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112 lines
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// import twemoji from 'twemoji';
const census_groups = {
'location_poland': 'Osoby mieszkające w Polsce',
'location_abroad': 'Osoby mieszkające za granicą',
'agab_f': 'Osoby o płci przypisanej przy urodzeniu żeńskiej',
'agab_m': 'Osoby o płci przypisanej przy urodzeniu męskiej',
const census_comparisons = {
'by_location': 'Podział ze względu na miejsce zamieszkania',
'by_agab': 'Podział ze względu na płeć przypisaną przy urodzeniu',
let jsons = undefined;
const mainPlusDetails = (dict, wide) => (_, content) => {
return `
<div class="${wide ? 'wide-escape' : ''}">
<p>${content.replace(/%group%/g, 'general').replace(/<iframe class="graph" /g, '<iframe class="graph border" ')}</p>`
+ Object.keys(dict).map(group => `
<details class="border mb-3">
<summary class="bg-light px-2 py-1" onclick="this.parentElement.querySelector('iframe.graph').contentDocument.location.reload()">${dict[group]}</summary>
<div class="border-top p-md-3 bg-white">${content.replace(/%group%/g, group)}</div>
).join('\n') +
const fetchJson = (_, filename, key) => {
if (jsons === undefined) { jsons = JSON.parse(process.env.JSONS); }
let c = jsons[filename];
for (let part of key.split('.')) {
c = c[part];
return c;
const generateToC = (content) => (_) => {
const tags = [];
let curentLevel = 2;
let needsClosing = false;
for (let [, level, id, title] of content.matchAll(/<h([2-6]) id="([^"]+)">([^<]+)<\/h\1>/g)) {
level = parseInt(level);
while (level < curentLevel) { tags.push('</li>'); tags.push('</ul>'); curentLevel--; }
while (level > curentLevel) { tags.push('<ul>'); curentLevel++; needsClosing = false; }
if (needsClosing) { tags.push('</li>'); }
tags.push(`<a href="#${id}">`);
needsClosing = true;
while (curentLevel < 2) { tags.push('</li>'); tags.push('</ul>'); curentLevel--; needsClosing = false;}
if (needsClosing) { tags.push('</li>'); }
return `
<div class="alert alert-info">
<h2 class="h4"><span class="fal fa-list"></span> Spis treści</h2>
<ul class="mb-0">${tags.join('')}</ul>
export default async function parseMarkdown(markdown) {
try {
let content = '<div>' +
.replace(/<table>/g, '<div class="table-responsive"><table class="table table-striped small">')
.replace(/<\/table>/g, '</table></div>')
.replace(/{favicon=(.+?)}/g, '<img src="https://$1" alt="Favicon" style="width: 1em; height: 1em;"/>')
.replace(/<a href="http/g, '<a target="_blank" rel="noopener" href="http')
.replace(/<p>{details=(.+?)}<\/p>(.+?)<p>{\/details}<\/p>/gms, '<details class="border mb-3"><summary class="bg-light p-3">$1</summary><div class="border-top p-3 bg-white">$2</div></details>')
.replace(/<img (.*?)>/g, '<div class="text-center"><img $1 class="border"></div>')
.replace(/{embed=\/\/(.+?)=(.+?)}/g, '<div style="position: relative;height: 0;padding-bottom: 56.25%;"><iframe src="https://$1" title="$2" allowfullscreen sandbox="allow-same-origin allow-scripts allow-popups" style="position: absolute;top: 0; left: 0;width: 100%;height: 100%;border:0;"></iframe></div>')
.replace(/{graph=([^}]+)}/g, '<iframe class="graph" src="$1.html" loading="lazy"></iframe>')
.replace(/<p>{census_groups}<\/p>(.+?)<p>{\/census_groups}<\/p>/gms, mainPlusDetails(census_groups, false))
.replace(/<p>{census_comparisons}<\/p>(.+?)<p>{\/census_comparisons}<\/p>/gms, mainPlusDetails(census_comparisons, true))
.replace(/{json=([^=}]+)=([^=}]+)}/g, fetchJson)
.replace(/<p>{twemoji}<\/p>(.+?)<p>{\/twemoji}<\/p>/gms, (_, c) => c) // twemoji.parse(c)
+ '</div>'
content = content.replace(/{table_of_contents}/g, generateToC(content));
const disableTwemoji = content.includes('<p>{disable_twemoji}</p>');
content = content.replace(/<p>{disable_twemoji}<\/p>/g, '');
const titleMatch = content.match('<h1[^>]*>([^<]+)</h1>');
const title = titleMatch ? titleMatch[1] : null;
const imgMatch = content.match('<img src="([^"]+)"[^>]*>');
const img = imgMatch ? imgMatch[1] : null;
let intro = [];
for (let introMatch of content.matchAll(/<p[^>]*>(.+?)<\/p>/gms)) {
const p = introMatch[1].replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig, '').replace(/\s+/g, ' ');
intro = [...intro, ...p.split(' ')];
return {
intro: intro.length ? intro.slice(0, 24).join(' ') : null,
} catch {
return {
content: null,