434 lines
17 KiB
434 lines
17 KiB
<div v-if="config.header" class="mb-4">
<div class="d-none d-lg-flex justify-content-between align-items-center flex-row nav-custom btn-group mb-0">
<nuxt-link v-for="link in links" :key="link.link" :to="link.link" :class="`nav-item btn btn-sm ${isActiveRoute(link) ? 'active' : ''} ${link.header ? 'flex-grow-0' : ''}`">
<h1 v-if="link.header" class="text-nowrap">
<Icon v="tags"/>
<span class="higher"><T>title</T></span>
<template v-else>
<Icon :v="link.icon" size="1.6"/>
<span class="text-nowrap"><Spelling :text="link.text"/></span>
<div class="nav-item flex-grow-0">
<VersionDropdown end/>
<div class="d-block d-lg-none p-4">
<div class="text-center mb-3">
<nuxt-link to="/">
<h1 class="text-nowrap">
<Icon v="tags"/>
<span class="higher"><T>title</T></span>
<div class="btn-group-vertical d-flex nav-custom mb-2">
<nuxt-link v-for="link in links" :key="link.link" :to="link.link" :class="`btn btn-sm ${isActiveRoute(link) ? 'active' : ''}`">
<Icon :v="link.icon"/>
<Spelling :text="link.textLong || link.text"/>
<div :class="['hamburger-menu']" :style="`opacity: ${hamburgerShown ? 1 : 0}`">
<button :class="['btn btn-outline-secondary btn-hamburger', hamburgerActive ? 'active' : '']"
@click.stop="hamburgerActive = !hamburgerActive"
<Icon v="bars"/>
<div :class="['bg-white border p-3', hamburgerActive ? '' : 'd-none']">
<div class="btn-group-vertical d-flex nav-custom nav-custom-start mb-2">
<nuxt-link v-for="link in links" :key="link.link" :to="link.link" :class="`btn btn-sm ${isActiveRoute(link) ? 'active' : ''}`">
<Icon :v="link.icon"/>
<Spelling :text="link.textLong || link.text"/>
<div v-if="config.locale === 'zh' && new Date() < new Date(2022, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0) && $route.path === '/'" class="container">
<div class="alert alert-info my-3">
<p class="h4">
<Icon v="people-carry"/>
Help needed!
<p class="mb-0">
If you speak Mandarin
(preferably traditional spelling, since simplified can be generated out of it, but not the other way around)
and you'd like to help us with translating new features of zh.pronouns.page,
please send us an email to <a href="mailto:contact@pronouns.page" target="_blank" rel="noopener">contact@pronouns.page</a>
or DM us on Twitter <a href="https://twitter.com/PronounsPage" target="_blank" rel="noopener">@PronounsPage</a>
<div v-if="locales[config.locale].published === false" class="alert alert-warning mb-0">
<Icon v="exclamation-triangle"/>
This language version is still under construction!
<div v-show="showCensus" class="alert alert-info mb-0">
<a href="#" class="float-end" @click.prevent="dismissCensus">
<Icon v="times"/>
<Icon v="user-chart" size="2" class="d-inline-block float-start me-3 mt-2"/>
<T silent>census.banner</T>
<div v-if="$user() && $user().bannedReason" class="alert alert-danger mb-0 container">
<p class="h4 mb-2">
<Icon v="ban"/>
<p >
<blockquote class="small">
<template v-for="(violation, i) in forbidden"><T :class="[$user().bannedTerms.includes(violation) ? 'fw-bold' : '']">terms.content.content.violationsExamples.{{violation}}</T><template v-if="i !== forbidden.length - 1">, </template></template>.
