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Thank you for reading this! This document has some notes on contributing to the development of Retrospring.

Reporting bugs

Before submitting an issue please check if there is already an existing issue. If there is, please add any additional information or give it a "+1" in the comments.

When submitting an issue please describe the issue clearly, including how to reproduce the bug, which situations it appears in, what you expect to happen, what actually happens, and what platform (browser and operating system) you are using. We find screenshots (for front-end issues) very helpful.

Pull Requests

  1. Fork it ( )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b feature-new)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature-new)
  5. Create a new Pull Request

We love pull requests! We are very happy to work with you to get your changes merged in, however please keep the following in mind.

  • Please use the core team standard of feature-* branch naming.
  • Adhere to the coding conventions you see in the surrounding code.
  • If you include a new feature also include tests, and make sure they'll pass.
  • Before submitting a pull-request, clean up the history by going over your commits and squashing together minor changes and fixes into the corresponding commits. You can do this using the interactive rebase command.

What to work on

If you want to know what you can help us with, like new features, check the GitHub issues or the TODO.