
2.6 KiB

Error messages

If there is an error in your request, or the server encounters an error while processing it, an error object will be returned.

Field Type Description
code int an error code
message ?string a human-readable description of the error
details ?string more details about the error, most often for bad request errors
ratelimit_reset ?int the unix time when an expired rate limit will reset

Error codes

Code Description
400 One or more fields in your requests was invalid, or some required field is missing.
403 You are not authorized to use this endpoint.
404 The endpoint was not found.
405 The method you are trying to use is not suported for this endpoint.
429 You have made too many requests in the last minute.
500 An internal server error occurred.
1006 That username is invalid.
1007 That username is already taken.
2001 User not found.
2002 This user's member list is private.
2003 You have reached the maximum number of pride flags.
2004 You are trying to reroll short IDs too quickly.
3001 Member not found.
3002 You have reached the maximum number of members.
3003 That member name is already in use.
3004 You can only edit your own members.
4001 Your request is too big (maximum 2 megabytes)
4002 This endpoint is unavailable to your account or the current token.