# wardyns-feditools Collection of simple tools to add functionality to the fediverse ## Installation All these tools are designed to run in the same directory in order to prevent generating multiple access tokens. Installation is simple, download master branch as zip, extract into a folder of your choice, then, in that directory, run: pip install -r requirements.txt **Note:** These programs were written and tested in python 3.8 ## Usage All the programs are created with a built in help command, simply run [script] -h ## fedisearch.py fedisearch is a tool that allows you to search through a users profile for a specific keyword or phrase. Limitations: - Very slow. Takes longer the the older a post is - Does not currently support regular expressions ## autodeny.py A simple script to automatically deny follow requests that do not pass certain tests. Those tests are: 1. The user has more than 1 post (configurable) 2. The user has a pfp other than the default one their instance assigns. 3. The user has text within their bio It will not deny a follow request if you are following the user You can also specify instances to block all follow requests from