525 lines
17 KiB
525 lines
17 KiB
import { Router } from 'express';
import SQL from 'sql-template-strings';
import {ulid} from "ulid";
import {buildDict, makeId, now, handleErrorAsync, buildLocaleList} from "../../src/helpers";
import jwt from "../../src/jwt";
import mailer from "../../src/mailer";
import { loadSuml } from '../loader';
import avatar from '../avatar';
import { config as socialLoginConfig, handlers as socialLoginHandlers } from '../social';
import cookieSettings from "../../src/cookieSettings";
import {validateCaptcha} from "../captcha";
const config = loadSuml('config');
const translations = loadSuml('translations');
const USERNAME_CHARS = 'A-Za-zĄĆĘŁŃÓŚŻŹąćęłńóśżź0-9._-';
const normalise = s => s.trim().toLowerCase();
const isSpam = (email) => {
const noDots = email.replace(/\./g, '');
return noDots === 'javierfranciscotmp@gmailcom'
|| noDots === 'leahmarykathryntmp@gmail.com'
|| email.includes('dogazu')
|| email.includes('narodowcy.net')
|| email.length > 128;
const replaceExtension = username => username.replace(/\.(txt|jpg|jpeg|png|pdf|gif|doc|docx|csv|js|css)$/i, '_$1');
const saveAuthenticator = async (db, type, user, payload, validForMinutes = null) => {
const id = ulid();
await db.get(SQL`INSERT INTO authenticators (id, userId, type, payload, validUntil) VALUES (
${user ? user.id : null},
${validForMinutes ? (now() + validForMinutes * 60) : null}
return id;
const findAuthenticator = async (db, id, type) => {
const authenticator = await db.get(SQL`SELECT * FROM authenticators
WHERE id = ${id}
AND type = ${type}
AND (validUntil IS NULL OR validUntil > ${now()})
if (authenticator) {
authenticator.payload = JSON.parse(authenticator.payload);
return authenticator
const findLatestEmailAuthenticator = async (db, email, type) => {
const authenticator = await db.get(SQL`SELECT * FROM authenticators
WHERE payload LIKE ${'%"email":"' + email + '"%'}
AND type = ${type}
AND (validUntil IS NULL OR validUntil > ${now()})
if (authenticator) {
authenticator.payload = JSON.parse(authenticator.payload);
return authenticator
const invalidateAuthenticator = async (db, id) => {
await db.get(SQL`UPDATE authenticators
SET validUntil = ${now()}
WHERE id = ${id}
const defaultUsername = async (db, email) => {
const base = normalise(
email.substring(0, email.includes('@') ? email.indexOf('@') : email.length)
.padEnd(4, '0')
.substring(0, 14)
.replace(new RegExp(`[^${USERNAME_CHARS}]`, 'g'), '_')
const conflicts = (await db.all(SQL`SELECT usernameNorm FROM users WHERE usernameNorm LIKE ${normalise(base) + '%'}`))
.map(({usernameNorm}) => usernameNorm);
let c = 0;
while (true) {
let proposal = base + (c || '');
if (!conflicts.includes(proposal)) {
return proposal;
const fetchOrCreateUser = async (db, user, avatarSource = 'gravatar') => {
let dbUser = await db.get(SQL`SELECT * FROM users WHERE email = ${normalise(user.email)}`);
if (!dbUser) {
dbUser = {
id: ulid(),
username: await defaultUsername(db, user.name || user.email),
email: normalise(user.email),
roles: '',
avatarSource: avatarSource,
await db.get(SQL`INSERT INTO users(id, username, usernameNorm, email, roles, avatarSource)
VALUES (${dbUser.id}, ${dbUser.username}, ${normalise(dbUser.username)}, ${dbUser.email}, ${dbUser.roles}, ${dbUser.avatarSource})`)
dbUser.avatar = await avatar(db, dbUser);
return dbUser;
const issueAuthentication = async (db, user) => {
const dbUser = await fetchOrCreateUser(db, user);
return jwt.sign({
authenticated: true,
const validateEmail = async (email) => {
email = normalise(String(email));
if (email.endsWith('.oauth')) {
