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User endpoints

User object

Field Type Description
id string the user's unique ID
id_new snowflake the user's unique snowflake ID
sid string the user's 5 letter short ID
name string the user's username
display_name string? the user's display name or nickname
bio string? the user's description or bio
member_title string? the heading used for the user's member list. If null, defaults to "Members"
avatar string? the user's avatar hash
links string[] the user's profile links
names field_entry[] the user's preferred names
pronouns pronoun_entry[] the user's preferred pronouns
fields field[] the user's term fields
flags flag[] the user's pride flags
members partial member[] the user's non-hidden members
badges int the user's badges, represented as a bitmask field
utc_offset int? the user's current offset from UTC, in seconds
custom_preferences map[uuid]custom_preference the user's custom preferences

Additional fields for the currently authenticated user

Field Type Description
created_at datetime the user's creation date and time
timezone string? the user's timezone in IANA timezone format
is_admin bool whether or not the user is an administrator
list_private bool whether or not the user's member list is private
last_sid_reroll datetime the last time the user rerolled a short ID
discord string? the user's Discord ID
discord_username string? the user's Discord username
tumblr string? the user's Tumblr ID
tumblr_username string? the user's Tumblr username
google string? the user's Google ID
google_username string? the user's Google username
fediverse string? the user's fediverse user ID
fediverse_username string? the user's fediverse username, without instance
fediverse_instance string? the user's fediverse instance

Partial member object

Field Type Description
id string the member's unique ID
id_new snowflake the member's unique snowflake ID
sid string the member's 6-letter short ID
name string the member's name
display_name string? the member's display name or nickname
bio string? the member's description
avatar string? the member's avatar hash
links string[] the member's profile links
names field_entry[] the member's preferred names
pronouns pronoun_entry[] the member's preferred pronouns


Get user

GET /users/{} | GET /users/{}

Gets a user by their ID or username. Returns a user object. If authenticated and the authenticated user is the requested user, also returns the additional user fields.

Get current user

GET /users/@me

Requires authentication. Gets the currently authenticated user, with all additional user fields.

Update current user

PATCH /users/@me

Requires authentication. Updates the currently authenticated user. Returns the updated user object on success.

Request body parameters

Field Type Description
name string the user's new name. Must be between 2 and 40 characters and only consist of ASCII letters, _, ., and -
display_name string the user's new display name. Must be between 1 and 100 characters
bio string the user's new bio. Must be between 1 and 1000 characters
member_title string the user's new member title. Must be between 1 and 150 characters
links string[] the user's new profile links. Maximum 25 links, and links must be between 1 and 256 characters
names field_entry[] the user's new preferred names
pronouns pronoun_entry[] the user's new preferred pronouns
fields field[] the user's new profile fields
flags string[] the user's new flags. This must be an array of pride flag IDs, not snowflake IDs.
avatar string the user's new avatar. This must be a PNG, JPEG, or WebP image, encoded in base64 data URI format
timezone string the user's new timezone. Must be in IANA timezone database format
list_private bool whether or not the user's member list should be hidden
custom_preferences custom preferences the user's new custom preferences

Get pride flags

GET /users/@me/flags

Requires authentication. Returns an array of the currently authenticated user's pride flags.

Create pride flag

POST /users/@me/flags

Requires authentication. Creates a new pride flag. Returns a pride flag object on success.

Request body parameters

Field Type Description
flag string the flag image. This must be a PNG, JPEG, or WebP image, encoded in base64 data URI format. Required
name string the flag name. Must be between 1 and 100 characters. Required
description string the flag description or alt text.

Edit pride flag

PATCH /users/@me/flags/{}

Requires authentication. Edits an existing pride flag. Returns the updated pride flag object on success.

Request body parameters

Field Type Description
name string the flag's new name. Must be between 1 and 100 characters
description string the flag's new description. Must be between 1 and 500 characters

Delete pride flag

DELETE /users/@me/flags/{}

Requires authentication. Deletes an existing pride flag. Returns 204 No Content on success.

Reroll short ID

GET /users/@me/reroll

Requires authentication. Rerolls the user's short ID. Returns the updated user on success. If the user has already rerolled a short ID in the past hour, returns 403 Forbidden.