<header v-else class="mb-4">
<div class="container">
<h1 class="text-nowrap p-4">
<nuxt-link to="/">
<Icon v="tags"/>
import { mapState } from 'vuex'
import {DateTime} from "luxon";
import forbidden from "../src/forbidden";
export default {
data() {
return {
hamburgerActive: false,
hamburgerShown: false,
censusDismissed: false,
computed: {
links() {
const links = [];
header: true,
link: '/',
icon: 'home',
text: this.$t('home.header'),
textLong: this.$t('home.link'),
if (this.config.pronouns.enabled) {
const extra = ['all', '/' + this.config.pronouns.any]
if (this.config.pronouns.null && this.config.pronouns.null.routes) {
for (let route of this.config.pronouns.null.routes) {
extra.push('/' + route);
if (this.config.pronouns.mirror) {
extra.push('/' + this.config.pronouns.mirror.route)
link: '/' + this.config.pronouns.route,
icon: 'tags',
text: this.$t('pronouns.header'),
textLong: this.$t('pronouns.headerLong').replace( /(<([^>]+)>)/ig, ''),
extra: extra,
if (this.config.nouns.enabled) {
const extras = [];
for (let subroute of this.config.nouns.subroutes || []) {
link: '/' + this.config.nouns.route,
icon: 'book',
text: this.$t('nouns.header'),
textLong: this.$t('nouns.headerLong'),
extra: extras,
if (this.config.sources.enabled) {
link: '/' + this.config.sources.route,
icon: 'books',
text: this.$t('sources.header'),
textLong: this.$t('sources.headerLong'),
if (this.config.names && this.config.names.enabled && this.config.names.published) {
link: '/' + this.config.names.route,
icon: 'signature',
text: this.$t('names.header'),
textLong: this.$t('names.headerLong'),
if (this.config.faq.enabled && !this.config.links.split) {
link: '/' + this.config.faq.route,
icon: 'map-marker-question',
text: this.$t('faq.header'),
textLong: this.$t('faq.headerLong'),
if (this.config.links.enabled) {
link: '/' + this.config.links.route,
icon: 'bookmark',
text: this.$t('links.header'),
textLong: this.$t('links.headerLong'),
extra: [
'/' + this.config.links.academicRoute,
'/' + this.config.links.mediaRoute,
this.config.links.split ? '/' + this.config.faq.route : '',
this.config.english && this.config.english.enabled ? '/' + this.config.english.route : '',
this.config.links.zine && this.config.links.zine.enabled ? '/' + this.config.links.zine.route : '',
if ((this.config.terminology.enabled && this.config.terminology.published)
|| (this.config.calendar && this.config.calendar.enabled)
|| this.config.census.enabled
|| this.config.inclusive.enabled
|| (this.config.people && this.config.people.enabled)
) {
const extra = [
this.config.terminology.enabled ? '/' + this.config.terminology.route : '',
this.config.calendar.enabled ? '/' + this.config.calendar.route : '',
this.config.census && this.config.census.enabled ? '/' + this.config.census.route : '',
this.config.inclusive.enabled ? '/' + this.config.inclusive.route : '',
this.config.people && this.config.people.enabled ? '/' + this.config.people.route : '',
'/' + this.config.contact.team.route,
if (this.config.community) {
link: '/' + this.config.community.route,
icon: 'users',
text: this.$t('community.header'),
textLong: this.$t('community.headerLong'),
extra: extra,
} else if (this.config.calendar && this.config.calendar.enabled) {
link: '/' + this.config.calendar.route,
icon: 'calendar-star',
text: this.$t('calendar.header'),
textLong: this.$t('calendar.headerLong'),
extra: extra,
if (this.config.contact.enabled) {
link: '/' + this.config.contact.route,
icon: 'comment-alt-smile',
text: this.$t('contact.header'),
if (this.config.user.enabled) {
link: '/' + this.config.user.route,
icon: 'user',
text: this.user ? '@' + this.user.username : this.$t('user.header'),
textLong: this.user ? '@' + this.user.username : this.$t('user.headerLong'),
extra: ['/editor', this.$user() ? '/@' + this.$user().username : null],
return links;
showCensus() {
if (!process.client) {
return false;
const finished = !!parseInt(window.localStorage.getItem('census-finished') || 0);
const dismissed = !!parseInt(window.localStorage.getItem('census-dismissed') || 0);
const alreadyIn = this.$route.path === '/' + this.config.census.route;
if (!this.config.census.enabled || finished || dismissed || this.censusDismissed || alreadyIn) {
return false;
const start = DateTime.fromISO(this.config.census.start).toLocal();
const end = DateTime.fromISO(this.config.census.end).toLocal();
const now = DateTime.utc().setZone(this.config.format.timezone);
return now >= start && now <= end;
methods: {
isActiveRoute(link) {
return decodeURIComponent(this.$route.path) === link.link
|| (link.extra || []).includes(this.$route.name)
|| (link.extra || []).includes(decodeURIComponent(this.$route.path))
|| (link.extra || []).filter(x => x && decodeURIComponent(this.$route.path).startsWith(x + '/')).length;
documentClicked() {
if (this.hamburgerActive) {
this.hamburgerActive = false
updateShown() {
const st = document.body.scrollTop || document.querySelector('html').scrollTop;
this.hamburgerShown = st > 300;
dismissCensus() {
window.localStorage.setItem('census-dismissed', '1');
this.censusDismissed = true;
created() {
if (process.client) {
document.addEventListener('click', this.documentClicked);
window.addEventListener('scroll', this.updateShown);
destroyed() {
if (process.client) {
document.removeEventListener('click', this.documentClicked);
document.removeEventListener('scroll', this.updateShown);
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