const re = /^(([^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+(\.[^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+)*)|(".+"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/;
if (!re.test(email)) {
return false;
const { Resolver } = require('dns').promises;
const dns = new Resolver();
try {
const addresses = await dns.resolveMx(email.split('@')[1]);
return addresses.length > 0;
} catch {
return false;
const deduplicateEmail = async (db, email, cbSuccess, cbFail) => {
const count = (await db.get(SQL`SELECT COUNT(*) AS c FROM emails WHERE email = ${email} AND sentAt >= ${now() - 5 * 60}`)).c;
if (count > 0) {
console.error('Duplicate email requests for ' + email);
if (cbFail) { await cbFail(); }
await cbSuccess();
await db.get(SQL`INSERT INTO emails (email, sentAt) VALUES (${email}, ${now()});`);
const reloadUser = async (req, res, next) => {
if (!req.url.startsWith('/user/') && req.method === 'GET') {
if (!req.user) {
const dbUser = await req.db.get(SQL`SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ${req.user.id}`);
if (!dbUser) {
await req.db.get(SQL`UPDATE users SET lastActive = ${+new Date} WHERE id = ${req.user.id}`);
if (req.user.username !== dbUser.username
|| req.user.email !== dbUser.email
|| req.user.roles !== dbUser.roles
|| req.user.avatarSource !== dbUser.avatarSource
|| req.user.bannedReason !== dbUser.bannedReason
) {
const newUser = {
authenticated: true,
avatar: await avatar(req.db, dbUser),
const token = jwt.sign(newUser);
res.cookie('token', token, cookieSettings);
req.user = {...req.user, ...newUser};
const resetCards = async (db, id) => {
await db.get(SQL`UPDATE profiles SET card = null, cardDark = null WHERE userId = ${id}`);
const router = Router();
router.post('/user/init', handleErrorAsync(async (req, res) => {
if (req.body.usernameOrEmail && isSpam(req.body.usernameOrEmail || '')) {
if (!await validateCaptcha(req.body.captchaToken)) {
return res.json({error: 'captcha.invalid'});
let user = undefined;
let usernameOrEmail = req.body.usernameOrEmail;
const isEmail = usernameOrEmail.indexOf('@') > -1;
let isTest = false;
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' && usernameOrEmail.endsWith('+')) {
isTest = true;
usernameOrEmail = usernameOrEmail.substring(0, usernameOrEmail.length - 1);
if (isEmail) {
user = await req.db.get(SQL`SELECT * FROM users WHERE email = ${normalise(usernameOrEmail)}`);
} else {
user = await req.db.get(SQL`SELECT * FROM users WHERE usernameNorm = ${normalise(usernameOrEmail)}`);
if (!user && !isEmail) {
return res.json({error: 'user.login.userNotFound'})
const payload = {
username: isEmail ? (user ? user.username : null) : usernameOrEmail,
email: isEmail ? normalise(usernameOrEmail) : user.email,
code: isTest ? '999999' : makeId(6, '0123456789'),
if (!await validateEmail(payload.email)) {
return res.json({ error: 'user.account.changeEmail.invalid' })
let codeKey;
if (isTest) {
codeKey = await saveAuthenticator(req.db, 'email', user, payload, 15);
} else {
await deduplicateEmail(
async () => {
codeKey = await saveAuthenticator(req.db, 'email', user, payload, 15);
mailer(payload.email, 'confirmCode', { code: payload.code });
async () => {
const auth = await findLatestEmailAuthenticator(req.db, payload.email, 'email');
codeKey = auth ? auth.id : null;
return res.json({
token: jwt.sign({...payload, code: null, codeKey}, '15m'),
router.post('/user/validate', handleErrorAsync(async (req, res) => {
if (!req.rawUser || !req.rawUser.codeKey) {
return res.json({error: 'user.tokenExpired'});
const authenticator = await findAuthenticator(req.db, req.rawUser.codeKey, 'email');
if (!authenticator) {
return res.json({error: 'user.tokenExpired'});
