Questioning: '性戀質疑'
Straight_Ally: '異性戀盟友'
Toric: '頭力可'
Transfeminine: '跨陰柔'
Transgender: '跨性別'
Transmasculine: '跨陽剛'
Transneutral: '跨中立'
Trigender: '三性別'
Trixic: '頭力希可'
Two_Spirit: '雙靈'
Xenogender: '外性別'