195 lines
6.4 KiB
195 lines
6.4 KiB
import { Router } from 'express';
import SQL from 'sql-template-strings';
import {ulid} from "ulid";
import {createCanvas, loadImage, registerFont} from "canvas";
import {loadSuml} from "../loader";
import {isTroll} from "../../src/helpers";
const translations = loadSuml('translations');
const approve = async (db, id) => {
const { base_id } = await db.get(SQL`SELECT base_id FROM nouns WHERE id=${id}`);
if (base_id) {
await db.get(SQL`
UPDATE nouns
SET deleted=1
WHERE id = ${base_id}
await db.get(SQL`
UPDATE nouns
SET approved = 1, base_id = NULL
WHERE id = ${id}
const router = Router();
router.get('/nouns', async (req, res) => {
return res.json(await req.db.all(SQL`
SELECT n.*, u.username AS author FROM nouns n
LEFT JOIN users u ON n.author_id = u.id
WHERE n.locale = ${req.config.locale}
AND n.deleted = 0
AND n.approved >= ${req.isGranted('nouns') ? 0 : 1}
ORDER BY n.approved, n.masc
router.get('/nouns/search/:term', async (req, res) => {
const term = '%' + req.params.term + '%';
return res.json(await req.db.all(SQL`
SELECT n.*, u.username AS author FROM nouns n
LEFT JOIN users u ON n.author_id = u.id
WHERE n.locale = ${req.config.locale}
AND n.approved >= ${req.isGranted('nouns') ? 0 : 1}
AND n.deleted = 0
AND (n.masc like ${term} OR n.fem like ${term} OR n.neutr like ${term} OR n.mascPl like ${term} OR n.femPl like ${term} OR n.neutrPl like ${term})
ORDER BY n.approved, n.masc
router.post('/nouns/submit', async (req, res) => {
if (!(req.user && req.user.admin) && isTroll(JSON.stringify(req.body))) {
return res.json('ok');
const id = ulid();
await req.db.get(SQL`
INSERT INTO nouns (id, masc, fem, neutr, mascPl, femPl, neutrPl, approved, base_id, locale, author_id)
${req.body.masc.join('|')}, ${req.body.fem.join('|')}, ${req.body.neutr.join('|')},
${req.body.mascPl.join('|')}, ${req.body.femPl.join('|')}, ${req.body.neutrPl.join('|')},
0, ${req.body.base}, ${req.config.locale}, ${req.user ? req.user.id : null}
if (req.isGranted('nouns')) {
await approve(req.db, id);
return res.json('ok');
router.post('/nouns/hide/:id', async (req, res) => {
if (!req.isGranted('nouns')) {
res.status(401).json({error: 'Unauthorised'});
await req.db.get(SQL`
UPDATE nouns
SET approved = 0
WHERE id = ${req.params.id}
return res.json('ok');
router.post('/nouns/approve/:id', async (req, res) => {
if (!req.isGranted('nouns')) {
res.status(401).json({error: 'Unauthorised'});
await approve(req.db, req.params.id);
return res.json('ok');
router.post('/nouns/remove/:id', async (req, res) => {
if (!req.isGranted('nouns')) {
res.status(401).json({error: 'Unauthorised'});
await req.db.get(SQL`
UPDATE nouns
SET deleted=1
WHERE id = ${req.params.id}
return res.json('ok');
const findBaseForm = (noun, query) => {
for (let form of ['masc', 'fem', 'neutr', 'mascPl', 'femPl', 'neutrPl']) {
for (let formPart of noun[form].split('|')) {
if (formPart.toLowerCase() === query.toLowerCase()) {
return formPart;
return null;
router.get('/nouns/:word.png', async (req, res) => {
const query = req.params.word.toLowerCase();
const term = '%' + query + '%';
const noun = (await req.db.all(SQL`
WHERE locale = ${req.config.locale}
AND approved >= ${req.isGranted('nouns') ? 0 : 1}
AND (masc like ${term} OR fem like ${term} OR neutr like ${term} OR mascPl like ${term} OR femPl like ${term} OR neutrPl like ${term})
`)).filter(noun =>
|| noun.fem.toLowerCase().split('|').includes(query)
|| noun.neutr.toLowerCase().split('|').includes(query)
|| noun.mascPl.toLowerCase().split('|').includes(query)
|| noun.femPl.toLowerCase().split('|').includes(query)
|| noun.neutrPl.toLowerCase().split('|').includes(query)
if (!noun) {
return res.status(404).json({error: 'Not found'});
const base = findBaseForm(noun, query);
const width = 1200;
const height = 600;
const padding = 48;
const mime = 'image/png';
registerFont('static/fonts/quicksand-v21-latin-ext_latin-regular.ttf', { family: 'Quicksand', weight: 'regular'});
registerFont('static/fonts/quicksand-v21-latin-ext_latin-700.ttf', { family: 'Quicksand', weight: 'bold'});
registerFont('node_modules/@fortawesome/fontawesome-pro/webfonts/fa-light-300.ttf', { family: 'FontAwesome', weight: 'regular'});
const canvas = createCanvas(width, height);
const context = canvas.getContext('2d');
const bg = await loadImage('static/bg.png');
context.drawImage(bg, 0, 0, width, height);
context.font = 'bold 64pt Quicksand';
context.fillText(base, width / 2 - context.measureText(base).width / 2, 120);
for (let [column, key, icon] of [[0, 'masculine', '\uf222'], [1, 'feminine', '\uf221'], [2, 'neuter', '\uf22c']]) {
context.font = 'regular 24pt FontAwesome';
context.fillText(icon, column * (width - 2 * padding) / 3 + padding, 192);
context.font = 'bold 24pt Quicksand';
context.fillText(translations.nouns[key], column * (width - 2 * padding) / 3 + padding + 36, 192);
context.font = 'regular 24pt Quicksand';
['masc', 'fem', 'neutr'].forEach((form, column) => {
let i = 0;
for (let [key, symbol] of [['', '⋅'], ['Pl', '⁖']])
noun[form + key].split('|').filter(x => x.length).forEach(part => {
context.fillText(symbol + ' ' + part, column * (width - 2 * padding) / 3 + padding, 244 + i * 48);
context.fillStyle = '#C71585';
context.font = 'regular 24pt FontAwesome';
context.fillText('\uf02c', padding, height - padding);
context.font = `regular 24pt Quicksand`;
context.fillText(translations.title, padding + 48, height - padding - 4);
return res.set('content-type', mime).send(canvas.toBuffer(mime));
export default router;