if (authenticator.payload.code !== normalise(req.body.code)) {
return res.json({error: 'user.code.invalid'});
await invalidateAuthenticator(req.db, authenticator);
return res.json({token: await issueAuthentication(req.db, req.rawUser)});
router.post('/user/change-username', handleErrorAsync(async (req, res) => {
if (!req.user) {
return res.status(401).json({error: 'Unauthorised'});
if (req.body.username.length < 4 || req.body.username.length > 16 || !req.body.username.match(new RegExp(`^[${USERNAME_CHARS}]+$`))) {
return res.json({ error: 'user.account.changeUsername.invalid' });
req.body.username = replaceExtension(req.body.username);
const dbUser = await req.db.get(SQL`SELECT * FROM users WHERE usernameNorm = ${normalise(req.body.username)}`);
if (dbUser && dbUser.id !== req.user.id) {
return res.json({ error: 'user.account.changeUsername.taken' })
await req.db.get(SQL`UPDATE users SET username = ${req.body.username}, usernameNorm = ${normalise(req.body.username)} WHERE id = ${req.user.id}`);
await resetCards(req.db, req.user.id);
return res.json({token: await issueAuthentication(req.db, req.user)});
router.post('/user/change-email', handleErrorAsync(async (req, res) => {
if (!req.user || req.user.bannedReason || isSpam(req.body.email || '')) {
return res.status(401).json({error: 'Unauthorised'});
if (!await validateEmail(normalise(req.body.email))) {
return res.json({ error: 'user.account.changeEmail.invalid' })
const dbUser = await req.db.get(SQL`SELECT * FROM users WHERE lower(trim(email)) = ${normalise(req.body.email)}`);
if (dbUser) {
return res.json({ error: 'user.account.changeEmail.taken' })
if (!req.body.authId) {
if (!await validateCaptcha(req.body.captchaToken)) {
return res.json({error: 'captcha.invalid'});
const payload = {
from: req.user.email,
to: normalise(req.body.email),
code: makeId(6, '0123456789'),
const authId = await saveAuthenticator(req.db, 'changeEmail', req.user, payload, 15);
mailer(payload.to, 'confirmCode', { code: payload.code });
return res.json({ authId });
const authenticator = await findAuthenticator(req.db, req.body.authId, 'changeEmail');
if (!authenticator) {
return res.json({error: 'user.tokenExpired'});
if (authenticator.payload.code !== normalise(req.body.code)) {
return res.json({error: 'user.code.invalid'});
await invalidateAuthenticator(req.db, authenticator);
await req.db.get(SQL`UPDATE users SET email = ${authenticator.payload.to} WHERE id = ${req.user.id}`);
req.user.email = authenticator.payload.to;
return res.json({token: await issueAuthentication(req.db, req.user)});
router.post('/user/delete', handleErrorAsync(async (req, res) => {
if (!req.user) {
return res.status(401).json({error: 'Unauthorised'});
await req.db.get(SQL`DELETE FROM profiles WHERE userId = ${req.user.id}`)
await req.db.get(SQL`DELETE FROM authenticators WHERE userId = ${req.user.id}`)
await req.db.get(SQL`DELETE FROM users WHERE id = ${req.user.id}`)
return res.json(true);
router.post('/user/:id/set-roles', handleErrorAsync(async (req, res) => {
if (!req.isGranted('*')) {
return res.status(401).json({error: 'Unauthorised'});
await req.db.get(SQL`UPDATE users SET roles = ${req.body.roles} WHERE id = ${req.params.id}`);
return res.json('ok');
// happens on home
router.get('/user/social-redirect/:provider/:locale', handleErrorAsync(async (req, res) => {
req.session.socialRedirect = req.params.locale;
return res.redirect(`/api/connect/${req.params.provider}`);
// happens on home
router.get('/user/social/:provider', handleErrorAsync(async (req, res) => {
if (!req.session.grant || !req.session.grant.response || !req.session.grant.response.access_token || !socialLoginHandlers[req.params.provider]) {
return res.status(400).redirect('/' + config.user.route);
const payload = socialLoginHandlers[req.params.provider](req.session.grant.response);
if (payload.id === undefined) {
return res.status(400).redirect('/' + config.user.route);
const auth = await req.db.get(SQL`
SELECT * FROM authenticators
WHERE type = ${req.params.provider}
AND payload LIKE ${'{"id":"' + payload.id + '"%'}
AND (validUntil IS NULL OR validUntil > ${now()})
const user = auth ? await req.db.get(SQL`
WHERE id = ${auth.userId}
`) : req.user;
const dbUser = await fetchOrCreateUser(req.db, user || {
email: payload.email || `${payload.id}@${req.params.provider}.oauth`,
name: payload.name,
}, req.params.provider);
const token = jwt.sign({
authenticated: true,
if (auth) {
await invalidateAuthenticator(req.db, auth.id);
await saveAuthenticator(req.db, req.params.provider, dbUser, payload);
const buildRedirectUrl = () => {
if (!req.session.socialRedirect) {
return '/' + config.user.route;
const host = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' ? '' : buildLocaleList(config.locale, true)[req.session.socialRedirect].url;
delete req.session.socialRedirect;
return `${host}/api/user/social-redirect-callback/${encodeURIComponent(token)}`;
return res.cookie('token', token, cookieSettings).redirect(buildRedirectUrl());
// happens on locale
router.get('/user/social-redirect-callback/:token', handleErrorAsync(async (req, res) => {
res.cookie('token', req.params.token, cookieSettings).redirect('/' + config.user.route);
router.get('/user/social-connections', handleErrorAsync(async (req, res) => {
if (!req.user) {
return res.status(401).json({error: 'Unauthorised'});
const authenticators = await req.db.all(SQL`
SELECT type, payload FROM authenticators
WHERE type IN (`.append(Object.keys(socialLoginConfig).map(k => `'${k}'`).join(',')).append(SQL`)
AND userId = ${req.user.id}
AND (validUntil IS NULL OR validUntil > ${now()})
return res.json(buildDict(function* () {
for (let auth of authenticators) {
yield [auth.type, JSON.parse(auth.payload)];
router.post('/user/social-connection/:provider/disconnect', handleErrorAsync(async (req, res) => {
if (!req.user) {
return res.status(401).json({error: 'Unauthorised'});
const auth = await req.db.get(SQL`
SELECT id FROM authenticators
WHERE type = ${req.params.provider}
AND userId = ${req.user.id}
AND (validUntil IS NULL OR validUntil > ${now()})
await invalidateAuthenticator(req.db, auth.id)
return res.json('ok');
router.post('/user/set-avatar', handleErrorAsync(async (req, res) => {
if (!req.user) {
return res.status(401).json({error: 'Unauthorised'});
await req.db.get(SQL`
UPDATE users
SET avatarSource = ${req.body.source || null}
WHERE id = ${req.user.id}
await resetCards(req.db, req.user.id);
return res.json({token: await issueAuthentication(req.db, req.user)});
router.get('/user/init-universal/:token', handleErrorAsync(async (req, res) => {
res.header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*');
if (req.user) {
return res.json('Already logged in');
res.cookie('token', req.params.token, cookieSettings);
return res.json('Token saved');
router.get('/user/logout-universal', handleErrorAsync(async (req, res) => {
res.header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*');
return res.json('Token removed');
router.get('/admin/impersonate/:email', handleErrorAsync(async (req, res) => {
if (!req.isGranted('users') || !['example@pronouns.page'].includes(req.params.email)) {
return res.status(401).json({error: 'Unauthorised'});
return res.json({token: await issueAuthentication(req.db, {email: req.params.email})});
export default router;